In front of my very being stood two boys claiming they were what humans call Vampires. At least, one was admitting it and the other was trying to keep him from admitting it, telling him he's an idiot for telling me.
Kira turned his full attention to me. I forced myself to stand straight and look confident, although inside I was about to collapse. Too much, too much. How could Kai just flat-out say him and Kira are Vampires? Vampires are of Urban Legends; myths. What else could they say that would make me believe them?
"Do you...believe Kai, Arisa?" Kira whispered under his breath.
I was almost sure that Kira was talking to himself when he asked that but I opted to answer anyways, "No...I don't,"
Kira mixed his face with both confusion and huge relief, "Why not?"
"It's obvious," I started, "Vampires aren't real. They're all made up. I've never believed in them and I never will,"
Kira sighed. It didn't sound too much like relief, though. My nerves started working up again. Why was I getting so worked up over this? They're not real you idiot, I thought to myself. I knew I was right...I...knew I was...
"What if..." Kira paused for a long moment, putting the words together in his head. Probably asking himself if he should tell me or not, "What if Kai was lying?"
"I know he's lying. Knowing him, he's probably doing it to scare me. You guys are nothing like Vampires."
"What makes you think we're not?"
It took me a long moment to process that. I looked over hesitantly at Kai who seemed hesitant himself. As if he were holding himself back from doing something. He flexed his hands into fists multiple times. I shifted on my feet a little.
"When Kai kidnapped me he didn't burn in the sun. I didn't see him attacking every human in his wake. He never turned into a bat--"
Kira cut me off short by a quick burst of laughter. My face turned red but as it did, Kira's seriousness came back.
"What if we're Vampires that aren't the exact same as the legends?"
Kira slowly made his was towards me. He reached his hand out and touched my arm. I cringed at the cold that surged through my body and sent 5 chills all at once down my back. I withdrew from him quickly.
"That body temperature is inhuman, isn't it?"
What, does he think I'm stupid? Of course it's inhuman!
"Will you just shut up already?" I couldn't believe I was being this rude to Kira. I could get used to acting like that with Kai...but not Kira, "I know you're not Vampires. You guys are good at acting, I'll give you that, but I'm not falling for it," I ended up clenching my fists. I was getting too pissed off to let this conversation go any further, "It's a big prank, I know it. I'm pranked all the time and so I would really respect it if you guys drop it."
Kira smiled weakly, "We can do that, Arisa,"
My head was still spinning with questions. I figured I should ask Matsuda about it tonight when he gets back from dropping off Takeuchi or whatever his name was. I was hoping they wouldn't be much longer. This place was turning into a nuthouse.
"So, can you guys not bring that up? You're creeping me out. You're making me feel stupid too."
Kira nodded again in confirmation, "I'm not trying to upset you or anything, Kira," I started, "but I'm just sick and tired of being pranked all the time. I'm not respected much at school."
Kira gave me a sentimental look and in an instant, his face turned into what looked like regret. So it was a prank, and he was regretting it. I knew it. No matter where I go, people can always tell that I'm the easy-to-prank type. So much for starting to think Kira was actually nice. I already knew Kai was rude, but already, I wasn't expecting that from the likes of Kira. I sighed and stretched. I was getting sleepy, but I wanted to wait until Matsuda got home so I could ask some questions and get some honest answers. Kai said Matsuda would beat him up about telling the "secret". I would have no problem with that. I smiled smugly.
I couldn't feel any happier when I heard the doorknob turn. I turned around instantly to face the front door that Matsuda soon entered. I smiled widely and Matsuda smiled just as wide.
"Hello!" I cheerfully greeted him.
"Hello," Matsuda greeted me just as cheerful. I was so happy to see him. I don't know why. I only saw him for 3 minutes before he had to leave again, but I already knew I could trust him completely. He's too much of an Angel.
"Matsuda, may I ask you some questions?" I smiled coyly. I wanted so bad to make Kai feel guilty for telling me that "secret". I was hoping so much that it would work.
Matsuda shined a curious look, "Of course you may,"
From the corner of my eye, I saw Kira flash a warning face. He seemed almost panicked. What's the big deal? He doesn't want to get in trouble either? Too bad. Kira and Kai picked up their cue and left the living room and into the kitchen. Matsuda and I moved out of their way so they could pass. I sat down on one couch but Matsuda didn't sit down yet.
"I'll only be a moment, Arisa. I'm going to go get Orihime."
