‘Where am I?’ I thought as I was starting to wake up, as I fully awake and realize someone was sitting about ten feet from me, staring at me.
“Where am I?”-Sakura
“Orochimaru’s hide out,”-mystery person
“Why am I here?”-Sakura
”You have something that he wants, we knew you wouldn’t come quietly so we jumped you when you went outside the village to collect some herbs,”-mystery person
Then it all came back to me
I was gathering a herb that can only grow outside the village when I looked up and saw Kabuto. I started to run away in the opposite direction of him and the village. Then I heard him behind me but with one more ninja so I looked back and saw someone that I didn’t want to see, Orochimaru. I ran as fast as I could but I wasn’t fast enough to out run them so I headed to the nearest town but that was at least a three-mile run. I ran and ran but I gradually got slower. I could hear Orochimaru chuckle his annoying “ku, ku, ku.” I was so irritated but I couldn’t just give up could I? No, I can’t, I have to keep going no matter what I can’t let them get me. I keep on going but I wasn’t fast enough after a while they caught up then I saw someone In front of me but I couldn’t see his/her face before I felt a pain in my neck as Kabuto snuck up behind me and knocked me out.
-End Flashback-
“Ku, ku, ku, I see you’ve awoken,” –Orochimaru
“Is someone a little mad?”-Orochimaru
“Curl up and die,”-Sakura
“A little moody are we? Well I know a trick or two to get rid of that,”-Orochimaru
“Ku, ku, ku,”-Orochimaru
“I don’t think she likes you,”-mystery person
“Well no wonder, I did take you away from her,”-Orochimaru
“this is true,”-Sasuke
“Ah she finally recognized you,”-Orochimaru
“No wonder she didn’t until now since my voice is so different,”-Sasuke
“And your over in the shadows so she can’t see your face,”-Orochimaru
“That’s true,”-Sasuke
“You Teme,”-Sakura
“She speaks, and not very nicely seeing how it’s your first encounter since that night you left, eh, Sasuke,”-Orochimaru
“I wasn’t talking to Sasuke, I was talking to you, Teme,”-Sakura
“Well, well, well, I guess she needs a little time alone, I think, let’s go Sasuke,”-Orochimaru
“No, I think I’ll stay and keep watch on her for a while,”-Sasuke said as he looked back towards me
“O.K, you stay and keep watch over her,”-Orochimaru
“O.K. then, I’m off, don’t go hurting her I need her alive and healthy,”-Orochimaru
“I know, I know,”-Sasuke
Then Orochimaru left and I’m left alone with Sasuke. He stands up and comes to the cage so I could see his face.
“Man you’ve changed, Sakura,”-Sasuke
“So have you, Sasuke,”-Sakura
“How’s Naruto?”-Sasuke
“Good, there hasn’t been any signs of Akatsuki anywhere, so he should be safe for a while longer but Gaara didn’t have the same luck as Naruto,”-Sakura
“Why what happened?”-Sasuke
“He was captured by Akatsuki and Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, and I went to help get him back, but we were too late. The Shikaku was already taken from his body so he was dead. Then one of the Akatsuki member’s grandmother did a jutsu that she developed and she revived him, but at the cost of her own life,”-Sakura
“Wow, so how is Gaara? I haven’t seen him since our fight in the chunin exams.”-Sasuke
“He’s the Kazekage of the sand now,”-Sakura
“I bet Naruto is really jealous,”-Sasuke
“Actually he’s the exact opposite,”-Sakura
“What do you mean?”-Sasuke
“He’s really happy that Gaara is being acknowledged by the sand village,”-Sakura
“Between you and me, I'm going to kill Orochimaru before he has a chance to take over my body, because I’ve already learned all that he can teach me so I can definitely beet him,”-Sasuke
“What!?”-Sakura yelled in surprise
“Don’t be so loud I’m working on a plan that will include your help, I need you Sakura, to kill Orochimaru and my brother. I heard he was headed towards the leaf, so Naruto needs to be warned, but I don’t know how we’ll warn him in time. My brother is really strong, if Naruto is still the weak little shrimp that I remember him as, he’s dead,”-Sasuke
“Man I guess not everyone changes,”-Sakura
“What do you mean?”-Sasuke
“I mean that Naruto and I have both changed, but your still the revenge hungry guy I remember you as,”-Sakura
"That’s harsh, Sakura, and what do you mean by you've changed?"-Sasuke
"I've been training under Tsunade-sama, in both to become a medical ninja and in chakra control, so I can do a lot of things, both to fight, and to heal, I had to, to fight Sasori of the red sand on our mission to save Gaara. When Naruto got hurt on our mission to the Heaven and Earth Bridge after he went all Kyuubi and I was the only one that could heal him then. So yeah that’s what I mean by stronger,"-Sakura
"Sasuke, it’s time to train,"-Orochimaru
"O.K, I'll be right there,"-Sasuke
"I need to go or he'll yell at me but I'll be back,"-Sasuke
Then he left me there in the darkness of the cell but I wasn't alone for long.
