• Hello journal, is that how you would start it? Stupid therapists, making me write a mood journal. The date is April 17, 1993. My name is Kyle Yagger. I’m thirteen years old. I have short-ish brown hair. And… I have brown eyes. I’m tall and skinny. Lanky I guess. I don’t really have anything to put in this right now.

    Friday April 23, 1993
    Mood: annoyed
    Dr. Jackson got on my case for not writing in you for a while. And I have to express my emotions in this. I am annoyed because everyone is getting on my case about things.. Did you write in your journal? Did you do your homework? You’re seeing a therapist? Are you a psycho? Why don’t they just shut up? Why do they have to b***h at me all the time?! That actually made me feel better. I’m not so mad anymore.

    Saturday April 23, 1993
    Mood: Depressed
    It’s raining today. I hate the rain. Every droplet I hear feels like a bullet into me. Internal pain. It makes me sad. Also Jenny broke up with me. My now Ex-Girlfriend. She called me an emotional wreak. Told me to get a life. I guess I deserve it. Who would like me anyways?

    Sun April 25, 1993
    Mood: Angry
    That stupid b***h! How DARE she break up with me! Call me an emotional wreak! She’s the one with problems! She didn’t even show her face today! She just hid at her house. What a stuck up b***h.

    Monday April 26, 1993
    Mood: Pissed
    Alright, I may have lost my cool for a second. That’s fine. I’m still pissed though. And I didn’t see Jenny at school either. She will have a ton of stuff to get working on, with exams coming up. She deserves it!

    Tuesday April 27, 1993
    Mood: HAPPY
    Guess what journal!?! I’m over her! I’m over Jenny! After a couple days of not seeing her, I calmed down. I don’t care anymore. I’m carefree. Happy! SO HAPPY! You know, writing in you makes me happy. But calling you journal is not good. Not happy. How about Jason? That’s a good name. A happy name…

    Wednesday April 28, 1993
    Mood: Concerned.
    Hey Jason, I haven’t seen Jenny in a while. Like at all. And it would be too hard to avoid one person is a small town like this. And she hasn’t been answering her phone. I’m a bit worried. Nah, it’s probably nothing. I’ll stop by her house tomorrow.

    Thursday April 29, 1993
    Mood: Sad
    Jenny wasn’t home Jason. Her parents haven’t seen her since Sunday either. They’re worried like me. I hope she’s ok.
    Friday April 30, 1993
    Mood: Scared
    The police were called Jason. Jenny has been missing for nearly a week now. They even asked me questions. I don’t know where Jenny is.

    Saturday April 31, 1993
    Mood: Concerned
    They’re still looking for Jenny. Thank god they don’t think I did anything. I mean I did get mad, but not mad enough to do anything. I don’t think anything has happened to her though. I even wrote her a poem. Hopefully when she’s found it’ll be enough to have her get back together with me.

    Sunday May 1, 1993
    Mood: Blah
    They’re still looking for Jenny…

    Monday May 2, 1993
    Mood: Confused
    Jason, I’m a little freaked right know. Dr, Jackson wasn’t in his office. It’s probably nothing. It’s just with Jenny… I’ll check if he’s back.
    He’s still not there Jason.

    Tuesday May 3, 1993
    Mood: Shocked
    Well Jason, they found Jenny… Except she won’t be getting my poem. Or anything else for that matter. She’s dead. They found her near a dump. More like they found her arms at the dump, her body and legs at the alley next to the school and her head behind the Rec-center. That’s weird Jason, why am I laughing?

    Wednesday May 4, 1993
    Mood: Angry!
    I HATE ALEX AND PHIL! They said that I was the one that killed Jenny! How dare they?! Just because I got a little mad, they’re saying that I did it.

    Thursday May 5, 1993
    Mood: Confused
    Phil and Alex weren’t at school today. Everyone is worried that I was the one that killed them. They’re accusing me Jason. But it is weird that every time I get mad at someone, they disappear. When I think about it, I wasn’t happy At Dr. Jackson because he got on my case in math…

    Friday May 6, 1993
    Mood: Sad
    It’s raining again Jason. I’m so sad. Everyone is thinking that I killed Jenny. Lately I have random explosions of Hate and bouts of depression. Are you doing something to me?
    They found Phil. Dead.

    Saturday May 7, 1993
    Mood: Happy
    HA! I just proved everyone wrong. Or more like, the killer did. He made someone I don’t know disappear! It’s still horrible that he did that, but at least it gets the blame off me!

    Sunday May 8, 1993
    Mood: Thoughtful
    I was thinking back around Friday. When Phil was found. Maybe he deserved to die. And Jenny. From what I knew, they weren’t good people. Phil was a pompous a** and Jenny was a dumb b***h. Maybe things are working out after all.
    The police where here, just asking about a couple questions about what Jenny and Phil were doing before their death. And where Alex and the other guy where. I didn’t know. But I did ask them about Dr. Jackson. They gave me a funny look.

    Monday May 9, 1993
    Mood: Depressed
    Hey Jason. There’s supposed to be a storm for a while. That means rain. Oh, and they found Dr. J. He’s dead. They found him drowned in his bath tub.

    Tuesday May 10, 1993
    Mood: Depressed
    I came home with some red stuff on my hands…
    It was blood. I wonder how it got there…

    Wednesday May 11, 1993
    Mood: Depressed
    People are still missing. I might be next. Not that anyone would care. No one loves me… I’m just a stupid useless waste of space. Oh, and Alex was found. With the other person. They were left outside on the highway.

    Thursday May 12, 1993
    Mood: Depressed.
    Nobody understands me. I feel so alone. Like I’m living in a world where only the ignorant survive. I only feel pain. Constant pain… I bet the killer’s after me.

    Friday May 13th, 1993
    Mood: Devoid
    Dear Jason, I seem to be dead…

    The policeman closed the journal, shaking his head sadly.
    “Did you find anything?” A man asks from across the room.
    “Unfortunately yes. He had two journals. And they both were opposites of each.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “One was him as a normal, if not depressed boy. Not a killer. Just things from a average viewpoint, more or less. But the other was that of a homicidal maniac.”
    “He had a…split personality?”
    “Then why is he hanging here right now?” The man said, pointing to the body of a young man suspended by the ceiling.
    “I don’t know. But Jason here,” the officer said, lifting a blood stained book, “should have all the information we need. There is one thing that bothers me though. Listen to this last line… ‘Damn that boy! He’s getting in the way. He’ll have to go. I think I’ll be creative Kyle. Let’s hang him!’”
    “So one of him was writing in a journal named Jason, and the same, but different person was writing in a journal named Kyle?”
    “Exactly. Well, we’ll let the cleaning crew take care of this.” And with the last “snap” of a picture, they left.