I was dreaming of the cute boy at in my Language class Duncan Fletcher until my alarm woke me up. He was going out with my own worst enemy Brittney West.
We actually used to be best friends up until the day Adrian Cameron came along. He was this cute boy in our class. Brittney and I said we had a crush on him at the same time. From then on it was all down hill for me and Brittney!
But that was in fourth grade. We were just starting our first year of Junior High. I was in seventh grade now and along ways away from where I had been in fourth. I was kind of scared the first day but luckily I had a new best friend ever since the day me and Brittney got in that fight.
My new best friend’s name was Rylee Key. She was cool and so not into the guys I liked. Which was cool I guess but it sucked that everyone teased me about liking him! Rylee always had my back. I also had Robbie Norton and Ashlea Shelby. They had been my friends since 5th grade. We finally got our clique in 6th. We were happy to even have each other. I know that if I never met them I would still be lost in the parking lot in Town’s Square!
As we entered the school ground, Rylee, Robbie, Ashlea, and I all screamed at once “Look! There’s Brenda!” Brenda was our old friend from last year. She was cool but not as tight with us as we were with each other. Until the bell rang, we stood around her and our other friends from last year. Then I separated from then when the bell rang because my homeroom was Mrs. Gardener. So I entered the double doors with a sense of relief that it was right next to the double doors. That means I would never be late to my homeroom.
My next class was pretty hard to find. It was all the way at the other end of the school! It was my math class that I needed to get to. My first period was math! I hated it. It was just going to be one of those years I guess. As I walked with the map of the school in front of my face, I accidentally bumped into this cute boy. He helped me pick up my huge binder that my mom had gotten me a couple of days before school started. I had dropped my map too. I picked that up. He handed me the binder and I said “Thanks.” And he said “Hey no problem! What’s your name? You look familiar.”
He said it with a lot enthusiasm. It was kind of annoying the way he said it. His voice was like metallic and beautiful. He was probably in chorus which meant that I would have a class with him.
“Chris. What’s yours?” I blurted out not noticing that I had told him my nickname instead of my real name.
“Chris? Is that short for something like Christina?” he asked with that beautiful voice of his.
“No. Well….. Yes. It’s actually short for Christine but everyone I know calls me Chris,” I lied. They all know me as Christine. I had started that Chris thing just recently before school started.
“Oh! That’s cool. What’s your next class?”
“I have math with Mr. Kodurim. Is that how you pronounce his name?” I said hoping that he would somehow possibly know.
“No. It’s Mr. Kodram. With the A. I had his class last year. Watch out. You don’t want to get on his bad side, trust me!” He said with the glistening smile that made my heart melt.
“Oh! Wait, last year?” Was he an eighth grade?
“Yeah. I’m in eighth grade. Did you think I was a sevey?” He chuckled a little and then waved.
“Well I have to get to my reading class. Mr. Kodram’s class is at the very end of that hall and turn left. Have a great first day,” as he walked away I stared at him with an engaging look on my face. If the bell that started class didn’t ring I probably wouldn’t have even got out of my day dream. I walked sluggishly to class one because it was still the first week and we still were getting used to it. There were a couple of other kids that I had seen before school started when we were on campus. One when to my bus stop and the other looked as if he’s seen a ghost. Probably because he was late for class. He looked like the kind that was a goody-two-shoes and had never been late for class before. All the rest were gone before I got to class.
“You are two minutes late! How would you explain this to the principal?” Mr. Kodram scowled at me through his hideous sixties eye glasses.
“I bumped into someone and he didn’t give me directions until we said out goodbyes. Sorry Mr. Kodurim! I promise it won’t happen again. I’ll get used to it,” I wanted to have a lasting impression. I knew I was going to have fun with this lug!