"Well, well, well, looks like your awake,"-Kabuto
"Not very talkative are we,"-Kabuto
"Go jump off of a cliff,"-Sakura
"Not very nice are we? I guess you have a reason to be mad at me since I was the one who knocked you out,"-Kabuto said walking over to the cell I was in.
"Well I guess I'll leave you to your thoughts,"-Kabuto
"Man you really need to talk more,"-Kabuto
"I thought you were leaving,"-Sakura
"Finally you say something! No, I don't think I will leave,"-Kabuto
"Fine, don't expect me to talk to you,"-Sakura
"Fine I'll leave,"-Kabuto
"You want me to leave, don't you?"-Kabuto
"I'm staying,"-Kabuto
"Damn you,"-Sakura
"I'm bored; you want to play a game?"-Kabuto
"No, I don't, I want to be out of here,"-Sakura
"Sorry. I can’t let you out of here because Orochimaru has something in store for you,"-Kabuto
"What does he want from me?"-Sakura
"Sorry I can’t tell you,"-Kabuto
"And why not, it’s my life were talking about, so I should know,"-Sakura
"I know you want to know but i don't even know I don't think Sasuke even knows"-Kabuto
"That's right, I don't even know what he has planed for her"-Sasuke
"oh, Sasuke, your already done training I see"Kabuto
"leave us, I need to speak with her alone"-Sasuke
"fine, fine, have a good chat with your old friend"-Kabuto
After Kabuto leaves Sasuke sits in the chair in front of the cell
"so, you want to know what Orochimaru has in store for you right?"-Sasuke
"yes, I mean its my life I should know what’s going to happen to me"-sakura
he moves in closer to the cell and whispers
"he wants the demon that's sealed inside of you"-sasuke
"what are you talking about!?!"-sakura
"I'm surprised you don't know I guess the fifth never told you about it"-Sasuke
"what’s the name of this demon I so conveniently have sealed inside me that nobody would tell me about?"-sakura asked sarcastically
"its called the light angel"-Sasuke
"oh, its not a tailed beast?"-sakura
"no its the boss of the tailed beasts the most powerful demon that could ever live"-sasuke
"so I could control all of the tailed beasts?"-sakura
"that's what Orochimaru thinks, but I'm not sure"-sasuke
then there was a huge explosion and Sasuke ran out of the room to see what it was, I was left alone in the dark, but not for long.
"here you are, we've bean looking for you, Light Angel"-????
"what do you want"-sakura
"we want the Light Angel to come with us to the Akatsuki hideout"-????
"I'm not going"-sakura
"to bad its not a choice"-????
but before the guy could get any closer to the cell, Sasuke burst through the wall and crashes into me and the person was gone in an instant.
"are you ok?"-sakura
"yeah I'm fine, that teme"-sasuke
"that guy with the orange mask that knocked me in here, he's gone now but he really packs a punch"-Sasuke
"what was he wearing?"-sakura
"why do you want to know?"-Sasuke
"because there was a guy in here before you came and he said that the Akatsuki wanted me to come with them but I said that there was no way I was going to go with those jerks no matter what"-sakura
"well he was warring a black cloak with red clouds"-Sasuke
"that's the Akatsuki alright"-sakura
"man I could have asked him about my brother"-sasuke
"hello, they almost got what they came for"-sakura
"what do you mean?"-sasuke
"didn't you hear me say that there was a guy in here from Akatsuki that was about to open the cell door to take me with him back to their hide out"-sakura
"shoot I'm sorry sakura I forgot about the second one"-sasuke
"its time to switch hide outs. Sasuke, bring Sakura with you, seeing as you're in her cell right now"-kabuto
"ok, I'm going to have to blind fold you and tie you up just so you know"-sasuke
"that's fine"-sakura
"if you promise not to scream i wont gag you"-Sasuke
"I promise"-sakura
"ok, put this on"-sasuke
he handed me a peice of cloth to tie around my eyes.
