As of mow my life is doomed. I had no realization of what my best friend was, or what she really was like, but now I see. She wants to kill me.
"Trish, what's wrong?" Kate came running up to me, faster than any human could, and knealed down next to me. Her muzzle so close to my face I wanted to throw up. "Trishan, what's gotten into you?" her words were muffled from the lack of a human jaw.
I realized this the night I was going to her house to return her jacket and then, she transformed, into a dog-looking human, something I thought was only legend. I don't think, from the way she was talking to me, that she even noticed her transformation and that brought me up to two conclusions. One was that she'd been like this for a while and was so used to changing she didn't notice anything. And two was that it was so painless that she didn't notice.
"Y-your, you face..." I muttered looking at her with wide eyes full of fear and sadness. "W-w-why didn't you t-tell me?" I whispered almost too low for her to hear.
"Trish, I'm not sure if you came to this conclusion but, I'm a werewolf." I could detect a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Why didn't you tell me? You can trust me." my eyes grew softer with curiosity.
"I know...it's just that, my parents made me swear not to tell anyone, it was their dying wish." she sighed. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you."
I screeched and stood up. "That's it! If you can't trust me then I can't trust you! I'm leaving!" I screamed and ran away. then the wierdest thing happened...I woke up.
Doomed ((part one))
Sex With A Blender
Part one of my new story.
Yeah I know it's short but it's like, 10:50pm here so it's really hard to think...
I hope you like it anyway!
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