• Title: The grave.
    Parings: Harry/Draco.
    Warnings: Death of a main character. Don’t read if you don’t like slash or death story’s.
    Author: Eveline, Gaia: Spirits To My Soul and Black To My Soul.
    Summary: The war is over but not without victims. Harry died in the war. Draco visits his grave. Find out what happened. The story contains flashbacks.

    The grave.

    It was a dark cold raining day. The rain was pouring down over the graveyard. The graveyard was empty, not a living soul in sight, which wasn´t very rare.

    But the stillness was disturbed as a man came walking in trough the gates. He made his way slowly towards one of the graves but the way he walked showed that he had been here many times before and that he knew exactly where he was going. The man was dressed in black robes and his long blond hair fell into his face, soaked with the rain. He stood straight and he had the aura of someone you wouldn't want to mess with, which is until you saw his eyes. They were dark, hallow, empty, and even if the rain did a good job of hiding it you could still see the tears that fell down his face. A Malfoy never cried. But after all that had happen the young man had let his emotions free a long time ago. It was too much to hold.

    "Hello stranger," he whispered softly, still not tearing his eyes away from the tombstone. "I miss you... I hope you know that."

    He reached out with his hand and gently touched the stone with his fingers following the engraved name on it. A sob slipped out of him and he pulled his hand away to wipe the tears of his face.

    "I´m such a wimp, such a loser. It´s been two years, and I still can´t come here without starting to cry." He wiped of his face again, and then looked down on the ground. "But I just miss you so damn much."

    It was still for several minutes and the man got lost in his thoughts. Thoughts of what was before his love were brutally murdered.

    I fought off two Death Eater's at a time as Hogwarts was attacked. Snape, I think with a growl. He had helped them into the castle. He was a traitor. Curses flew and bodies fell. Blood was everywhere and I looked through the crowd of students and Aurors as they fought. I looked all over for Harry; please let him be alright.

    Then I saw him; he was standing just a feet away from me, between me and Voldemort as he points his wand at a tall snake like figure; Voldemort. My heart stops as everything around me seems to pause. The only thing I knew right now was that Harry was there, his normally cheerful green eyes flashing with anger as he shouted curse after curse at the Dark Lord.

    I felt pain sear through my left arm and I looked around. A Death Eater had thrown a cutting curse at me and clipped my shoulder. The warm blood flowed down my arm as I turn and throw curses at him. Finally, the nameless Death Eater drops to the ground, dead.

    I turn back to find Harry and he wasn't where he had been only moments before. My head turns from left to right wildly as I search for the familiar black hair. Then I spot it and what I see makes my heart drop. Harry was on his knees, panting heavily as the Dark Lord laughed and had his wand pointed at me instead. I stand still holding my breath. Ready to be killed, I close my eyes for a moment.

    A jet of green light leaves Voldemort's wand. My heart stops and everything seems to stand still as the rush of green light headed straight for the defeated boy. Harry had become between us. Harry turns to me and gives me a small smile before turning back to Voldemort.

    A surge of magical power escapes from the small boy and the whole battle field gives a giant shake and I'm thrown back from the force of the magic. I land a few feet away as people went flying through the air. I sit up and look around and what I see tears my heart in two.

    The Dark Lord was on the ground; clearly defeated. But that's not what my focus was on. Harry was lying on the ground, his breathing heavy and his body mangled. I try to shout but find my voice unable to make any sound. I claw my way through the dead bodies littering the ground and I land next to Harry. I pull his limp body into my lap and hold his head against my chest.

    End flashback

    Suddenly Draco looked up at the tombstone again and anger flashed over his stormy silver grey eyes as he kicked the stone with all his might. The stone didn´t gave away but neither did he. He didn´t show any sign that it had hurt.

    "Why!" it wasn´t really a question, he screamed. "Why did you leave me? Didn´t you know how much I deeded you?" Tears flowed down his cheeks in a seemingly endless stream. "I loved you, God damn it!"

    The anger visibly fell of him with the tears and he fell to his knees in front of the grave, his head bowed low and hands digging into the ground. Sobs raked his body as he sat in the empty graveyard, hidden away from the world.

    "I always did love you; I was just too scared to tell. But that didn´t meant I didn´t felt it. I´ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you." The sobs slowly ebbed away and Draco looked up at the tombstone and smiled weakly just for a second.

    "And now you´re gone, gone forever and I´m not able to keep you warm and save again, not able to kiss or hold you close, not able to stop you from crying and screaming when you have one of your nightmares again." Draco paused for a moment before he continued.

    "You were just perfect. I loved every single thing of you."

    Once again he became lost in bewildering thoughts, as the rain fell down on him.