"i'm just going to tie your hands together so I can put you on my back with you hanging by your hands"-sasuke
"want that chock you?"-sakura
"not if I concentrate some chakra to my neck"-Sasuke
"thats true"-sakura
then he ties my hands in the front of me and walks me out of the hide out to were Orochimaru and kabuto are waiting for us.
"are you ready?"-kabuto
"yeah just a second"-sasuke
he takes my arms and raps them aroud his neck then i feal a jult as we start to head to another one of Orochimaru's hide outs.
"when will we get there?"-sakura
"you don't nead to know that"-kabuto
"its ok kabuto she can know that, we will be there in three days"-Orochimaru
sasuke whispers in my ear "it will really be one there just toying with you"-sasuke
I whisper back "oh, ok thanks"-sakura
"no problem"-sasuke
~Man sasukes being really nice to me i wonder why I mean he never used to talk to me this much before he left and now he's talking to me like nothing ever happened.~ (Sakura’s thoughts)
"um, Sasuke?"- sakura
"yeah sakura?"-sasuke
"why are you talking to me so much? I mean, you never used to talk this much before you left"-sakura
"well after living with a gay pervert and a weird scientist you get lonly"-sasuke
"ok, didn't know Orochimaru was gay"-sakura
"neither did I until it was too late"-sasuke
"what do you mean"-sakura
"he raped me"-sakura
"holly s**t!!!"-sakura
"thanks for the concern"-sasuke
"sorry sasuke it's just that........"-sakura
I couldn't say anything else because sasuke put a finger on my mouth to silence me I looked quizicaly at him but then noticed he was woried.
"whats wrong" I wispered but got no answer
"be quite"-sasuke
"why whats wrong?"-sakura
"I'll tell you when we get to the base in fifteen minates but right now you have to do as I say and be quite"-sasuke
I did what he said but couldn't help but wonder why he was so tense a couple minutes latter I found out.
"hold it right there"-???
n...naruto? how did he find me?calm down sakura don't make yourself seem like your excited that he's here to rescue you.
"well, well, well, it's the nine tailed brat, its been a while"-Orochimaru
"shut the hell up and give sakura back"-Naruto
"that’s impossible we need her for whats sealed inside her"-Kabuto
"Naruto!!!don't just rush ahead like that!!"-Kakashi sensei
he stoped dead in his tracks when he saw me, sasuke, kabuto, and orochimaro standing there well I wasn't exactly standing but you get the point.
"sai we found them"-Kakashi
"tell the others"-kakashi
wait others? how many shinobi came to save me? i thought as i watched kakashi and naruto from sasukes back.
"kakashi the others are under attack"-sai
"by who"-kakashi
"i don't know i couldn't see there faces but they have black cloacs with red clouds on them and one of them has blue skin and he holds a gient sword"-sai
"and better yet Itachi is there also because his partner is the blue skined guy"-kakashi
I could feal sasuke tens up as he heard that his brother was nearby
"sasuke, don't go your not strong enough to kill your brother yet"-Orochimaro
naruto seemed extra qiete but then...
"sasuke when did you get here?"-naruto
"I've bean here this whole time teme"-sasuke
"oh, shouldn't we go and help korini sensei?"-naruto
"we can't just leave sakura"-kakashi
"but if Itachi is there attacking them they'll be dead before we know it"-naruto
wait so it's hinata, kiba, and shino man i hope they can hold out against itachi and that blue dude, especialy againts Itach.
"damnit we don't have time for this, naruto you go help korini and the rest of team 8"-kakashi
"but kakashi sensei"-naruto
"don't argue with me naruto team 8 could be dead go and help fend of there attacks"-kakashi
"fine, i will get you sasuke"-naruto
then naruto leaves and kakashi stays to try and rescue me but he can't bacause he's outnumbered and after about fifteen minutes he's tired out from blocking orochimaro and kabuto's attacks sasuke wasn't fighting because he was careing me and it's kind of hard to fight while careing someone on your back.