My heart jumped. Orihime is his wife, isn't she? I didn't know she was here; she never came down. Matsuda glided up the stairs with much grace and he was gone into a bedroom. I assumed Orihime was sleeping. I slouched back on the couch and let my tightened joints relax. Just as I had gotten comfortable, Matsuda came back out of the bedroom. I looked over at the top of the large staircase so see Matsuda with his arm wrapped around an absolutely gorgeous woman. Her hair was grown to her shoulders, curled at the end, and blonde, she had a perfect hourglass figure to her with sparkling curves, and the most beautiful dark brown eyes. Her eyes seemed to be looking distantly, though (is that even a word, 'distantly'?)
I continued to stare at the perfect couple as they slowly made their way down the stairs, as though they were preparing for a wedding. Of course they couldn't be doing that; they're already married. After a moment, they reached the white carpet of the first floor. I stood up in respect. Matsuda smiled.
"Arisa, come over here,"
I nodded and tried my hardest to glide over to them just as they can glide, but my klutzy feet were too lazy and loud. I stood in front of them timidly and folded my hands in front of me.
"Matsuda, is this her?" another Angel's voice. It knocked the wind out of me. Her voice chimed high and beautifully and so smoothly.
"Yes, this is Arisa Kurabashi. She's finally here."
Finally? How long had they planned me to be here? I turned my attention to Orihime as she held up her hands towards my face, her eyes still looking distant.
"Let me touch your face, please,"
I paused and looked up to Matsuda, asking if it was okay for her to touch me. I don't know why I was asking. Maybe because I though Orihime's hands would burn up touching my normal human face compared to her abnormal human face.
Matsuda nodded in approval. I slowly took another step closer to Orihime so that her hands could touch my face. Baby soft, she glided her hands all over my face. I was confused for a moment. Can't she just see me? Why did she have to feel my--wait. She's...blind?
Matsuda smiled weakly, defeated. She was blind. Completely blind. My heart stopped for a moment. That's horrible. Orihime smiled at me warmly.
"Her face is beautiful. Matsuda, what color are her eyes?"
Matsuda wrapped his arm around Orihime's waist tightly and rubbed her waist up and down, "Her eyes are large and deep purple,"
Orihime smiled wider, "And her hair?"
"Dark brown,"
Orihime grabbed a lock of my hair and twirled it around on her finger, observing the texture. My hair probably felt weird cause apparently I had jumped out of a car and rolled down a ditch and almost into a pond so yeah, my hair might be a little knotty. Orihime lowered her hand and continued to smile at me.
"Welcome to our home, Arisa. We've been looking so forward to meeting you. Don't worry about what Kai says, he's only trying to scare you."
Ha, I figured as much. The "secret" was a lie. I felt so much better and decided against asking the questions I had in mind. I was too tired for talking anyways. I sighed.
"Are you tired, Arisa?"
I yawned and nodded at the same time. That was probably the only multi-tasking talent I have; yawning and nodding at the same time. I'm the kind of person who can't chew gum when I walk. I told you I was an idiot.
"I can show you to the bedroom you can stay in," Matsuda smiled at me. I hesitated.
Matsuda helped Orihime to the couch. He kissed her on the top of the head, "I'll be right back, Orihime,"
"Okay, honey,"
Honey, how romantic. I wasn't a big fan of romance, but these two made romance seem to die for, it was unbelievable. Both of them were so beautiful physically and emotionally. I envied them for their beauty. Matsuda turned towards me and smiled again.
"Okay, Let me show you to your room, Arisa,"
Matsuda headed up the stairs and I followed timidly after him. The stairs were tall and wide and they looked as though they were hand-carved from oak. We arrived at the top of the stairs to a decent-length hallway with dark wooden planks on either side of the hallway. I trailed behind Matsuda until we arrived at the last bedroom on the left with a dark wooden door that was about 9 feet tall, I'm guessing. Matsuda opened the door and led me into this huge bedroom. In the center towards the back of the room was a platform with a king-size-plus bed with white linen drapes tied to the posts of the bed. Cream-colored satin sheets took over the mattress and a large, white, swollen comforter covered that. I tried to count how many pillows were on that beautiful bed but there were much too many to count so I estimated around 15 to 20 pillows. On the left wall was a large oak dresser with golden hand-made handles with a nice little vase with a lush green fern peeking out of it. On both sides of the bed sat two burgundy brown end tables. The one on the left also had a little vase with a fern in it. The one on the right of the bed had a cute little table lamp and what looked like a dated photo face-down on the end table. The carpet was cloud white and there were multiple mirrors placed harmoniously throughout the room walls. Matsuda chuckled as he saw my astonished face.
