9:41 MT (Moheedan time)
As I look upon the city of Moheeda I fear it though I was raised there. I have intention of ever returning to that awful place where I've seen many elves, dwarves, dranenei, and humans captured, tortured, and killed. One of them being my mother; the queen of the highland elves of Riness. My father captured her and took her as a prisoner, but that was before he saw the beuty of her. He then took her and forced her to marry him. They later had me and my father was angry that I looked more like my mother than him that he killed her.
I inherited my mother's flaming red hair (something that is common among the highland elves) and her violet almond eyes. The only thing that came from my father is the way my face looks. I have an oval face and even that is common among elves.
I am now in search of my mother's people. The highland elves of Riness. I thank the Gods that as an elf you live forever otherwise my etire family would have perished... now that I look upon this sentence I see an incorrect detail. My people can die but the only way is to be killed while we're asleep (which is what my father did the night my mother had me).
I'm about to set off on my journey. I surly hope that I will meet someone along the way and have a friend.
My appearance has changed quite a bit since the day I was born. For now I bear a scar on my cheek proving that I've fought my way through many goblins to be worthy to be the ruler's daughter. It's a creul ordeal and I hope to never face it again. My hair is still flaming red but it's gotten a lot longer. For most of my people cut their hair for it can be a weakness in battle (not that we can die during it though). My face has changed shape as well. It's more rounded now than it's ever been. Before, my ears used to be a mix between elven ears and human ears (it looked rather odd) but now they're looking fully Elven.
I hope that I can work with my magic, for I carry both elven and Shyninian (Shyninian is the language of my father's realm) magic. I know how to work the Shyninian magic and have had slight training for elvish prisoners that I found out had magic and were sentenced to die first.
12:00 MT
I've reached the woods. But they are not the woods that surround my country. They are ruled by the Orcs of Omia. I've come across a few and have killed them. My father has trained me well in the bow and sword so if I'm ever in a battle I can use both. He'll soon regret teaching me either though.
I've been up in a high tree for orcs have an impossible time with climbing them. I also can see if someone is coming near, which I do.
I must go now. I need to ask this creature a question.
The creature is friendly. He is a dwarven elf. Very few have ever been seen or even acounted for. His name is Ralon. I've been wondering why he was named after my father... that is unless he's my kind of brother. Only my father made love with a dwarf and had him and did exactly the same thing to his mother that he did to mine.
Place info for my story:
Moheeda- land of evil, the evil realm, original home of Siyue
Breife History- Moheeda has been at war with all the nations since the begining of time. When it's ruler Ralon (not the same one that Siyue meets up with) turned his army towards Riness he made a great enemy. He captured the elves after a battle that lasted about two weeks almost non-stop fighting and then the elves started to surrender. Ralon captured them all and brought them to Moheeda. One day he went down to torment the elves and the other prisoners and saw Senya, the queen of the elves, standing without fear inside her cell. He told her to come with her but she refused. He pulled her out of her cell and brought her to his chamber and forced her to make- love with him. Later on they had Siyue. She is now the heir to the Moheedan thrown and the Riness thrown.
Riness- home to the highland elves. though few remain they have maintained it quite well over the pass 30 years.
Breife History- Years before, the highland elves lived in peace with all the other realms. But all that changed when the dark creatures of Moheeda attacked them and captured their queen, Senya. They were taken to the dark realm of Moheeda and tortured. The ruler of Moheeda came down to torment the fair elves and saw the queen, standing without fear in her cell. He saw her beauty and forced her up to his chamber. Though she protested he would not let her go. He forced her to make-love with him and then 4 months (for in this story it's far shorter than in real life) Siyue was born, a beautiful half-elf.

- Title: Siyue runs away
- Artist: Lyrasence
This is about a half elf. She's been living in like the darkest realm for nearly twenty years and she ran away from home to find her mother's people. All the things in my story are from my imagination so please don't say that I'm copywriting for any reason. Give fair ratings because this is my first time writing in diary format.
P.S. I drew the main character you can have a look at her. I think it turned out well. - Date: 09/19/2008
- Tags: siyue runs away elves lotr
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