"who do you want to win?"-sakura
~OH MY GOD he wants me to get rescued by kakashi sensei Booya!!!~sakura thought
~man sakura has gotten so beutiful i wish naruto and the others would herry up and get here and help rescue her~sasuke thought as he watched them fight
"sasuke why do you want him to win?"-sakura
"I don't want you to get hurt"-sasuke
"its a little late for that don't you think?"-sakura
"thats what i thought"-sakura
"sakura i'm sorry...."-sasuke
"for what braking my heart or leaving me unconscious on a cold stone bench"-sakura
"don't say your sorry unless you mean it"-sakura
"but I do mean it sakura"-sasuke
" oh really, then why did you do it in the first place"-sakura
"to get strong enough to kill my brother"-sasuke
"is revenge sereasly that importent to you, that you would hurt your friends to get it?"-sakura
Then he did something that i didn't expect, he put me down and untied me.
"what are u doing?"-sakura
"letting you go"-sasuke
then he did something totally unexpected he leaned down and kissed me, not on the cheak or the forhead but on my lips so pasionet I just stood there shocked
"go help naruto"-sasuke
I look up at him and just stair
"go sakura theres no way that the village would welcome me back i would go with you if i could but i can't"-sasuke
"of cource you can, naruto and I, we can help you get your revenge just the three of us of cource theres still Kakashi sensai but we can still do it together"-sakura
"come on sasuke come with me and we'll save everyone together"-sakura
"don't die"-naruto
"you can't even protect her how do you expect to save your pink haired friend"-Itachi
"Itachi you teme i'll rip you to peices!!!"-naruto
naruto goes all Kuubi and attacks Itachi but he loses controll really fast because he's already going to four tails and he can't controll the kuubis chakra after four tails.
"GRRRRR"-four tailed naruto
"well this should be easy if he can't control it then i'll just..."-Itachi
"GRRRRRRRR"-four tailed naruto
"thats naruto?"-sasuke
"where is my med bag?!!"-sakura
"right here why"-sasuke
"give it to me hurry!!!"-sakura
"ok here"-sasuke
"whats in there that you nead?"-micheal
"you'll see, ah here it is, I nead you to distract him while I sneak up behind him and put this on his head"-sakura
I hold out a seal for sasuke to see
"are you sure that its ok for you to do this sakura?”-sasuke
"yes i'm sure"-sakura
Inside naruto's mind
"Hinata why did you have to die"-naruto
"she didn't die you Baka"-nine tailed fox
"what do you mean?"
"I mean that she's still alive just barly but alive"
"let me have my body back!!"
"say please"
"ok but i'm not going to be this nice next time"
"when are you ever nice?"
"you have a point there"
"wait he's stopping"-sakura
"put the seal on me before i change my mind about giving this baka his body back"-nine tailed fox
"wait a minute aren’t you the light angels container?"-nine tailed fox
"yes why?"-sakura
"nothing just put the seal on me already"-nine tailed fox
I walk closer to him and get right in front of him and I reach out and put the seal on his forehead then the chakra surrounding Naruto disappears and he turns back to normal of coerce theirs healing him but thats the easy part. after i heal naruto I look around and see hinata lying there bleeding really badly i rush over to her and check her puls, thers still a heart beat.
thank god she's still alive!!!
I start to heal her wounds when naruto wakes up and lookes over and sees me healing Hinata.
"yes naruto?"-sakura
"will she be ok?"-naruto
"if we can get her to Konaha hospital she should be fine"-sakura
"thank god"-naruto
"shes not out in the clear yet we have to get her to konaha as soon as possible, sasuke make yourself useful and make a stretcher for hinata naruto you go and search for korini and the rest of team eight"-sakura
"hai"-naruto and sasuke
they go of and i'm left to heal hinatas wounds but i'm not alone....
I've bean healing hinata for a while now and i'm getting kind of woried about naruto and sasuke. Then i remember....
"wow i can't believe you forgot about me light angel"-Itachi
then a kunie comes out from nowhere and hits itachi in the arm.