"This is Kai's room,"
I felt as though I were hit on the back of the head with a baseball bat, causing me to stumble, "Kai's room?!"
Matsuda, please don't tell me I have to sleep in here with Kai, please, please, please.
It was almost as if Matsuda had read my mind because he suddenly laughed out loud, "If you're wondering about Kai, he won't be sleeping in here,"
I breathed a sigh of huge relief. Matsuda turned towards the door and started making his way out. He looked back, "Arisa, I'll grab some of Orihime's old nightgowns and pajamas so you have something comfortable to wear tonight, okay?"
I could only imagine what Matsuda and Orihime's room looked like. Even I knew they wouldn't give Kai the nicest room. They'd given him the "boring room" I would imagine. As soon as I got started daydreaming, Matsuda came back in with an armful of nightgowns and pajamas. He lay them down on the large bed.
"Okay, here you go, Arisa. You can have all of these since you'll be here a while. Is that okay?"
Matsuda's face looked concerned and uncertain. I smiled and nodded, "Of course. Thank you so much, Matsuda."
Matsuda smiled back. He paused, "Wasn't there something you wanted to ask me?"
Oh, I had forgotten all about that, "No. I don't need to ask anymore. Thanks, though."
Matsuda nodded his Angelic nod and smiled his Angelic smile and left the room, gently closing the door behind him, leaving me to my bidding. I spread out all of the nightgowns on the bed and piled up the normal pajamas on the other side of the bed. It was somewhat warm so I decided to stick with a nightgown so I won't sweat to death and get the beautiful bed dirty or smelly. Of course, it was Kai's bed so it didn't matter, but he would still have no problem maiming me in any way, I assume.
I dressed myself and folded the nightgowns and pajamas neatly and rested them next to the dresser. I sprawled myself on the bed after turning out the lights and I felt as though I melted and molded into the bed. I moaned from relief and comfort. I swear, this bed was from a different planet. I tried to daydream myself to sleep as I always do, but was instantly victimized by the bed's own sleep aid...
I don't know how I was capable of waking that night, but something woke me up. Maybe it's just out of habit. I slid my way out of the bed and stood at the window, peering out into the black clear night. I was still barely awake when I felt a small breeze on my back and what sounded like a subtle poof behind me. I didn't even think about it at the time. In the next instant, my wrists were clamped onto by large cold hands and held against the wall. I stared blankly for a second, trying to process that someone had me up against the wall and that I could be in danger. I struggled to be set free but it didn't work. It didn't even seem to phase the guy. I felt a cold body press against my backside and a pair of frozen lips barely touched my ear.
"You scream and you die," the voice was ominous and I couldn't distinguish whose it was.
"Let--let me go," I didn't want to scream because I knew he'd kill me for sure, so I decided to whisper because I felt I had more of a chance of getting out alive.
My wrists were squeezed tighter and I moaned.
"Do you want to die?"
I froze for a moment and shook my head. The boy sighed in irritation and made his way down to my neck, breathing heavily against it. His breath wasn't cold and it wasn't hot, it didn't condensate on my skin either. His breathing got heavier and I could tell he was resisting...resisting what? I froze again when I felt his tongue slowly make his way all the way up my neck to the bottom of my jaw. I had to stop him, I had to...but he said he'd kill me. I held my breath and waited for the outcome.
I felt a pressure against my neck and was completely clueless as to what it was. And what first felt like needles against my neck, were soon daggers in my throat...
- by Mon Amour Antoinette |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/09/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: BLooDY SILHOUEttE Chap. 3
- Artist: Mon Amour Antoinette
- Description: Chapter 3! Whee! Yeah, um...this is where the action starts to kick it (more towards the end) so yeah...enjoy x]
- Date: 11/09/2008
- Tags: bloody silhouette
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Xi L u n a r iX - 10/04/2009
- :O AMAZING!!! I have a challenge to read all these chapters as your story is magnificent!!!!!
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- VioletNitemare - 08/05/2009
- *gasp* OMG!!! Must read next chapter immediately!!!!
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- Hinata o21 - 07/04/2009
- oh! I'm surely going to read this to the end! Awsome book!
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- Hotakka - 11/25/2008
- OMG this is so flipping addicting!! i'm writing an anime myself but its not nearly as good as yours but i was wondering if u wanted to take a look sweatdrop its in my journal
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- cry_102 - 11/14/2008
- oh my god! i absolutely love your story! i can't wait for the part two!alert me when your done writing part two!
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