Everything also seems to be about coincidence. Not many believe it's from fate because they probably don't believe in fate. Either way...it's a small world.
I coughed and curled up in a ball right away as I realized I had been freezing since last night. I wasn't sure if what happened was real. I met a Necromantic Hunter named Akatsuki Sangatsu and he claimed to have had a relationship with Aya. He saved me from a rogue Vampire too. With my eyes closed, I reached to my neck and rubbed the bandages and moaned. I opened my eyes as soon as I felt an arm firm its grip around me. My heart stopped for a moment and I couldn't remember why Kai was lying with me. Did I say something to him last night?
I looked up at Kai carefully. He had the face of an Angel when he was sleeping peacefully. The rays from the early sun shone through the window and made his skin glow, only perfecting the perfection. I blushed heavily, afraid he might have heard that, but he continued his peaceful slumber. He sure was a heavy sleeper. I tried subtly to slip out of his arms that were like iron bars around me, but it was no use. The iron bars only held me tighter and closer to him and I froze. His shirt had been unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest, and he was pressing me against it!
I would have slapped him awake and told him to let me go, but I didn't want to disturb him. He kept one arm around my shoulders but moved his other arm down to wrap around my waist and pull me closer. I was almost losing my breath at how close he was holding me, but I only assumed he was dreaming and that he would wake up soon.
My heart stopped for a moment when I heard a barely audible knock at the bedroom door. I felt Kai twitch subtly and he kept his firm grip on me, not opening his eyes. The doorknob started turning slowly. I was distracted as I felt a vibration in Kai's chest only to develop into a low-pitched growl through his clenched jaw. It must have been Akatsuki at the door. The doorknob stopped turning, but the shadow at the bottom of the door didn't leave. Akatsuki knocked on the door again, a little louder.
"Arisa, you hungry?"
I was a little scared to answer yes to that because I didn't want to anger Kai or on the off-chance, make him jealous, "Um, yeah. What's for breakfast?"
"I could cook something up for you if you'd like,"
I wasn't in Kai's arms anymore. I was still lying down when Kai had ever so swiftly propped himself up onto his right elbow and glare at the door.
"We're fine, thanks,"
"What are you doing to Arisa, Vampire?" Akatsuki's voice sounded more annoyed than angered.
Kai only smirked and didn't answer him. He looked down at me, "You're awake?"
I felt the heat rush to my face as I gave off a small nod. Kai smiled wider. I stared at him apologetically, "I'm sorry if either of us woke you,"
"Eh, we need to leave anyways. You feeling better?"
Before I had time to answer, his hand was against my forehead. He smiled weakly, "Your fever has gone down a little bit,"
It was probably because he was holding me against him all night. He smirked and I knew he heard my thoughts. It was getting annoying, honestly. I sat up and stretched, peeking at the light coming through the door, noticing the absence of Akatsuki's shadow. I sighed and let my arms fall limply to my side.
"I'm stiff,"
Kai was already off of the bed and buttoning up his shirt. I flushed as I remembered that he was holding me again, "Kai?"
"Hmm?" he sounded like he had been deep in thought about something.
"Did we...do anything last night?"
Kai belted out a booming laugh and it made me flinch from reflexes, "You were sleeping heavier than a stone! You've got a sick mind!"
"Y-you're the one that held me in your arms all night!"
"Only because you asked me to,"
I slapped my forehead, even though I didn't remember. Kai laughed again, "Stupid woman,"
"It's embarrassing. Don't do it again."
"And if I do?" he was getting cocky again, raising one eyebrow and still smirking.
I balled my fists and hissed through a clenched jaw, "Keep your shirt buttoned,"
Kai chuckled again, "You're not gonna threaten to hurt me or anything?"
"As if I could. You'd finish me off way before I could ever lay a finger on you."
Kai stared at me with a serious look on his face and I slapped my hand over my mouth. I really shouldn't have said something like that. He really didn't like being a Vampire and the slightest twist of his wrist could crush my skull. Kai walked to my bedside, pulled the covers off of me, and picked me up. I tried to pry myself out of his arms, protesting loudly.
"Hey, put me down! I can walk!"
"Nope. You'll just get sick again."
"I don't get sick when I walk!"
"What about last night after I fixed your wound?"
"It was the blood I was nauseous from, you idiot. You wouldn't know how that feels." I slapped my hand over my mouth again and Kai frowned at me. I pressed the ball of my hand against my forehead, "Why do I keep saying such offensive things?"
"It must be the air in here,"
"What are you talking about?"
"There's some kind of subtle anti-Vampire substance in the air," Kai frowned again.
"We're in a Necromantic Hunter's house. I'm sure it's expected. Now get me some breakfast, I'm hungry."
"I thought you wanted to eat here,"
"I really don't care. Just get me home."
I was still exhausted and I sighed heavily as Kai glided out of the bedroom and into Akatsuki's living room. Akatsuki stared at us, then glared at Kai.
