tab "Are you sure you'll be alright?"
tab "Im sure I'll be alright. Now run along before ou miss our flight." my smile and happiness were wearing out-it was all just an act in the show of my life. It was just so my parents wouldn't worry-I couldn't let these two weeks interfere with their anniversary vacation....sure I was furious because I would have to stay with my grandparents for two weeks and stay away from my best friends Tina and Laiken. I know my best friends were just as bummed as i was....especially since they knew how much i hated my grandparents and how much trouble I would get myself into and be forced not to see them even longer.
tab I waved good-bye to my smiling eager parents. Lucky them, at least they didnt have to spend their anniversary vacation having their grandparents stay at their house while their parents were gone. I turned to run for my gothic teenager's dream room, but ran into my grandma instead. "Where are you going that will allow you to dress like that?"
tab "Ummmmm its called my bedroom, ever heard of one? Oh no I forgot that you have a cardbox home! That's right! ou dont have money for anything else!" I knew she would ground me for that remark, but its not like I was going anywhere anyways....well at least not on her watch.
tab "That was very rude of you to say, I can see we'll have to teach you proper young lady manners while we're here."
tab I just stood there and showed no emotion towards my nazi grandma. I gave her one last death stare-which made her give me a disgusted look-and turned for my room.
tab "Just to let you know-your grounded!"
tab I spun around so fast it made it look like a tornado had ripped through the house. "Does it look like I really care?And next to that-who died and left you my mother?" I walked my combate booted feet to my room, locked the door, picked out a 'very obnocious' CD-turning my sterio half way up and sprawled across my bed-awaiting for my nazi grandma to say something.
tab "TURN IT DOWN!" I heard the attempted entry of my grandma. I started laughing histarically.
tab "HOPE YOU DIDNT BREAK ANY BONES YOU OLD HAG!" i silently thought to myself, that'll teach you to tell me what i can and cant do.
tab "Open this door right now!" I could barely hear the furious knocking on my door and her voice.
tab "Sorry what was that? Turn it up? Okay if ou say so!" I turned the radio the rest of the way up.
tab "TURN IT OFF!"
tab "Turn it? ALRIGHT! I'm glad your enjoying my music-everyone else does too!" I changed the song "Voodoo" to "Smells like Teen Spirt".
tab "Your mother will hear about this!"
tab "IT DOESNT MATTER! ITS NOT LIKE SHE'LL BELIEVE AN OLD HAG OVER HER OWN LIVING BREATHING FLESH AND BLOOD!" I got dressed in a black ripped gothic mini dress and walked out my bedroom door, locking it behind me (I have the only key to it too) without turning off my sterio, hoping it would drive my grandparents insane.
tab When I passed my grandparents they spoke up and asked, "Where do you think your going? I thought we made it clear your grounded."
tab I smiled devilishly and replied, "I thought I made it clear I dont care and it doesnt matter? IM GOING TO THE CEMETARY TO MEET UP WITH SOME OLD FRIENDS!" I walked out the house before they could say more, laughing all the way to the cemetary. When I reached the cemetary my friends gave me the 'Oh my gothic-your not grounded' look. "Shut your black and red lipsticked mouths." Of course they obeyed me-it was as if I were the leader of my friends. Or maybe more of the mistress of a gothic coven? Whatever. I walked up to my usual spot and stood up on a tombstone. "We are here today to discuss the new pranks to pull on the teachers. Any ideas?" And of course-no one had an idea-I had came up with the pranks since I was 10. I went up to my ex-boyfriend, Thomas-whom still has feelings for me-and grabbed a fistfull of his hair and yanked it back. "I dont get why I hang out with losers like you-YOU CNT EVEN COME UP WITH PRANKS! For crying out loud people! NOBODY? FINE!" I releases his head, sending him reaching to the spot I had grabbed and sent him crawling behind a tombstone to cower. "Does anybody at least know what day it is?"
