“Hey Shay!” My friends called randomly, each voice getting lost in another’s, as I boarded to the grass edge and dropped my bag. I was flying high and couldn’t wait to talk to Slate. My crush for years now asked me out of all the girls in our school to be his chick! I couldn’t believe it or wait to see Slate’s reaction. He always doubted that this would happen but now he owes me twenty bucks.
“Yo, where’s Slate?”
“Right here.” A few people scooted out of the way as Slate walked up to me, Mr.Cool. He gave me a brotherly noogie and received a slap, tradition to him. I wonder when he’ll learn.
“Guess who Jeremy’s new chick is!”
“I don’t know. I heard it was Grey.” He said with another of his irritating stone faces, still trying to be Mr.Cool.
“It’s not Grey stupid! Why would I be grinning ear to ear if it was?” He looked at me all confused and I sighed heavily. “I thought you were smarter than this.”
“Who then?” He said raising his eyebrow at me. He didn’t like games much.
“You’re looking at her!” I said starting to twirl around him in joy. “Can you believe it? Oh and that’s twenty bucks.”
“Shay you’re crazy.” Slate laughed aloud at me as I twirled in circles around him.
“What? How so? Jeremy chose me, I have a right to be happy.”
“Yeah, as happy as a cat lying dead in the middle of a busy freeway.” He scoffed.
“Slate why are you so icy?! You’re killing my happy buzz.”
“I’m killing your buzz? Why are you so happy?! He’s an airheaded skater and a jerk! Remember what he did to Emily?”
“Those were all rumors!” I protested, pouting at his pessimistic attitude.
“You don’t know that! Ask Emily and what’s left of her heart! He tore it out and burned it! He knew she liked him, practically worshiped him, and he still kissed her sister!”
“What’s wrong with you?! Just because your precious Stella broke your heart we all have to pay!” I thrust my finger into his chest; venom on my tongue as each word escaped my lips intended to slice him like fresh razor blades. “Screw it; I’m going to be happy with or without you! Make your choice!” I turned on my heel and ran away from the jealous buzz killer, only slowing to pick up my board and bag.
I heard a few of our friends start to gossip as I ran up the hill headed to my new boyfriends house. I can’t believe Slate is so insensitive. I thought my “best friend” would be happy for me but apparently not. I should’ve guessed that he’d still be depressed about the horny chick, Stella. The stupid blonde punk broke his heart on his birthday. Who does that?
I finally made it to Jeremy’s white picket fenced home, completely out of breath. I brushed my hair with my hands and straitened out my cloths. I creeping up the white patio steps to the big smoked glass and wood door I rang the doorbell. I heard rushed footsteps and the door opened to a big white house. Plain but stylish and expensive, leather furniture and fine art everywhere. A woman that appeared to be in her late thirties, early forties, with long blonde hair pulled back and bright blue eyes. I assumed this was Jeremy’s mom, all dressed in fancy work cloths and manicured nails. She had beautiful eyes though, just like Jeremy’s. Her smile faded when she looked me up and down like she’d been expecting Miley Cyrus or something similar not gothasuarus. “Hi.” I smiled politely anyway. “I’m here to see Jeremy.”
“I know. Jeremy!” She called, when my prince got to the door she strutted away to go yell in her pillow or cry her eyes out that her son chose the EMO chick.
“Hey Shay, want to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks.” My heart was a claustrophobic bird in a tiny cage.
“Sorry about my mom. I don’t think she approves of you but that doesn’t matter. At least I don’t think it does. I’m really glad you came.” He said flashing one of his brilliant smiles. I almost tripped on his steps as he led me to his room.
“It’s okay. You’re really rich I assume.” I said as he opened the door to a surprisingly normal sized blue room. His room.
Oh my gosh I was so happy I couldn’t sit still as I awaited the arrival of my prince outside the school gates. Everyone had no idea why one of the EMO chicks wasn’t hanging out in the corner cutting herself. When the prince’s black Lincoln chariot pulled up tons of girls flocked to the curb trying to catch him. I almost felt sorry for them, almost. I watched as Jeremy got out of the car smiling and waving at his fan club. His brown rock-star like bangs fell in his face and the girls all stared and giggled as he tossed his head to move them. I waved patiently and all the girls finally noticed I was there, they started to giggle and mumble things like She actually thinks he might even consider her?
“Good morning my black cat princess.” Jeremy said loud enough for the girls to hear. Their faces were hilarious, so full of fury and wonder.
“Hello sir, you’re not exactly a graveyard king but you’ll do.” A sly smile took over his face as he hugged me. He was very intimate, always giving his girls at least one kiss on the cheek a day. I loved it. The girl’s faces had all turned red by now mad that I got to hug him and call him prince or king and be regarded to as princess. I stuck my tongue out at them behind Jeremy’s back as he led me hand in hand to the popular circle. I turned to glance at my normal circle of friends. All of them were staring, a few making the connection between my absence from the ‘EMO corner’ and Jeremy clinging to my arm. My eyes finally met Slate’s, he was glaring and looked away like my eyes shared the same curse as a basilisk’s does.
