The sky rumbled ominously to the west as the moon hid behind cloud cover. The lights extinguished, and all fell still, save for the occasional bat fluttering on the wind.
Celes, the city of steam, was a sight. The towering spires and ziggurats pierced the sky, every strong gust of wind threatening to take on of them down.
This was where the University of Sanctamony stood vigil across the great expanse. Wind-catching, weather prediction, cloud studies: Every possible study of the air could be found in the university's far-stretching halls. This was the territory for the visionaries, the professors and academics who ran the City of Steam. Granted, their lofty perch made it hard to keep order anywhere but the Academic's city, Erinis.
Further down was the Undertown, which took up an area greater than the rest of the city combined.
Slums and flea markets peppered the landscape, but the smell of raw sewage robbed the Deeptown of any charm possible. The black market thrived like a weed here, every corner hiding an illegal aviary or weapons storage.
It was a maze of alleyways, each one twisting and turning into a different area of the Undertown. The unlucky few who ventured into these paths without a native to the Undertown itself were surely doomed to an eternity spent wandering.
Beyond the city of steam lies the Dusk Woods, which seem to stretch on for an eternity. Home to a menagerie of dangerous and deadly predators, it is never advisable to enter. Above here is the domain of Skyships, which venture beyond the trees to the Glacial wastes beyond, collecting precious stones and rare metals.
Skyships are wonderful contraptions, each on a reflection of the captain. Some are great, looming airships and others galleons, but all are run by one thing: The lighter than air Flight Ice. Contrary to the name, flight ice is actually a type of rock, named for it's translucent appearance and presence in the icy wastes.
This world has thousands upon thousands of stories, too many to tell even if one had eternity.
And this happens to be one of them.
is something i wrote out of...
Part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
story about a boy with a pe...
This is one of my first wri...
HORROR: A serial killer sta...
story about a man and his d...
What better way to spend Ha...