My next hour was History with Mrs. Omlesday. Weird name. It said that she was in one of the portable buildings. Room 318. I walked into class and on the board it said “Welcome Back!” Wait, welcome back? This was my first year! Then a lady that loked as if she could be the teacher walked in and took a seat in front of me. That means she was and eighth grader. Was I in the wrong class? Then I looked around to see another kid from my old school there. Hmm? Then another lady walked in. She was bound to be the teacher! She stepped into the middle of the room and said
“Hello! I’m Mrs. Apanacia. You can call me Mrs. A. There has been a slight mishap on each of you schedules. If you are a seventh grader please stand up.”
Me and the kid from my old school stood up. He looked like he was about to wet himself.
“I know your schedules say room 318 but it is supposed to say 317. Don’t worry. It happens every year. 317 is right next door. Have a great first day youngsters!”
“Did she call us youngsters?” I asked Dylan as we walked out the door completely embarrassed.
“Yeah. My grandma calls me and my sister all the time so I guess I’m used to it!” He said with that glint in his eye. I knew he liked me and I guess he was cute but he wasn’t my type.
I laughed “That must suck! Poor you” I had a thing for sarcasm. I still don’t know why.
After the longest class ever – Which had Robbie and this girl that kept staring at me – it was time for lunch and I was totally starved. I don’t really like having breakfast in the morning because when you brush your teeth it tastes really gross! But at lunch I caught up with Rylee and Ashlea who had their last hour together just like me and Robbie! We always have pizza from Sardela’s Pizza. It was good and much better than at my old school.
After we ate we all when to the field to hang out with old friends. Then I asked everyone who had my next class next hour. Three people; Kianna, Daisy, and Selena. We walked in and I asked them if they knew where it was. Daisy had Mrs. Round for her homeroom so she told us that she would lead the way. It wasn’t that far away from my homeroom.
As we entered the class room we say seven different people from our old school but none that we actually hung out with.
Then I saw him; the cutest guy ever. The guy I liked since I was in fourth grade but finally told my friends last year. His name was Duncan Fletcher. I lost my footing and totally fell flat on my face on my teacher’s computer wire.
I got a couple of rug-burns from that grey, blue, and light green carpet that was basically in every school I’ve ever been in. I always thought it was hideous and I had my face right in it. I was so embarrassed because Duncan knew that I was looking at him. Then this girl that I noticed was in my history class helped me up. Daisy and Selena were already in another seat next to each other. Kianna was laughing hysterically because we weren’t even really friends; we just knew each other. Then Duncan laughed but it was a pity laugh like “Whoa! That must have been embarrassing!”
And it was. After that class of falling, tripping a little bit over Kianna’s foot, and banging my head on the table. I banged my head in the bottom of the table because Mrs. Round asked us to get a piece of paper out of our binder. My binder was under the table and as I started to get up after I got the paper the table hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground and Kianna did the same but with laughter.
I thought I would die after being in that class.
My next class was Reading with Mrs. Teppler in room 228. I went around the school but there was construction so I had to go all the way the other side of the main building. I was about five minutes late for class. It was as boring as reading can really be. I kind of dazed out of it thinking about Duncan again. What was he doing right now? And Would I have another class with him?
Next class was science. I hated science but I always got A’s. I still don’t understand a lot of the things they were talking about. Oh well as long as I got a good grade in that class I really didn’t care. I sat next to my friends from my old school. That class was boring too. We basically went over rules and things all through the day.
The next class was what I was really looking forward to. Chorus. Great! Maybe that eighth grader from the hallway would be there. As I entered that main doors, I saw that girl that kept on staring at me in History. She had Brown hair with some blond highlights; cute. Maybe I should get that. We went over rules again and I never saw the kid from the hallway. Maybe he went home early? I wouldn’t find out until tomorrow.
As I got home I unpacked all the things for my mom to sign when she got home and left them on the kitchen table. She probably wouldn’t get home until a little before five o’clock. I would watch T.V and talk on the phone and go on the computer until she arrived.
It was boring but I got on the computer and when to a music playing site. I made an account and started listening to really sweet music videos.
I'M WRITING CHAPTER THREE AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School Days
It's a story of love, deception, friends, and most of all Duncan!!! That is the new of the guy that the main girl likes!
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