“What’s wrong?” Jeremy asked me when he noticed at my head was down, he’d been gloating about me this whole time. Like Romeo he falls fast.
“Nothing.” I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder.
“Okay then.” He said kissing my forehead then returning to gloating. I was an excellent liar but he’d catch on eventually. I didn’t understand why Slate was so icy and it was making me mad.
The silence between Slate and I continued for weeks. It sucks that he is so cold and mean about me dating, I totally accepted the stupid Stella because she made him happy. Why couldn’t he do the same for me?
While Slate and my relationship burned fast Jeremy and I were getting closer and closer by the minute. He has a way of knowing exactly what I need and when, he even brought me chocolates every Monday since we started dating just to make me feel loved. He was always sweet and didn’t mind when I stepped outside during his games because sports made me sleepy. Of course I was always right there at the end of his games, combat boots and all, to congratulate him.
“Hey Shay, you ready for your present?” Jeremy said mysteriously, wiggling his fingers like a five year old pulling a stuffed bunny (that had been there the whole time because the ear flopped out) from a hat.
“Yeah, hurry up already! The kitty is curious!” I said tapping my foot on his carpet floor waiting.
“Okay okay, he said as he ducked into his closet. “Close your eyes!” he called glancing back to make sure my eyes were closed. I heard shuffling, thumping on metal, and a clatter. “Open your eyes!”
“OMG! I love her!” I cried as I kneeled next to a cage, about the size of four standard shoeboxes, with a small black bunny in it. Jeremy smiled and knelt beside me.
“Name her.” He said kissing my cheek for the thousandth time today.
“Um, okay! I’ll call you Black Widow, or Blackie for short!” I said sticking my finger in her cage. I laughed as she licked my finger. “Aw, she’s so cute! Thank you!” I threw my arms around Jeremy’s neck and kissed him long and hard. “This is the greatest gift ever!”
“Your welcome.” He chuckled, hugging me again. A vibration by my leg and a sudden burst of the song “This Celluloid Dream” by AFI interrupted the intense kissing session. Grudgingly I answered my cell.
“Hello?” I asked having not recognized the number.
“Hello Ms. Shay. This is White Crosses hospital. Your friend Slate has just been emitted for severe blood loss and head trauma. His mother would like you here quickly.”
“Thank you.” I said hanging up the phone and staring in disbelief at my prince. “Slate’s been hospitalized.” I muttered standing. Jeremy looked at me worried as he helped me steady myself. “I really have to see him, please watch Blackie.” I mumbled as I hugged him. He waved goodbye to me as I got on the bus.
When I got to the hospital Slate’s mom Debbie was waiting for me. Debbie was normally very pretty. Tonight she wasn’t, her sleek black hair hanging in a knotted ponytail down her back her green eye’s blood shot and puffy from crying. She offered me a week smile as I stared blankly at everything.
“Hello Shay, nice to see you. It’s a shame that it is caused by such terrible news. The doctors say he’ll be out shortly, just a bit of bruising and some cuts.” She said, brave as ever, leading me to Slate’s room.
“What did he do?” I asked quietly while we waited outside his room for the doctor to come out.
“He’s been cutting himself again. That just didn’t do it today though, no matter what I did he just wouldn’t stop cutting then he started crying and tried to throw himself down the stairs. He passed out shortly after I got a hold of his attention, I didn’t have time to catch him so he hit the floor pretty hard.” I put a hand to my mouth. The doctor came out almost as soon as my hand reached my lips.
“You can go in now Ms.Shay.” He said smiling encouragingly at Debbie. The caged claustrophobic bird was back.
“Hey Slate.” I said smiling meekly as I slipped through the green metal door into the green pastel room that had become my best friend’s prison.
“Hi Shay.” Slate said, his voice strained, “Odd how my hospitalization makes us forget our strife.”
“Yeah.” I looked at my feet. “I’m sorry. Jeremy and I are going great.” A smile inched its way onto my face, totally involuntary. I saw Slate cringe.
“That’s good. Happy birthday.” He attempted a smile.
“Listen Shay I have to say something. I wish I had said it sooner.”
“Well Shay, I like you. I like you a lot. No it’s not just like it’s I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years Shay. Jeremy isn’t right for you. He doesn’t know you. I know you. Neither of us are worthy, that’s why I beg you leave him. Love me. Please. You’re my midnight moon, the stars in my sky Shay. I love you.” His voice was pleading, his green eyes full of pain. I couldn’t believe it.
“I-I-I. Bye.” I said suddenly mad. I love you Shay? Where the hell did he get that crap? I’m Jeremy’s black cat princess and he’s my graveyard prince period, end of story. I ran out of the hospital as fast as I could, why does life play these mind games with me?
