• Just A Coincidence: Part 1: Daihyuteki no Hi (Typical Day)

    A typical day in this old town. Miyako Haruko walks to school with her head hung low.
    Just two years ago, Miyako met a group of people in a martial arts class. Tsukamu Uzumaki, Hinagiku(Hina for short) Kuromo, Sasuke Chimeiteki, Uoza, Tori, and Zankoku(Zan for short, Miyako calls him Seiki) Densetsu. During these years she became very close to them all. Especially the surly Zan. Despite the fact neither of them had ever kissed; they loved each other deeply. They may have been to young, but their souls did not act that way. Their relationship was love in its purest form. They were not clouded by any premisconceptions of what love was, or was supposed to be. However, last summer, Zan was mysteriously killed. Miyako was absolutely devistated. When Uoza and Tori were forced to move away, Miyako fell deeper into madness. With great effort, Tsukamu, Sasuke, and Hina managed to help Miyako live on. If they hadn't have been there, Miyako would've been dead.
    When Miyako arrives at school, the bell rings. Before she can reach the door to 1st period(history); Miyako is greeted by avid fans. These kids regard her as Shiroi Tsuru from the Animanga Yuru Yuri. "Shiroi-chan! Ohaiyo(Good Morning)!", "Hello Shiroi!", "Shiroi!" Placid as possible, Miyako ignores them and finds her seat. The late bell rings and Miyako prepares for another miserable day at Salieri Middle School(SMS). "Pst! Hey... Shiroi..." Whispers the student acrossed from her. Growing somewhat irritated, Miyako ignores them. "Shiroi.... hey Shiroi.... Shiroi..." Is all Miyako hears all period. Finally those 50 excrutiating minutes are over; Miyako leaves with relief. Calmly Miyako waves to Sasuke as they pass each other in the hall. As he kindly returns the favor, "Kagai-kun!" Sasuke's eyes grow wide. Soon he sprints to class; leaving Miyako in laughter. Unfortunately, her own gaggle of silly fan girls flock to their muse. Miyako runs quickly to math. During this class, luckily, there aren't any rabid fans. Just mutual likers of Animanga Though, Miyako is very bad at math; Sasuke always helps her after school. He's pretty good at everything. At least that is what Miyako thinks. Don't misinterpret that, she merely has great admiration for him. In fact there is no one she is romantically interested in. Considering that the only person she truly loved is now gone. Math class is dismissed. "Shiroi Tsuru!" "I love you Shiroi-chan!" "Shiroi-sama!" "Bwa! For the last time! Haruko Miyako desu yo!(I am Miyako Haruko)" Finally she exclaims. Then she huffs to Science. Though not her favorite class, Science is full of people who focus on their academics before their fandom. About 15 minutes into class, Shinka-sensei stops the class' activities.
    What is going to happen next? Find out: 10/30/2008

    Message me if there are ANY typos or grammar flaws please. THANK YOU.