- It had been a long, tiring day at school for Daniel Willts. It had started out for the most part just okay, no sweat. Then, came the rain burning_eyes Feeling tired and irratated he decides to run some hot bath water. Leaving the water to run, he turns on the T.V. and starts to make himself a sandwhich. As he eyes the fridge for the desired ingridents (pickles,salami,mustard,tomato,etc.) he notices something on the table. Thinking it to be a simple note from his mom, he walks over to it picks it up. His hands begin to shake with fear. The curious note was taped and crumpled. But instead of his school day mapped out. it was all the things he had done since he had gotten home. Stepping back he glares at the note. Looking outside his windows and opening the doors and screaming, "this isn't funny, you can come out now!" No anwser...deciding it to be all from just a rough day he puts the note away into a desk in his room. Dan watches part of a game show while eating his sandwhich and drinking a pop. He tries to ignore his thoughts of the strange note. And thinks to himself "why are you letting the stress get to you, it's all okay...just some extra stress from the first day no big deal." Finishing his dinner he hops in the bathtub. While reheating the oasis of calm he drifts back and allows his body to submerge itself under the water, with just the areas of his eyes, mouth, and nose shwoing. Stopping the water he relaxes back into the water, becoming one with the peace and tranquilty. Daniel closes his eyes and floats away into a far away place with no problems. No dead beat dads, no father stealing woman, no bullies, no homework, just going with the flow and eb of life. Then, Daniel shoots his eyes open, still enamored with his dream not yet realizing what was happening. The tub began to quake and the lights dimmed: the whole house shook. Terrified to tried to get out of the tub, but he couldn't. Water sloshing about with towels and shampoo falling off the shelves. He put his arms over his body to sheild himself. Everything was going and moving and it all become a blur of color and sound. SILENCE It all stopped, a feeling of relief went throughout his body as he stood up. He began to take a step out and then a force made him fall so hard onto the tub that he felt numb all over. Now sitting back into the calm water the panic takes over again. He sits, and sits, and sits. Unable to move from his position. After a few hours he yells and yells for help or any type of rescue. Knowing full well that it would ruin his reputation at school he continued to yell. Being saved from this prison would be better then any ridicule he could ever face. In a flash of milli-seconds the tub floor collapsed and Daniel was vaccumed into a series of waterway tunnels. Bouncing from wall to wall, not earning a single scratch along the way. The caverns were rubbery and eventually Daniel blacked out along the way and ends up... rolleyes ...It was his first day to his new school, Fallboro High, and he wanted to look nice. Not always being the most socially adept he muttled through his fathers closet earlier that morning and found a tie and dress shoes. This behavior for such a social person seems rather odd until you do some background into Daniel's life. The facts were these, Daniel had been raised by his mother and grandparents most of his life. His father left to pursue his business carrer. He instead pursued a young woman named Daphne Hill. This left Dan's mother heartbroken and full of rage. After a few drinks and a night out with the girls she brushed it off as if it were nothing. Daniel and his grandparents were glad to see his father leave because Mr. Willts was already having an affair with a woman named Jessica Jenkins. A secretary at Dan's old school that used to be a close friend of the family. All of these memories came flooding back to him as he slammed the door open sopping wet. Throwing down his school bag onto the kitchen floor he notices the bag compulsively vomitting out his supplies. Two pencils, an eraser, two math books, one french book, one spainish book, a highlighter, a note Jenny from 3rd bell had given him, and something odd. A crumpled up piece of paper layed next to the lilac perfumed note with hearts and pink writing. Wipping from what could have been tears or rain drops from his face, he picks up the note. Places it flat on the table gazes upon it with eyes that could have popped right out their sockets. A timeline of events. Events from his 1st day of school. Thinking it to be a sick prank he rips it up and throws it into the trash.

- Title: Title SuggestionsPlz*Prologue
- Artist: ItJustTyo
It follows the story of a young boy named Daniel Willts, a Junior in high school. He spends his life growing up in a disfunctional family. Everything seems to be going wrong on his first day to Fallboro High. Until something amazing happens, and unravels a series of interesting life altering experences.
Thanks & Enjoy! - Date: 01/12/2009
- Tags: title suggestionsplzprologue
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