"I thought I told you to sleep on the couch, Vampire,"
"Akatsuki, he has a name,"
Akatsuki sighed as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal. I didn't feel all too bad about Kai and Akatsuki's tension. It was pretty immature, if you ask me. Kai gently placed me onto my feet and I took a step away from him.
"If you don't mind, hunter, we're going to be taking our leave,"
Ugh, it made me feel so stupid when Kai used such formal vocabulary. He's 176 years old, so it's to be expected. He's too smart...sometimes. Akatsuki scowled and nodded once in allowance. Kai looked down at me.
"Hop onto my back,"
"I'm going to carry you to the car. Get on."
"I told you, I can walk!"
I made my way to the front door and opened it abruptly. I took one last friendly look at Akatsuki and smiled, "I guess we'll be seeing you again, Akatsuki,"
He smiled and nodded towards me. Kai pushed me lightly out the door, wanting to free himself from the anti-Vampire air in the apartment. He shut the door behind him as I made my way down the outside stairs and into the parking lot. It sure clouded up fast. I looked ahead of me and Kai was already at his car, waiting in the driver's seat. I climbed into the other side of the car and Kai turned the car on and we left the parking lot. He drove for a few miles at 95 mph. I rubbed the temples of my head and closed my eyes.
"Kai, could you slow it down a little?"
I peeked over at the speedometer as it inched its way down to 60. I heard Kai grumble, "I hate going so slow,"
"I hate going fast; get over it," the rushing images outside were giving me a headache, not helping any with my motion sickness and nausea from last night.
I looked over at Kai to my right and he seemed to be concentrating on looking out the windshield. He looked as though he were concentrating hard.
"What's wrong?"
He was silent for a long moment, "It's a full moon tonight,"
"Where will Takeuchi go?"
"I'm not worried about Takeuchi, I'm worried about you,"
I didn't understand. Takeuchi was the Werewolf, he could be in serious danger tonight if he would ever arrive at the wrong time, "I don't get it,"
"Even though Werewolves are creatures who loathe blood, they will still pursue you,"
"Werewolves are just as greedy as Vampires when it comes to immortality. They won't let anything stand in their way."
"What if they do get to me?"
Kai flinched a little when I said that, "They wouldn't eat you right away. They would prepare themselves. They're just as sick of blood as you are. They would just toy around with you until they know you're weak enough and they're strong enough."
Okay, now I was afraid. I kept to myself as much as I could as we made the way back to the house.
Kai held the front door open for me as we entered the large house. I walked into the kitchen and immediately went to the refrigerator. I paused as I saw a neon pink post-it note on the right door. I peeled it off and it read:
Arisa and Kai,
Orihime, Kira and I took Takeuchi into town this morning. We were supposed to a couple of days ago, but we were too busy watching you, Arisa. We will be in town for about 2 days, keeping an eye on Takeuchi. He also wants to see Miku and check up on her if she's able to arrive in town. If you have any difficulties with cooking, Arisa, you may ask Kai for help (trust me, I know he'd help)
I laughed at the last thing Matsuda wrote in parenthesis. I trusted that Kai would help. Matsuda knows Kai so much more than I do. I opened the refrigerator and pondered at what I should make. I decided to do something complicated so that Kai would have to help and then he would be pissed off. He'd only deserve it after being so rude to Akatsuki.
"Whatever, Arisa!" I heard Kai shout from the living room. I giggled and pulled out the milk and and an egg and some other items from the cupboards to make myself some waffles.
I glanced over at the Grandfather Clock perched next to the fireplace and it read 11 o'clock at night. I dropped my pencil onto the coffee table and leaned back, exhausted. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. I was never much of an artist and I wanted to get this one right for once. After keeping my eyes closed for a few minutes, I looked down at my drawing and crumpled it up. I hated it when I had a sketch and when I look at it again after a period of time, it sucks.
I looked towards the stairs as Kai glided down them quickly. His face showed worry and he stood right by me. I looked up at him.
"What's wrong, Kai?"
Kai pressed three of his fingers against my lips. He raised his head a little and sniffed the air, "Get upstairs, Arisa,"
"Don't ask questions, just do it," and he glided into the kitchen.
I continued to sit on the couch and stare at the direction Kai went to. I looked around the living room anxiously. Was there danger outside? Was there a Werewolf?
My questions were answered as I heard a thunderous crash and cracking come from the kitchen. My heart skipped a beat as I jumped up from the couch. My instincts told me to follow Kai into the kitchen and see what was going on, but I should have listened to him. When I turned the corner, my breath fell absent as I was captivated by fear. The dining room table was snapped in half and Kai was pinned down on the heaping mess...by a Werewolf.