"don't you dare hurt sakura!!"naruto
"well, well, well, two at once leader is going to reword me big for this one"-itachi
"your forgetting someone"-sakura
"how could I forget my foolish little brother, where is he anyway?"-itachi
"behind you"-sasuke
itachi turnes around to find a fire ball coming towards him but he jumps out of the way just in time
"did I do it?"-sasuke
"foolish little brother did you really think that would kill me?"-itachi
"sakura here's the stretcher you wanted"-sasuke
"thanks, naruto did you find the others?"-sakura
"yep there going back to the village as we speek"-naruto
"Naruto, sakura you guys go on ahead I’ll hold him of"-sasuke
"wait i'm not leaving without you sasuke"-sakura
"sakura if i went with you itachi would fallow us and attack us i'm going to give you guys a head start"-sasuke
"fine but you better show up at the village as soon as your done"-sakura
"I will I promise"-sasuke
then naruto and I started of with hinata in the middle.
"sasuke you better keep you promise"-sakura
to sasuke and itachi
"your really going to let them leave you behind? you idiat"-itachi
"I trust them thats all i nead"-sasuke
"so your trusting them to get to the village is that corect?"-itachi
"well then i guess i should be going although leader will be mad at me for not bringing the light angel with me i guess i'll have to deal with it"-itachi
"we'll meat again sasuke"-itachi
then he leaves and sasuke starts to fallow naruto and sakura
to naruto and sakura
"man we're finally here"-naruto
"we still have to bring hinata to the haspital remember come on"-sakura
"i know i mean we're safe from that teme itachi"-naruto
"yeah, i just hope sasukes alright"-sakura
"of cource i'm alright"-sasuke
"sasuke, thank god!!"-sakura
"get hinata to the hospital i have to go talk to the hokage to see if I can come back and live here but don't get your hopes up"-sasuke
"yeah, tsunade-sama can be pretty harsh"-naruto
"yeah i'll talk to you guys latter"-sasuke
"ok good luck"-sakura
then sasuke leaves for tsunades office
"hold on hinata wer're almost to the hospital your going to be ok"-naruto
hinata smiles up at naruto then she falls asleep in his arms, he looks down at her lovingly and brushes a stray hair out away from her eyes.
"ok we're here"-sakura
I open the door to konaha hospital and we walk in a nurse comes up to us and asks....
"can I help you?"-nurse
"Chloe thank god we need to get hinata to the ER as soon as we can she's in really bad condition"-sakura
"follow me"-Chloe
"ok"-sakura and naruto
we go to the ER and the doctors take hinata away from naruto and I so we went to the waiting room and waited. then the doctor came out
"she's in stabble condition now she should wake up in a few hours"-doctor
"thank you so much Rukia!!"-sakura
"its the best I could do after you saved my husbend from that cave last year"-Rukia
"thats what you always say when you help me out"-sakura
"but its true"-rukia
"i guess i can't argue with that"-sakura
"sakura we should go see what Tsunade-sama has to say to sasuke"-naruto
"oh my god i almost forgot!!"-sakura
"lets go!"-naruto
we head twords hokage tower just as sasuke is coming out.
