| Submitted on 12/22/2008 |
(Hi there, My letter is I little bit confusing so you might have to reason it out a bit. Who doesn‘t like a good puzzle? This series of communications are found on a small machine lying dust covered upon the ground. It looks like a phone, but …different. You press a button on the side and the front illuminates. It slides up, revealing a key board. An arrow appears across the screen, a slight buzzing hums within the little device. The arrow turns in a circle, then words start appearing on the screen. Small cracks mark the screen. On the side of the device is a little control stick. You press down and it begins to scroll. It appears to be a series of communications sent to the same person. What could this possibly be?)
Encryption error….. Please re-enter Data Encryption code.
{Processing}…[Data Entry 302, Date September 11, 4:54 ..Transmission fragmented…]
…[File retrieved]
…..I wish that you would just come out and say what you’ve been thinking about this war. I know we’re 6 months journey apart from each other, but you need to visit your family sometime. The country has been kind of shaky for the past couple of months. Some people have decided to leave, others still staying. We’re not really sure where the government is pulling its strings, or what else has been going on behind the scenes. It’s confusing. Please write back ASAP. I really [Transmission fragmented]…[End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 303, Date September 13, 15:03]
Dear [Transmission fragmented]…
…know this to be true. This country has been slowly capsizing for years. Though all haven’t chosen to see it, no, most are completely blind to it. The more intelligent people have known, certainly for the past 3 years since the war started... [Transmission fragmented]…You should know that I won’t be able to leave for Mars anytime soon. The space shuttles have been postponed because of the war. I miss you very much and hope to see you soon. How has the weather been? [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Encryption Error]…[Data Entry UNDEFINED, Date September 30, 5:42]
There are intruders within the government, I haven’t been told much information, but we were taken to a shelter somewhere underground. I’m scared but I haven’t lost hope. I’m sending you this from the government computer down here. They’re very short-handed. I hope that I’m not scaring you. We’re really okay, but I think that a lot of what’s going on will re-surface soon. I can’t talk much longer. I love you very much, and please pray for us. I know God will save us. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 306, Date October 1, 12:35]
Dear Marcus,
I explained to the Marshal down here about you. I told them your rank and how I was keeping you updated. He let me tap into their power supply, so I’ll be sending letters from my unit device. I just said your name, and he knew exactly who you were. I never thought that you would be as successful in the military as you are. Even uneducated Marshals know of you. Hopefully, my messages won’t be as fragmented as you say and yours will be better too. (hopefully)
I’ve become friendly with some of the soldiers down here. They seem to know as little as I do. It’s strange, and terrifying at the same time. Thousands of us, all hiding down underground, from who knows what. It’s completely horrible. Have you gotten any news from earth recently? Something big is happening. While we are all supposed to be sleeping, I sneak off from the bunkers and walk about the storage facility. Every night at 2 in the morning, there is a meeting in one of the restricted rooms. All the high rank officials from the area seem to arrive. Yesterday I almost got caught, but there are so many hiding places within the facility I was fine. I can’t hear what’s going on in there, but it mustn’t be good. When the secret meeting is over the men look exhausted, and utterly depressed. What do you make of it?
The facility is amazing, it’s probably the size of New York city. One of the soldiers said that it was secretly built around WWII as a bomb shelter. Since then, it was remodeled and enlarged for more people. There are so many rooms and hallways, it’s an underground labyrinth. We have good sleeping arrangements, and the food isn’t too bad. Each meal is the same, so many people have gotten upset over it. It seems to me that they’re just scared and are looking to lash out. Oh well.
A woman went crazy yesterday. She was screaming at the military personnel for answers. They just took her away get taken away. Her daughters went looking for her, and they haven’t come back either. I don’t know how a faithless person would be able to manage. I have no worries for the future, Jesus will keep me in the palm of His hand. Continue to pray for our safety, and that God’s will be done. Mom lent our neighbor her Bible two days ago, wasn’t he an atheist?
Anyways, I’m not quite sure when I’ll be able to contact you again. Things are getting more aggravated down here. I hope Selene and the baby are well. Send my love. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 307, October 3, 13:58]
Dear Marcus,
Happy St. Francis Feast Day! I hope you aren’t to worried about us. Mom got sick yesterday after I sent you the contact. She was very pale and had a fever. Some of the soldiers came and escorted her away, they said that she was going to the medical area. I didn’t believe them. For a while I was very upset about it, Mr. Frank came over to me and asked for Mom so he could return the Bible. His face was glowing for some reason. I told him what had happened and he consoled me. He told me not to worry, and that God would watch over her. I think he’s been converted. He told me how much Mom has done for him. I didn’t quite understand, but it was touching. I wish Mom could’ve heard. I know that she’s been praying for Mr. Smith for a while now. Ever since his daughter died on a shuttle.
