"Dark Chaos: Time" Prologe
"Well? Do you plan on sharing something about yourself?" said the over emotional
Mrs. Em. Jachine was only half awake at the time, and was unclear on the question. "I said, do you plan on telling the class about yourself?" she repeated. Still groggy from moving boxes to his house the night before, Jachine slowly stood up. "My name is Jachine Wellsin." he spoke finally. "I just moved here from northern Kentucky, I move from place to place often. I work on my truck when I'm not doing homework." he finished. "Good." said Mrs. Em, and she went on talking. Jachine was more interested with getting to know the desk as he slowly drifted off again.
The bus ride home was horrid. Kids sat three to a seat, and it was near ninety five degrees outside. Jachine slowly got off the bus and waddled to his new house. Well, actually it was an old house, the type with the sinking roof with the nails popping out. As he slowly walked through the yard, Jachine noticed the trees were turning orange and red. This was odd considering it was early summer, but there was a drought so he didn't pay much attention. He got inside just to hear his mom yelling about how she was late for her job. "I only closed my eyes for a second and two hours went pass!" she said as she jolted out the door. "I guess I make dinner?" Jachine yelled as her car pulled away. She nodded and drove off.
After making a T.V. dinner, Jachine let Rebel, the dog out, and slowly fell asleep. When he woke up it was nearly 10:36 at night. He shrugged his shoulders and slowly fell back to sleep. It felt like hours passed, he woke up a few times lade there, and fell back to sleep. Then Jachine was awaken by barking. "@#$% dog!" he said as he got up to see how early in the morning it was. As Jachine looked at the clock he let out a small "what?" The clock only said 10:38p.m. "The clock's batteries are already dead?" he said as he got up. As he slowly walked to the kitchen another clock caught his eye. Also 10:38... The barking Rebel was making was going to wake the neighborhood if it continued.
The night's air was warm, unlike early in the scorching day. It didn't take long for Jachine to find Rebel. The dog was up against the fence barking away. Jachine heaved the dog over his shoulder and was heading in, when something walked across the road about fifty feet away. It was only another dog, or was it? No, this dog was bigger, much bigger. Judging by the nearby STOP sign, this animal had to be as tall as the top of Jachine's mom's car, just on all fours. Jachine watched as the behemoth ran into the darkness of the woods.
Slowly Jachine sat Rebel down inside, and walked back to the living room in a sleepy daze. Only now it was 1:52 in the morning...
"Dark Chaos: Time" Prologe
Black Baoz
As Jachine starts his new life in the Appalachian mountains away from friends, monsters begin
awakening around the world. Stuck up in life, he slowly notices the odd phenomenons happening around his small town. Until the night Jachine sees one, and is thrown into a battle between that will change the world forever.
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