"sasuke how did it go?"-sakura
"she said i could stay but on one condition"-sasuke
"and whats that?"-naruto
"I have to be under house arrest for a year and I have to prove that i'm not evil"-sasuke
"thats all you have to do?"-naruto
"hows hinata?"-sasuke
"she's recovering really well the docter said she should wake up soon"-sakura
"thats good"-sasuke
we turn around and standing there is Ino yamanaka my ex rival ever since i can remember but since she started going out with shikamaro nara we've bean best friends cause there was nothing that could make us hate each other anymore
"oh hi ino-chan"-sakura
"hey sakura so you've finaly brought back sasuke"-ino
"oh i have to go my dads calling me nice to see you again sasuke-ku we all missed you i know sakura did"-ino
"did she now?"-sasuke said looking at me, I blushed
"well i have to go meet shika"-ino
"see ya ino"-sakura
i say as i wave to her
"wow she's changed"-sasuke
"yeah she has"-naruto
"ok lets go check on hinata"-sakura
we get to the Hospital and team 8 had just gotten there to see hinata so it was really weird for us to sit there
"so, sasuke"-kiba
"why are you back?"-kiba
"i was tired of Orochimaro, so i left with sakura and Naruto, why?"-sasuke
"just wondering"-kiba
DR. Rukia came out
"shes awake and ready for visaters"-dr.rukia
"thank you doctor"-karini
"i guess we'll go in then"-kiba
"ok lets go"-naruto
we go in and thers hinata laying in her hospital bed with multiple tubs in her arms but other then that she looks fine
"hinata-chan i'm so glad your ok"-naruto
"its not just me thats here sakura and the rest of your teammats are here too"-naruto
"s...sakura-san i...I'm g..glad your o...ok"-hinata
"thank you hinata i'm just happy that your ok you gave us quit a scare"-sakura
all of a sudden we hear a huge boom and we all run to the window...with the exception of hinata of course and what we saw made a chill go up my spine.....Orochimaru
"that teme he fallowed us all the way here and now hes destroying the village in an attempt to find us"-sakura
"D****T!that teme"-naruto
"lets go we have to help the village"-naruto
"thats right if we don't at least try the village will be destriod"-kiba
"lets go"-sasuke
"yeah lets go teach that snake who's boss"-naruto
we go outside and head towards Orochimaro and then he spots us
"there you are sasuke why did you leave?"-Orochimaro
"I was tired of serving you and I was tired of not getting anywhere with my training"-sasuke
"your coming back with me weather you like it or not"-Orochimaro
he makes a bunch of hand signs and sasuke yelled out in pain he grabed his neck and fell onto the ground beside me.
"oh and now for you pinky"-Orochimaro
he then does a bunch of different hand signs and sudenly i can't move
"wh...whats going on?"-sakura
"a paralasis jutsu that i invented it works perfectly for killing entire villages"-Orochimaro
"you wouldn't dare"-naruto
"oh but I would unless sakura and sasuke come peicfuly with me back to the sound village"-orochimaro
"over my dead body!!!"-naruto
at thet moment naruto runs forword and attacks Orochimaro but he misses
"fine i guess i'll have to kill you then"-orochimaro
then kakashi shows up and realeases sasuke and I from the hold orochimaro had on us
"thanks kakashi"-sasuke
"don't thank me yet theres still Orochimaro to deal with"-kakashi
"thats right whered he go?"-sakura
when kakashi apeared orochimaro had left and just gone away from the village
"that was weird"-kiba
"yeah i wonder why he just left like that?"-sakura
"well thats over"-kakashi
"now what?"-naruto
"we go back to the Hospital to visit with hinata?"-kiba
"ok lets go"-sakura
we get back to the hospital to find that hinata wasn't there the docter had distrarged her and she was at home. so we dicided to go to her house and see how she was fealing but she wasn't at home either her dad said she had never come home so we went to the hokage to report to tsunade-same that hinata had gone missing
"tsunade-sama what are we going to do she isn't anywhere in the village we looked everywhere"-sakura
"hmmm....i say we look for anything suspitios around the village and if theres anything report back here immediately"-tsunade
"sasuke will you stick with me i have a bad fealling about what hapend to hinata"-sakura
"sure sakura”-sasuke
then everyone heads out in diffarent directions but sakura and sasuke stay together and naruto and kakashi stick together.
to sasuke and sakura
"so where do you think she could be?"-sakura
"the training grounds maybe?"-sasuke
"ok, lets check there"-sakura
sasuke and I headed to the training grounds and we saw hinata there tied to a pole with itachi right beside her
"itachi you teme let hinata go!"-sasuke
"the only way i'm going to let her go is if the light angel comes with me"-itachi
"over my dead body"-sasuke
sasuke then attacks itachi but itachi doges and puts a kunei at hinata's throat and sasuke stops short
"come any closer and she's dead"-itachi
"wow thats low itachi even for you too bad she isn't there anymore"-sasuke
he was right hinata was gone and in her place was a log
"thats right and your coming with us"-????
