- "Avias Help me!"I cried. Avias whipped around and looked at me as if I had just stolen his heart then a serious look came over him and he shouted"gabiriel dammit stop this maddness!!!Killing miya won't bring back sister rosseta" gabriel began to laugh madly"oh but silly little brother don't you see, miya is rosseta if I kill her rosseta will be once more" avias looked blankly as if considering it for a moment the said"Fine if you won't stop"he paused"Then I'l have to kill you" and the moment avias fell to the ground i felt my heart die along with him...

- Title: The Wax Rose
- Artist: MiyaVp
A story i wrote i originaly published it on quizilla but have decided to post it on gaia and this is going to be the back of the book if you want to read the next chapter i will post it on quizilla as soon as i get it typed and i will put the link to my story page here and i was thinking of posting the half of chapter one i have typed on here but i have to get it copyrighted first then i will post it ok?
And Avias is pronounced {A-V-as}
and dont forget to comment please and thankyou - Date: 11/15/2008
- Tags: thewaxroseaviasmiyagabriel
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Comments (7 Comments)
- gabbwee2 - 05/24/2009
- Umm it made no sense at all... maybe you should add a little more and idl CAPITALIZE all your names i couldn't tell what was a name and what was aomething else. Srry if i was mean but it is the tuth. Keep writing though
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- MiyaVp - 11/24/2008
- lol it wasnt finished i'll do that later i just wanted to get an opinion on the words not the grammer
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- MiyaVp - 11/24/2008
- well of course you didnt under stand it it is going to be the back of the book not the first chapter
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- Chloie Marie - 11/22/2008
- *twitch* Goodness child, if you are going to write a book at the very, very least make sure that your capitilization is correct! You dont capitilze half of the names, and you even miss an "I".
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- bluediamond11 - 11/17/2008
- i dont understand but i liked it for some reason
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