The meetings are quite strange, I agree. You have a good point. I’m surprised that no news has made it out to the colonies. Do you think it’s a conspiracy of some sort? We still haven’t gotten any more information. I’ll keep you posted though.
I hope all is well, and send my love to Selene and the baby. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 308, October 4, 20:32]
Dear Marcus,
That’s great news! Selene must’ve been ecstatic, Julia’s first word. She’s been waiting to patiently for Julia to talk. She’s a wonderful mother and wife. I hope you’ve been keeping up your end of the deal! Ha-ha, Mom returned today. She was pale but okay. She’s been sleeping since she returned, the soldiers said that she had radiation poisoning. She was treated and they think she’ll be fine. Praise God!
Mr. Frank and I have become fast friends. I’ve been teaching him different things about the Church, he’s a brilliant man. In exchange, he’s been teaching me history. Did you know what happened on September 11, 2001? It’s such a tragedy. He explained to me the history of America since the foundation. I couldn’t believe it! Ever since 2040, history has been taken out of public education. Mr. Frank says that it was because people didn’t want their tax dollars going towards history classes that wouldn’t help anyone. It’s so fascinating. It’s kind of like how they don’t teach math in school anymore because computers are so far advanced, that it’s become obsolete to learn it. Mom insisted on me learning it. I really enjoyed that too.
He told me that America was founded by the Europeans, and that they started it because English rule was oppressive. Imagine that, England ruling over America. Don’t they use it as a waste facility now?
I’ll tell you more in my next letter. Mom’s waking up. My love to Selene and Julia. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 309, October 5, 14:12]
Dear Marcus,
So you actually had to study that during your military training? Weird. You would think that it would be known by more people. Anyways, Mr. Frank told me about the Revolutionary war, World War I, and the depression. I never realized that the people of our country were once so noble. It’s really sad to hear, but so fascinating. Mr. Frank is going to be Baptized on Sunday. I’ve only seen one priest down here so far. His name is Father Thomas, and he‘s a Dominican priest. He’s from Detroit. He was visiting his brother who lives in our town when they had to evacuate so he’s been separated from his order. He was happy to hear that people still had hope with what was going on up above. He is a very holy priest, I’m glad to have met him.
Mom is much better today. She’s a bit mixed up, kind of like how Grammy was before she died. They said that the medicine would do that for a little while, until it got out of her system. Her face is more colorful, and she’s eating better. I think she’ll be fine.
There’s still no news on what’s going on outside. I pray we’ll find out soon. My love to Selene and the baby. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 310, October 6, 19:38]
Dear Marcus,
I bet you’re feeling the same way I am today. It’s Dad’s birthday. I always wish I had known him like you did. He never paid that much attention to me. Anyways, Mom is getting better. Mr. Frank actually got talking with her. They’ve gotten really friendly. I’m happy for both of them, being single parents is hard. Especially for Mr. Frank being alone.
Yesterday, he taught me a bit about how America began to slip into decline. Starting with people falling away from moral codes and religions. People are still like that here. Nobody cares about anything as long as they end up feeling good after. It’s so sad, to see them living a sham of what life really is. I would think people are different where you are. Am I correct?
In America, with the wealth we’ve gotten, it’s decayed us. Mr. Frank’s here now. I’ll talk more about it later. Send my love to Selene and Julia. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 311, October 7, 7:14]
Dear Marcus,
Yes, I knew that. I always noticed how much you liked his daughter when we were children, was her name Daniel or am I making that up? You two were very close. Mr. Frank liked you very much. He actually asked about you the other day. I told him all about you, and he was glad to hear about Selene. I guess he knows her. He said space travel was scary, and asked how you dealt with it. I told him that you were just a very brave man, that you weren’t scared of anything.
At noon Mr. Frank is being baptized, and I think he’s receiving Holy Communion as well. He’s being spiritually lead by Father Thomas for the past couple of days. Mr. Frank’s grandparents were Catholic, so he knows very much about the church. Mr. Frank has been keeping Mom and I company.