"im sorry but thats not going to happen"-itachi
he dissapears and hinata apears behind us with itachi
he dissapears again but this time he dosn't re-apear
"g*******t! where did he go!!!!"-sasuke
"sasuke you’ll get him eventually i promise right now we need to consentrate on getting hinata back from the Akastuke"-sakura
"I’m calm I’m just mad I let him get away with Hinata-sasuke
"sasuke we can get her back"-sakura
"lets track them down then and get hinata back"-kiba
"hold it right there you guys you nead to wait for the Onbu to track them down first"-kakashi
"but kakashi-sensei who knows what they could be doing to hinata right now"-naruto
"i don't care we have to wait and make sure its safe to pursue them"-kakashi
"no butts"-kakashi
"he's right naruto if we chass after them we'll probably be running right into a trap"-sakura
we go back to konaha to tell hinata's father the bad news
"WHAT!!!!!"-hinata's dad (a/n don't know his name lol^^)
"don't worry onbu black ops are surching for her location and neji's with them so thay have an edvantage"-kakashi
"I don't care about that I care about the fact that the six tailled demon is sealed inside her if they find out then she's dead"-hinatas dad
"..."-everyone in the room except naruto
"WHAT!?!?!?! hinata has what sealed inside her"-naruto
sakura then hits naruto on the head
"Baka don't speek unless spoken to!"-sakura
"but why didn't anyone tell me?"-naruto
"because only the village elders and I her father new about it we didn't want her do be thought of as a monster we couldn't aviod you being thought of as a monster because a lot of ninja witnesed you having the nine tailed sealed inside you so they told there kids to stay away from you that was unaviodable"-hinatas dad
"....then why couldn't you have told me I wouldn't have lived like i had if I had known"-naruto
"I am trully sorry about that naruto we couldn't tell you"-hinata's dad
"....i hate this village"-naruto
then naruto leaves
"that baka"-sakura
"he’ll get over it”-sasuke
"yeah I guess its just I feel bad for him not knowing abouthinata having the six tailed demon inside her"-sakura
"kakashi"-hinata's dad
"i would like to come with you to rescue my doughter"-hinatas' dad
"of cource you can come after all she is your doughter"-kakashi
"thank you i'm in your debt"-hinatas' dad
"no problem"-kakashi
we head to the hokage's office and head up to talk to her but she isn't there we asked shizune but she didn't know where stunade was either but i had a pretty good idea as to where she was
"i think i know where she is i'll be right back"-sakura
"i'll come with you"-sasuke
we leave and head toward the gambling hall
"why are we comming here?"-sasuke
"don't you remember? tsunade-sama is a gambler and a drunk"-sakura
"oh yeah"-sasuke
"oh look there she is"-sakura
i said as i pointed tword an abviously drunk tsunade
"hey stunade-sama”-sasuke
Tsunade looks up at sasuke
"tsunade-sama we need to talk to you"-sakura
"its me sakura"-sakura
"we need to talk to you but we should go to your office"-sakura
"why can’t talk right here?"-sasuke
“because people will be listening”-sakura said looking around
“ok~lets~go”-tsunade said trying to get up but she stumbled and sasuke caught her
“help me get her to her office”-sasuke said while struggling to hold tsunade up
“sure”-sakura said moving over and taking tsunades other arm “of all the days she could get drunk”- sakura said while moving towards the door
“she sure is heavy”-sasuke
“yeah I had to do this a lot over the last few years”-sakura
“yep, it really builds muscles, sometimes she would do it on purpose and shazune would send me to get her”-sakura
“wow, so you could do this without me?”-sasuke
“yeah, with your help she’s actually a lot lighter then I’m used too”-sakura
“wow”-sasuke ~she’s gotten more beautiful and stronger she really worked hard while I was gone~sasuke thought as they walked to Tsunades office
“sasuke, can I ask you a question?”-sakura
“hm? What is it sakura?”-sasuke
“whats the real reason you came back with us? I know it isn’t what you say, you can tell me”-sakura
sasuke looked at the ground “I’d rather not say until we’re alone” he said looking at tsunade
“shes not going to remember it shes past the point of remembering what happens until she recovers”-sakura
sasuke looked at sakura “please wait, I’m thinking and it would be best to wait until we’re alone”-sasuke
“ok, but I’m not going to forget to ask you”-sakura
“I know”-sasuke
we get to tsunades office and take her to her living quarters sakura takes tsunade and put her to bed she falls asleep instantly
“we’re alone now sasuke”-sakura said coming out of tsunades room and shutting the door
“I noticed”- sasuke said, sakura noticed him sitting on tsunades couch and went to sit on the couch next to him
“what is it you want to tell me that we had to be alone/”-sakura
“close your eyes”-sasuke said, sakura closed her eyes
“now this is si…” sakura’s eyes fly open as his lips press against hers but she liked it and had bean waiting for this for three and a half years, sasuke broke away looking into her eyes
“sakura I’ve been so lonely without seing your face or hearing your voice”-sasuke, sakura was speechles
“I’ve bean waiting a long time for you to say that” she said with a smile.
