• I wish i could tell you everything..
    Tell you why i look the way i do..
    Tell you what goes on at my house..
    Wish that i could tell you that I love You..
    I really do...
    Wish that i could tell you about my life...
    Online and Offline...
    Wish that i could tell you that your the person that means everything to me...
    But the words just won't come out...
    I wish they would...
    I wish i could tell you everything..
    Tell ya that i love ya...
    Tell you what goes on in my head...
    Tell you that i need you to survive..
    Tell you that i cried when you left a year and a half ago..
    Wish i could tell you that your girlfriends a b***h...
    Wish i could tell you my number...
    Wish i could tell you my Address and refresh your mind...
    Wish i could tell you everything___!!!

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