tab My first boyfriend, Daniel, raised his hand. "The first day of your menstrual cycle?" Giggles and snickers of course, but some were smart enough to know what was coming-so they just slid back from the scene a few feet.
tab I picked Daniel up by his shirt. "You just think that your a riot-dont you? I got a little something for our 2nd year break-up-verserry! Would you like to know what it is?"
tab "Not really....it sounds....painful."
tab I snickered and laid a big, juicy kiss right smack dab on the lips. Everyone burst out with laughter. I released him from my hold on his shirt and he sprawled away-wiping his lips. "Man! That was nasty! Why'd you do that?"
tab "It was just our 2nd year break-up-verserry gift! Or would you prefer my back up gift?" I held out my fist. My constant fighting like a boy and constant threats to Daniel is what broke us up in the first place. He says he just 'didnt feel the love anymore' but I know along with everyone else tha it was because we had gotten into fistfights before-and each and everytime-I won....not even a scratch on me-I had sent him to the hospital once because I hit him in the gut so hard.
tab "I-I-I-I think i'll pass....the first gift was much better." Told you.
tab "Good! Now shut your trap or be gone!" He shut up immediately. "Now where was I? Oh right-the prank on the teachers. Today is the day the new prep-" Many boos came in unison at this point, "SILENCE! I WILL KILL YOU! Today is the day that the new prep teacher comes to our school. I was thinking about warning her about the hauntings of our school and the first day worries for teachers. Making sure every single thing comes true." Cheers-Of course. I thought to myself, I am walking among a land of brain-dead morons.
tab I silently walked away from the cemetary while the others continued to cheer. I heard running footsteps behind me. What moron has decided to follow me like a lost puppy today? Its like their all on a leash that only I cant see.
tab I slowed the tiniest bit-apparently, it had been enough. Dang. I felt cold fingers-ice cold fingers-on my neck. They pressed harder. I turned my head to get a glimpse of the person but by the time I had gotten close enough to see them, the person was gone. "HEY! THEY TOOK MY HELLO BATTY CHOKER! THATS SICK MAN!" I have to admit though, I know it was a male-and I found it....attractive. I couldnt help but think that part of my dream of becoming a vampiress were coming true.
2. Falling for the bad boy
tab "It was AMAZING!" I made sure I said the last word clearly into the receiver of the phone.
tab "Wait, so let me get this straight, a guy tries to CHOKE you and you find it ATTRACTIVE?!"
tab "Oh come on, you've known me since birth and you know me better then I know MYSELF and you find it surprising that I found it ATTRACTIVE?"
tab "Then you see WHY I found it attractive?"
tab "Hey, its not my fault, I'm easily attracted to stuff like that and you know it!" There was a dead silence on the other end. "YO! TINA! GET YOUR BUTT AWAY FROM THAT PICTURE OF YOU UGLY BOYFRIEND!"
tab "Couldn't of been too ugly, you dated him too."
tab "Oh my gothic, COME ON, I was stupid when I picked Michael as my second boyfriend. For crying out loud, THE GUY HAS A MOLE THE SIZE OF GETTYSBURG!"
tab "Your lying. He doesn't! Does he?" I smirked at the phone, at the lie I had told to Tina to get her attention.
tab "Nope, I'm not lying, well I'm lying DOWN on my bed, but I'm not lying to you about the Gettysburg mole." I took the phone away and put it on speaker. I started to quietly laugh into my pillow. God, this was too good to pass up.
tab "OH GOTHIC! YOUR KIDDING! MAN THAT'S EXTREMELY SICK! Where's the mole?" I quickly thought of a place for my lie to be.
tab "On his stomach where his six pack is."
tab "Um, excuse me while I go barf."
tab "You go right ahead and do that honey. I just don't know how I'm going to break the news to Michael."
tab "What news?"
tab "That your a bulimic." There was a silent pause on the other end of the line as my best friend took in what I had just said.
tab "You know I'm not though."
