• Choo! Choo! The train was already halfway to American School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Baylee was in a cart with A.J., a friend he had just made. Suddenly a girl came in when AJ was trying a spell on his rat.
    “Are you trying magic,” she asked? Aj continued with his spell.
    “Stupefy,” he yelled... nothing happened.
    “Are you sure thats a spell,” the girl asked? “ by the way I’m Sophie, Sophie Bibbey.”

    Once the train stopped Michael, gamekeeper, took the first years to the school on floating bicycles.
    At school Mrs. Johnson led us to a big door. She went and got a scroll then led us inside with an old hat in her free hand.
    “Sophie Bibbey,” Mrs. Johnson called. Sophie went up and put the hat on.
    “Cougars,” the hat shouted! She immediately ran to the Gryffindor table.
    Everyone was now sorted into their houses. Baylee was also sorted into the Cougars house, the feast began. Baylee and Aj grabbed everything in sight like wild pigs while Sophie ate politely.
    The leaders of house had now lead them to their common rooms. Baylee and Aj were looking at the Daily Gazette for anything they thought was cool.
    “Hey look at this,” Baylee pointed to an article.

    Mass Breakout in Azkaban
    10-20 inmates have broken out of Azkaban. Suspects include Caden the rising dark lord and mass murderer Black Sirius. Inmates include Sophie Newman, Alex Abeyta, and Severus Snape.
    for more turn to pg.5

    “Who is Caden,” Baylee asked?
    “He is Voldemorts son,” Aj replied reluctantly.
    “The one who killed millions, anyway Caden is supposed to be his son and he is following in his fathers footsteps,”
    “You think he could attack the school?”
    “No, but he is after the resurrection stone”

    “Baylee wake up,” Aj shouted! Baylee’s head peeped out of his curtain.
    “What is it?”
    “Double potions!” Baylee stumbled out of bed, snatched his potions book, and struggled through the portrait hole to Cinthias classroom.
    “Good morning class,” Cinthia greeted the Basilisk and Cougar first years.
    “Good morning ,” they replied in unison.
    “Today is just a day to test you on your potion making skills. The first to make any potion in your potions book is rewarded with Felix Felicis, a luck potion,” Cinthia explained. They began their potion making process. Baylees black hair swinging wildly looking for potion ingredients and Aj’s arms in a frenzy of stirring motion. Sophie’s potion was almost done, but Baylee’s was already turning a dark gold which was supposed to mean it was done.
    “We have a winner,” Cinthia shouted! She awarded Baylee the golden vial of luck.
    After class they went up to transfiguration with professor Johnson.
    “Good Morning Class!”
    “Good Morning,” they replied!
    “Today we will be trying to turn a goblet into a mouse,” and with a flick of her wand golden goblets appeared in front of everyone..

    “Transfiguration was rough,” Baylee was complaining to Aj after he had only gaven his cup a tail. They entered the great hall just in time for lunch. At the staff table the headmistress Mrs. Neal, was keeping an eye on Baylee.

    After lunch they had charms with professor Adrian.
    “Today we are going to levitate a feather I have placed on your desk,” she exclaimed. “Just swish and flick your wand while saying levitosa” and with that she did the same enchantment and several books flew into the air.

    After charms they headed back to common room for homework. Suddenly a blast of yellow light burst through the wall killing a student. Everyone ran to the great hall, it seemed every house had gotten the message. Caden had busted the great hall doors and entered followed by his dreameaters (followers).
    “Give me the resurrection stone,” Caden screamed!
    “Abra kadabra” a yellow light burst through the wall
    hitting professor Johnson and she fell dead... Suddenly caden ran past Baylee into the dungeons looking for the stone.
    After a few minutes of trying to kill a few dreameaters caden came up the stairs with a box.
    “Disarmus,” baylee shouted! Cadens wand flew out of his hand and into baylee’s. His mind racing not knowing what spell to do “Abra Kadabra” he shouted and 1 burst of light came out of each wand, one backfiring the other killing Caden! They fell to the ground, both dead.

    “Why,” people cried over the dead body that was once Baylee.
    “Where am I,” Baylee asked?
    “He’s alive,” Aj shouted with joy!

    Three days later and Baylee was back on the train headed home.
    “You know what,” Baylee said “ if I didn’t kill myself I must not have killed Caden, so he’s still out there.”