The Werewolf glanced over his broad shoulder and glared at me. He was a very dark brown with a gold shine in his hair and was as big as two grizzly bears. His front left paw which was as big as two of my heads was pressed against Kai's chest. His coal black eyes penetrated through me internally and I was rendered speechless and motionless. Kai tried all he could to manage to get a glimpse of me. He glared at me.
"Arisa, get upstairs now!!"
My voice squeaked as I tried to call out...something. I didn't know what I was trying to call out for, but as soon as I saw the giant wolf slowly turn to face me. As his paw that was just on Kai's chest reached the ground, Kai's blood was smeared on the ground from the wolf's paw. I backed up slowly and darted towards the stairs. I heard Kai start shouting profoundly at the wolf. I heard another crash, but it was another window. I was almost up the stairs when I felt a set of razors lodge into my right ankle. I screamed and fell onto the stairs and grabbed onto a pole on the railing. I looked behind me and the Werewolf had my foot up to my ankle in his mouth and he glared at me. My heart skipped a beat multiple times and I tried to free my foot, but it was no use. I struggled to climb up the stairs and I felt the wolf bite into my foot again and again; he was chewing on my foot. I jerked and kicked my foot but he wouldn't let go.
"Kai!!" tears were blurring my vision as I was sure this was going to be the end.
I felt the wolf start pulling me down the stairs and I tried to get a firm grip on the stairs, but I couldn't. The pain from my foot surged through my whole body and I continued to scream. I knew if I kept thrashing myself around that my foot would come off completely, but I couldn't stop myself. I didn't feel the wolf let go of my foot, but the next thing I knew he was towering over me, my blood dripping from his teeth. I covered my mouth at the thought of getting sick. The Werewolf raised his paw that was still smeared with Kai's blood and pressed it against my chest. He pressed harder and harder and I thought he was going to snap my collarbone in half. He lowered his mouth to my head, preparing himself. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself as well; I knew there was no way out of this.
I heard a thunderous shout and opened my eyes just in time to see Kai plant himself on the Werewolf's back and dig his nails into the wolf's neck. The Werewolf thrust himself around, trying to shake off Kai, but it didn't work. Kai drug his nails all over the wolf's neck and throat and the wolf acted as though he were bugged my a mosquito bite. He finally thrust Kai off and Kai crashed against the wall. The wolf removed his paw from my chest and I gasped for air. The wolf turned towards Kai with a menacing glow to his eyes; a glow of death.
"You goddamn mutt," Kai spit out the last word as if it were some sort of horrendous blasphemy.
The wolf growled at Kai and Kai did the same to the wolf and they held each other in a death glare lock. From the corner of the wolf's eye, he glared back at me. I turned onto my stomach and tried to scramble up the stairs again. The wind was knocked out of me when what I thought was two giant boulders crashed into me, but only later to see that Kai had jumped onto me just as the wolf was about to attack me again. Kai held me incredibly close to him and shielded me as much as he could. I glanced behind me and Kai and the Werewolf was growling and snapping his jaws at me. I felt Kai wiggle and struggle to shake the wolf off.
The wolf finally removed himself from Kai and I knew it wouldn't last long. Kai flipped me over onto my back and glared at me, "Leave!"
Kai glanced behind him as the wolf prepared himself to pounce again. Kai gripped my shirt and threw me up the rest of the stairs. I sat up right away, still trying to catch my breath. The wolf lunged at me and Kai grabbed onto the wolf and slammed him onto the stairs. I backed up, limiting the pressure on my right foot as it throbbed and spilled blood continuously. I refused to look at my wound and kept my eyes locked on the Vampire-Werewolf carnage.
Kai reached into a pocket as the Werewolf pinned him onto the stairs and he pulled out a hunting knife. He must have grabbed it when the wolf attacked me. Without hesitating, Kai dug the knife into the wolf's shoulder again and again and stabbed the wolf's throat. The wolf wasn't fazed much at all. He growled and bit deeply into Kai's left shoulder and Kai's blood spewed out. Kai looked as though he were hurt a little, but not much. His face changed completely as the wolf did something to him...but I didn't know what. Kai's face instantly turned into pain and he winced.
"Kai!" I couldn't handle it anymore. I didn't know what the wolf just did to Kai, but I had that severe feeling that it could possibly take his life...
- by Mon Amour Antoinette |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/26/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: BLooDY SILHOUEttE Chap. 13
- Artist: Mon Amour Antoinette
- Description: Chapter 13 got lots of bloooooooood in it and it continues into Chapter 14. Yeah, um...enjoy ^_^
- Date: 11/26/2008
- Tags: bloody silhouette
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Comments (3 Comments)
- angelcat1793 - 06/12/2009
omg awsome
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- Hotakka - 11/26/2008
- GAH what a way yo end a chapter! leave 'em wanting more! u r awsome...i know its thanksgiving tomorrow.....so i cant wait for some more on fri!
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- Emma-Marie0001 - 11/26/2008
- i love ur storie!cant wait till 14 is up on quizill.^.^
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