tab "Go ahead say what you want, but you know its true. Go ahead count, how many days in the past two weeks have you barfed?" Silence and then a click. "That dumb goth! SHE HUNG UP ON ME AGAIN!" I thought nothing of it and just decided to take a walk around town since it was a gorgeous day. I grabbed my gothic umbrella and walked out of my room.
tab The rain was cold and tasted sweeter then ever. I continued to walk around town and got weird stares from bystanders. When they looked in my direction with that look of oh-my-god-she’s-a-freak, I glared back with a death stare and they looked away almost immediately. I heard running foot steps behind me. Sounded like...combat boots maybe? I did not slow at all and they caught up to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. I saw a beautiful teenage boy with hypnotic golden eyes, black hair, and snow white skin-just like mine. One thing was odd though...he had my hello batty necklace. Was he the one that had tried to choke me the other day? It didn't seem so as his golden eyes dragged me in closer. He just smiled sweetly and said, "Hi, I'm new here and I don't see many of our kind around. Especially not one as pretty as you are." I just stared into his gorgeous eyes and he repeated himself as though I had not heard him.
tab "No, there's not many of us here in Livonia. Its kind of boring with no one around. We have such a small group and at least we all stick together. Actually, there should be a meeting behind the preppy teenage club. That’s where we meet up if there's ever a gorgeous day out like today. Would you like to join me?" He gave me a gorgeous look and just took my hand and lead the way.
tab I heard cat calls and whistles as we approached. When we actually reached our destination everyone’s mouths dropped into those shocked little o's. I took my spot on top of the dumpster and the god of darkness joined me. Everyone just stared at us. Finally the god of darkness leaned over to me, moved my hair away from my ear, whispered in my ear, and kissed me on the lips. Everyone just about fainted. "I never caught your name."
tab "Its Nick. I never caught yours either."
tab "I'm Ashley."
tab He took my right hand up to his lips and kissed it tenderly. "It's lovely to meet you my queen of darkness."
tab I just shrugged, smiled slyly and said, "The feelings mutual." but in reality, I wanted to faint.
3. My Sweet Sacrafice
tab My phone rang and the sweet sound of the theme music from Halloween came with each ring. I groped around my dark room for it and when I finally found it I answered it grogily and answered, "Hullo?"
tab A bellish voice answered me back, "Good morning my queen of darkness. Its time to get up, it's sunset."
tab I rose out of bed quickly realizing who it was and how late I would be for my date if I didn't get up right now. "I'll meet you in the cemetary in ten! Until then my god of darkness." I slipped on black and gothic purple stripped leggings, a black lace mini skirt and a hot gothic tshirt. I put on bat and spider rings and spider webbed earrings, completed with a black spiked choker. I rushed to the bathroom to put on black eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick and to put on my combat boots. I ran out of my bathroom and they again asked me where I was going. "Do you need to know everything I do in my gothic teenage life?" BAM! A hit in the soft spot. Perfect, this gave me a chance for my great escape.
- by heavymetaluvr101 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/09/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Falling Into The Darkness
- Artist: heavymetaluvr101
This is a gothic vampire romance i'm working on and its not quite done yet.
WARNING:Cruel humor is used in this...
I would love for people to tell me if I should add or delete anything!! - Date: 11/09/2008
- Tags: falling into darkness
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- heavymetaluvr101 - 12/22/2008
- MCR4393-some spelling errors were made to be there like when i answered the phone towards the end where it says "Hullo?" that WAS intended
- Report As Spam
- Bad_Wolf_No_More - 12/19/2008
just check your spelling
and some parts were a bit corny sounding
over all 4 out of 5 - Report As Spam
- heavymetaluvr101 - 11/24/2008
Honestly everyone, i need CRITISIM!!
If u think I need to add some details or something-TELL ME and rate me too!! I NEED CRITISIM BEFORE I CAN GO ON!!
So PLZ critisize it!! - Report As Spam