    "Hey," his soft voice whispers. "I’m so sorry."

    "Shh," I say. "It's alright love."

    "I missed you," he says before his voice rakes with coughs. I could tell he was weak; that amount of magic being released at once was more than anybody could take; let alone a small teenaged wizard.

    "I missed you too," I say as I run my hand through his raven black locks. I lower my head to his face and kiss him gently. He smiles at me before his eyes flutter closed, brushing against my cheeks.

    My whole body shakes with heartbroken sobs as I gather him closer to me and cry over his dead body. He lays limp in my arms as I rock back and forth. My cries echo through the school and I know people are watching me; tears in their own eyes.

    I look around the school and every Death Eater is dead; most of the students were lying on the ground, injured or dead as well. Very few professors still stood and those that did were gathering up as many injured people as they can; separating the living from the dead.

    End flashback

    "I´m sorry," Draco whispered after a while, and then he sighed and looked up again. "I´m sorry," he said a little louder. "If it hadn´t been for me you would be still be alive. You wouldn´t be dead." He lowered his head again. "You wouldn´t have left me," he whispered. "I´m so sorry." He cried and the tears fell with newborn strength down his cheeks.

    A soft breeze flew over the still graveyard, between the stones and passed the man, causing him to shiver. He closed his eyes and turned his face towards the sky and let the rain wash away the tears.

    "Did you know what you meant to me? Did you know what you´re death could do to me and everyone else living?" Draco opened his eyes and stared up at the sky. "Did you know it hurt so much I could hardly breathe?" he whispered and looked down on the stone in front of him. "Did you know that I hated you?"

    "I hated you for being so careless, for putting your life at risk, I hated you for dying," he said as his eyes stared ahead of him, not seeing the stone but something that wasn´t there anymore, something far away. "I hated you for caring more about me then you did for yourself, for not understanding what you meant to me, but most of all I hated you for leaving." The tears fell down his cheeks but he didn´t notice.

    "I was so lost. I didn´t know what to do anymore. You where gone and left me behind. Why did you do it? Why did you sacrificed yourself for me, why did you came for me, why did you jump in front of me when the Dark Lord used the killing curse on me, Why did you die this time?" he finished in a whisper as the tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

    The graveyard was still as Draco cried in silence for everything that he once had and then lost, as he cried for everything that had been. As he cried for everything that would never be. The rain fell gently at the ground as if it didn´t want to disturb him in is grief and instead tried to comfort him, stroking his blond hair, cheeks, shoulders and arms.


    "Please Draco, we must move him," I hear a voice whisper. I shake my head, not caring who it was. I clutch the small body to me and rock it back and forth, humming into its ear as I whisper "I love you," over and over again.

    I feel hands on my shoulders as someone tries to pry the boy from me. I scream at them and clutch him more tightly. He was mine and I wasn't going to let anyone take him from me. "NO!" I scream through my sobs as they try to pull him away from me.

    "Please dear boy," the voice said again. "Not here; not like this."

    "Don't," I whisper as I cradle the raven black head to my chest. "I can't leave him."

    I pull out my wand and point at the people who were standing around me. They all backed away and I felt myself let out another sob as I squeezed Harry to me. He was dead and I hated it.

    Finally they pull him away from me and I sit there, defeated and heartbroken as I watch my love being carried away from the battle scene; the fallen hero of the wizarding world.

    End flashback.

    “Why did you leave me Harry?” Draco cried as he kicked the stone again. “We were supposed to be happy together; why did you die? God dammit, why?”
    Everyone should be crying, no one should be happy; Harry was dead. How could anyone be happy after that? How could the world possibly go on? My world stopped moving when I saw that jet of green light. My world ended with the falling of a loved one and a hero. The man thought in silent.

    "I don´t want this anymore," Draco said in a clear voice. "I don´t want to be alone anymore," he whispered as he looked up. He rolled up the arms of his robe, exposing the white skin to the rain. There were several scars over them, verticals and diagonals, short ones and long ones, old ones and new ones. He followed the path of his scars with his eyes as he whispered, "I don´t want to miss you. It hurts too much. I can't take it. I want to be with you again." Draco sat in silent and looked up at the tombstone.

    "I´m not able to kill myself. But when it ends, when it is my time to die. We´ll be together again Harry James Potter. And then you won´t be able to leave me again." It was still for a moment as Draco stands up.

    "I need to go now, but I´ll come back soon. You know I will. I can´t stay away for so long." Draco Malfoy turned around away from the grave ready to walk out of the gate from the graveyard.

    "Goodbye Harry my love." He whispered wiping his last tears away. But these ones shall not be his last ones. He will be crying for the rest of his life, until he and Harry will be together again.