No, that’s to bad Slate. I am going back to my prince and you can go kill yourself. I don’t care. How could you do that? How? I’m over it, I’m moving on without you. I rode the bus back to Jeremy’s house. It was the longest bus ride I’d ever been on. That night I stayed at Jeremy’s.
I hate it when I realize Slate was right. Jeremy is meant to make some rich wannabe happy not a gothic graveyard crazed girl. It still hurts like hell when you have to break someone’s heart though. The populars’ are staring at me; everyone is as I make my way back to my little corner. Jeremy isn’t standing next to me and it feels weird. He’s not with his friends either. I’m all alone and so is he. At least we’ll get past it.
Classes drag by when you’re sad about one thing but anticipating another. I wish the clock would move faster so I could tell Slate the great news. I would be his for the taking if I could only get my grasp around my tainted heart.
The bell finally rings signaling the ending of my torture. As I reach the bus stop and turn on my phone I see two messages. One from my mother and another from Debbie, I listen to Debbie’s first.
“Hello Shay, you must be in school. I called to tell you that Slate will be back at school tomorrow. He’s still sulking but he’s alive and totally okay. Bye.”
I jumped up and down with joy causing a lot of stares. I pull my hood up to hide my face as I giggle. Tonight was going to be a good night.
The bus finally pulls up and I find a seat in the back. I text my other friends all the way home, something I haven’t done in a while because I’ve been with Jeremy. When I get home my mom isn’t there yet and my dad is on a business trip in L.A. so I am free to drink Emily the Strange Energy drinks and eat all the cookies I want to while neglecting my homework. Two drinks and a bag of Oreos later I get on my computer for some role-playing with some random people. My mom finally gets home at seven and cooks a great vegetarian dinner, meatless spaghetti.
When I finished eating I went back upstairs. My phone burst into “The Joke” by Lifehouse and I answered quickly expecting Slate but it’s Debbie again.
“Hi Debbie!”
“Shay are you sitting down?” Debbie asked sniffling at various intervals. I sat on my bed just as she asked.
“Yes, why?” I said getting worried.
“I have horrible news. Shay, Slate h-h-he killed himself.” Debbie stuttered these words and burst into tears. I dropped my phone with a loud thud and started to mumble, my words growing louder and louder to screams.
“No, no, no it’s mistake! He didn’t kill himself! He’s Alive! Slate is fine! It’s all my fault! Why?” My mom grabbed my phone and started talking to Debbie as she held me close and quieted me.
“Shay darling.” She hung up my phone. “I have to go get the letter he left for you. It’ll be okay. Just wait here.” She said choking back tears herself. After she left I hurled the phone at the wall and watched it shatter.
I didn’t go back to school for several days, two weeks to be exact. The word spread fast through the school. Everybody knew Slate’s story within days according to my friend Gene who also took Slate’s suicide hard. The doorbell went off so I got up from the couch and answered the door. There was my ex-prince with roses and chocolates.
“I’m sorry about what happened and I want you to know it’s not your fault. You’re beautiful outside and inside and what happened was out of your control.” Jeremy said before I even had a chance to fully open the door. He was the same prince I remembered and without thinking I threw my arms around him and cried. He hugged me back as always and carried me back to the couch sitting with me as I cried. “It’s all right princess I’ll be here.” He said after I ran out of tears.
“I’m sor…” He put his lips to mine before I could finish the sentence. I was so thankful for his undying love now and I knew that this was it, I’d had enough with dating and I possessed my lover’s heart as he had mine.
I sat up in my bed, my faithful husband, Jeremy, sleeping next to me. It was a cold morning like the gods planned it to match my mood. The London skies were suffocating in the grey clouds and morning fog. Seven years ago my best friend died of a broken heart. He was only fifteen, so young to die. What’s worse is it was my fault that he used his own hands to help his heart take away what life he had left. Today would be a horrible day, as it had been every October 5th since I lost my Slate.
- by xLittleSharpiex |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/23/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Love Kills
- Artist: xLittleSharpiex
This is a short version of the story. I haven't finished the final yet.
For information on the characters please PM me. The chapters are color coated.
- Date: 12/23/2008
- Tags: love kills teenagers suicide highschool
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Demetrios007 - 07/28/2009
- lol. movie. nt book.
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- XxInnocent-FearxX - 04/22/2009
5 stars
Cried loved it and A w E s O m E - Report As Spam
- coca-candy - 03/24/2009
AHHH! sad story!...and emo LOL
5/5 EPIC, hey hey go rate my stories smile - Report As Spam
- Xx asiandoll xX - 01/04/2009
- sad story... 5/5! yay!
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- STARZZ347 - 01/02/2009
- omg!!!! this story is sooooooo good i feel so sad in the end but it rocks!!!!!you gotta write another or write a real book like that i wish i had the money to help you publish this book,many many many many peopl would fall in luv with this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- M y s t e r y - F a t e - 12/30/2008
- its a sad story but very good
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