The leviathan rider pressed his fingers against a pressure point on his mounts neck giving it the signal to surface.
while it rose towards the furious battle above he allowed himself time to think of the home he may never see again
and the wife he had left behind.She would be coming home from her job at the pharmacy about now staring up at the
evening moon as she always did, her eyes sparkling in delight and wonder. He sighed bring his focus back to the
present as the surface loomed above. He spotted his target and guided his leviathan to the right.readying the
double ballistas that were standard for leviathans to fire at the dragon that was razing his fleet.
He gasped in a breath of real air and fired his ballistas as his leviathan broke the surface,
one of his shots shooting past the dragon and burying itself in the hull of a ship that was passing
but the other scoring a direct hit on the dragon sending it spiralling into the ocean. He roared in triumph along
with his mount as he reloaded the ballistas arrows flying through the air all around him. He had just managed to
reload the first on when something hit him in the throat staggering him. Falling back he tried to cry out but
managed nothing more then a wheezing gurgle. His hands found their way to his throat and found an arrow there sunk
there up to the fletching. He felt his vision fade as he fought for a breath the realization that his life was at
an end closing upon him and he would never see his wife or family again. He faded into darkness with her appearing
right before him and he reached out for her always reaching but he could never hold her.

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