Anyways, I know how political you are sometimes. I think that Mr. Frank was very right in saying that. Our wealth was a big cause of our downfall within the world. Like a mound of dough rising in the heat, then the inside curdled and it collapses inward on itself. That’s what’s going on. Mr. frank calls is the second fall of Rome. I don’t know if I would be as bold as to say that, but it seems fitting.
The people down here are getting a bit restless, I actually don’t mind it very much. The other day I found a room full of books, I’ve kept it a secret. Things tend to go missing down here, if you know what I mean. Who ever collected these books was a very learned person. Everything’s here, from the Confessions to the Odyssey. I’ve learned to much from the different books. Isn’t reading a wonder gift?
It gives us access to moments passed as it we are in them ourselves. I did let Mr. Frank in on the library, he was completely thrilled. He’s the sort of man who is always reading, listening, or talking. That’s his life.
I have to go get ready now, Mom has woken up. (She‘s pretty much back to normal except some occasional dizziness ) I’m glad to hear that Julia has another baby to be friends with, Selene must be making quick friends with the mother.
Thanks for all your consolation so far, it must be hard for you to hear what’s going on down here.
Don’t forget how much we love you, and God will take care of us, every one of us. [End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Interrupted Broadcast]
(Static appears on the screen of the little device. What happened?) A well dressed woman appears on the screen, her clothes look dated compared to yours. She begins to speak.
“ It has been my duty to report to you that the president of the United States has been assassinated. The rest of the delegates and security personnel were killed as well.” Her voice repeats the words monotone, she appears drained of color, her eyes dull. “The President was at a meeting within the white house, when the attack happened. Nerve toxin was released into the building, and also in different buildings across the country.” The screen showed different influential building of the past, releasing smoke through the windows. Silently, as no people are seen entering or leaving the buildings. The woman’s voice started again “All people are advised to stay in their homes and to not panic. The attacks appear to be over, and the work of terrorists. We are going to work around the clock to get you all the” [End Transmission]…. The screen goes blank.
It quickly begins to hum again, loading.
{Processing}…[Data Entry 304, September 15, 6:58]
[Transmission fragmented]…It’s been horrible, No one knows what’s going on. Pleas.. [Transmission fragmented] This may be the last thing I ever let you know. I love you very much, Mom says the same. If we should die, please pray for us. I want you ..[Transmission fragmented]…[End Transmission]
{Processing}…[Data Entry 305, Date September 29, 2:45]
Dear [Transmission Severely Fragmented]
…..dire situation. I hope that things on Mars haven’t been severely ruptured like they are on earth. When I heard the news, I was with Mom, she was sobbing hysterically. At first, I was completely shocked, then I was horrified. I started to think that this was the end. I don’t know what to think. I can only pr…[Transmission Fragmented]..re to listen. Please don’t worry about us. I’m sure that God has a plan for us, we’ll be okay. [Transmission Fragmented]…was the quickest I was able to get to a computer. The power has been on an off for the past week. Even the personal unit devices have been blanking out. It’s bizarre. I think something really awful is going to happ…… Pray for u....I’l try and ge u soon. [End Transmission]
{REBOOT}…[Upload reboot programming]
It hums the screen goes black, then back to the arrow circling itself.. A battery symbol shows up on the screen flashing.
{Processing}…[Data Entry 312, Date October 8, 8:45]
Dear Marcus,
Mr. Frank is now a member of the Catholic Church! I’ve never seen anyone so excited about something. He hugs everyone he meets. It’s completely wonderful. He won’t talk about anything other than the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
How Glorious is the Lord? Reaching us even within this bunker deep in the ground. I began to think why God would allow for this to happen to the world. America’s death, is this His will? Must it perish like the Phoenix. Death within flames to be reborn anew. What do you think about these things?
Have you gotten any more news about us? The soldiers and other military men appear to be getting ready for something down here.
Also those secret meetings I told you about are still going on. The commandants seem more puzzled and more upset than usual. What is to come of us? Give my love to Selene and Julia. [End Transmission]
(The battery symbol flashes on the white screen. It turns red and the screen goes black. You look around there‘s no way to get power to it. You continue to walk across the young grass. The sky is a light blue. The clouds drift past lazily. Behind you is a transport vehicle, in front of you is the empty horizon.)
End of Us
This is a thing I had to write for my history class a while back, I just found it and well I though somebody on here might like it. I go to Catholic school, so it's CATHOLIC. If you're an Atheist, there's not much I can do.
Well anyways If you do end up reading this WHOLE ENTIRE WALL of TEXT. thanks, I really appreciate it.
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