“I love you sakura”-sasuke
“I love you too, I always have”-sakura, sasuke kissed her passionately, she kissed him back, but then broke away for some air, she smiled.
“sakura will you be my girlfriend?”-sasuke, sakura’s heart skipped a beat at his words.
“yes oh god yes!!” she said jumping at him and kissing him passionately, he smirked under the kiss and kissed back holding her close. He herd a door open so he stopped but put her on his lap, it was Naruto
“hey guys what are you doing here?” Naruto asked when he walked in to find them.
“we’re waiting for tsunade-sama to wake up, she should wake up soon”sakura said looking at the clock.
“how do you know when she’s going to wake up?”sasuke asked confused
“after three and a half years of bringing her back here I got used to her waking up at about the same time every time”sakura said looking at the clock again and started to count down “5…4…3…2…1… and 0” just as she finished counting down they herd a noise in Tsunade’s room sakura got up and headed for the bedroom
”wait here guys and I’ll make sure she’s actually awake”
“ok” sasuke and Naruto
sakura went into the bedroom and shut the door behind her but the lights were out so she couldn’t see she fumbled for the switch, when she finally found it and flipped it she was surprised to find she wasn’t alone.
“well hello light angel”-Itachi, sakura didn’t have time to scream before a hand was on her mouth she tried to bite it but it was no use, she felt a blunt object hit her mid section knocking the air out of her body, she became limp in her his arms, but not unconscious, she was trying to find a way to worn sasuke and Naruto, she was finally able to bit his hand he let go for just a second, that was all she needed to let out a loud scream.
“what the hell?!!”-sasuke said jumping at the sound
“no time sakura’s in trouble!!!”-Naruto said jumping up and running to the bedroom, he busted in, sasuke right behind him, sakura was relieved they had heard her and fell to the floor with a thud
“Itachi you teme!!”-Sasuke said running at itachi, but itachi was too fast he disappeared, but reappeared with sakura in his arms by the window, but suddenly he fell in like something had pushed him he dropped sakura and in a flash sasuke caught her
“I don’t think so”-???
“what the….”-itachi
a white light enters the room and goes towards sakura sasuke stands still as a snake letting the light enter sakura, once the light is completely inside sakura she wakes up and looked up at sasuke and blushes
“yes sasuke?”-sakura
“what was that just now?”-sasuke said a little worried
“honestly I don’t know”sakura
“ku, ku, ku, I see I wasn’t fast enough to catch it”- Orochimaru
“what do you mean?” sakura demanded
“well if you must know that thing that just entered your body was the light angel, every time you are close to being captured by an enemy it will leave your body, and you will be dead until it re-enters your body just like you just saw sasuke” Orochimaru
“….”everyone in the room except for Orochimaru and Itachi
“now that you know, I am going to stop chasing after the host of the light angel so you nead not worry about me anymore but I don’t know about akatsuki”Orochimaru
“well now that we know that piece of information I’m glad that we have a hostage”-Itachi said as he got up “if you don’t come with me willingly I will have no choice but to kill the hyuuga girl”-itachi said walking towards sasuke and sakura
“you don’t understand itachi she doesn’t have to go to you willingly the light angel has to go to you willingly”-orochimaru

- Title: Sakura in Trouble?
- Artist: CLT93
- Description: its a fan fiction taht i made up randomely. Hope you like it ^_^.
- Date: 12/19/2008
- Tags: sakura trouble
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Fujioko-Senpai - 08/16/2009
- Well... I gave up after three sentences. I would advise you to write this over correctly. This isn't proper literature.
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- Warlock5 - 02/03/2009
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