the world plunged into a thick black darkness, a neon blue light lit up the mechanics around it, a low buzz and a loud beep perced the hevy silence as a sky blue screen with a flying window plunged the walls in the color. Jake Tyler double clicked on the icon for msn and the internet explorer. as msn came up he minamized it and then he looked through the message boreds at his favourite chat site. he desided to click on the bored he usualy liked to patisapate in "Highschool (boys needed)"
jake walked into the classroom looking for
his chair, as he found it he sat down.
jake clicked on 'post message' and waited for a reply. after about a minute he got what he was after
jessica walks into the room and smiles at mike
and julia but she desided to sit next to jake
''hay my name is jessica, im new to this school"
jake desided to use his ''cool guy'' persona he liked to put on seeing as he was a geek or a nerd what ever you would like to call him, he was about six foot 2-and-a-half, he defenetly was not goodlooking and he didnt have many friends but at a big school you are always bound to end up with some, he didnt complain all he needed was a couple of friends but what he wanted was a girlfriend and the only place he could get one was on the net . his dad was rich but that still didnt get him any brownie points with the girls but well he still had his family and he still had his friends.
"hay my name is jake" he looked at her and smiled.
after he posted this he got a message through the chat sites message system, as he opend it he noticed it was from the girl he was talking to on the bored 'babyiwanu2043'.
hay its me from the bored, so u got msn?
i do my email is sarahizababe@hotmail.com
he desided to put her in his list so he opend MSN and clicked on the apropreate link, typed in her email and the started an instant message convesation.
hay so whats your real name mine is jake?
he waited for a reply as he got up and grabed the vanila coke from his minifridge the he laid back down onto his double bed and put the clear case laptop back on his lap.
my name is Sarah, if you couldnt have gussed
ooops sorry i got to go to bed so talk to you
tommorow, goodnight.
jake too desided to go to sleep so he turned his computer off and placed it onto his bedside table, after about twenty seconds the neon blue light switched off and the room was once more dark and quiet.
Sarah Jane turned off her desk top and stood up, she was about 5 foot 8 with brown hair she was butifull and she knew it, ''well anouther friend on the net i really do need to get some sleep so good night dog" she said to her dog as she laid down on her bed put the blanket over her and fell asleep.
The next morning she woke up, got dressed, went down stairs and ate breakfast. "so what are you doing after school dear?" her mum asked.
"probably going to the shops and hanging with my friends, why?"
"just wondering, do you need any money?"
"yeah about fifty will do fine thanks."
as she stood up her father walked in
"what was that about fifty?" he asked while kissing his wife and grabbing a peice of toast from Sarah's mums plate
"shes going to the shops after school" her mum said while making a cup of coffee
her dad the grabed his wallet and handed over the yellow note "here" he said as he sat down
"well i got to go, and thank you" she said as she pocketed the note and kissed her father on the forehead "bye bye"
Jake looked at his alarm clock and realized the time "s**t" he said while jumping up hastily putting on his clothes and grabbing his school bag. as he ran down the stairs his mum yelled "don't be late get some breakfast on the way to school and don't forget that your dad and I are going out today and i don't know when we are getting back"
as Jake opened the front door he yelled "Thanks mum and yep"
Jake got into school about three minutes after the bell her walked into class and sat behind the popular girls, Sarah Jane, Michelle Reid, Jacinta Winters and Malinda Headly. he was listening to their conversation which for some unknown reason was about chatting on the internet. "yeah i met a guy last night" Sarah said while looking at her note book "he sounds nice well he types nice anyway"
"ewww Sarah's got a boyfriend ewwww whats his name?" Malinda asked
"shut up i only talked to him for about ten minutes before i went to sleep last night
"So, whats his name?" Jacinta asked
"he is probably some over weight bald nerd sitting in his underwear with his mum washing his back" Michelle commented while reading a book she had in front of her
Sarah just looked at her with a disgusted look on her face "no Michelle that's just your actual boyfriend" to which the girls just laughed at "but his name is Jake"
jake looked up from what he was doing and smiled.
"class assignments will be on technology and how it affect's you" the teacher said "i will pair you off in groups and no you may not pick your own groups and no swapping or you will get a fail this is not only so you can get marks but so you can actually get to know each other better that means you will be put with some one out side of your own groups" he said while handing out sheets of paper "pass this down to the persons name that is on top the second piece of paper has the name of the person you will be working with"
Sarah got hers "oh i wounder who i got, hope its Luke he is such a babe"
"nah i want Shannon, all that muscle, he turns me on" Jacinta said smiling "so who do you want Michelle?"
"Tallon, hes got that whole fun look to him" she replied with a seductive grin on her face
"John for me he is so good at everything and he is so hot" Malinda said while looking at the popular boys across the room who were sitting and laughing at the boys in front of them
as Sarah opened up to the second page she frowned "Damn" she turned to Jake and ripped of the second piece "this is yours" he forced a thank you out before he kept down the tremendous smile that he could feel about to hit him, the girls laughed then stopped when they read theirs and it was Sarah's turn to laugh "lest i got the rich nerd" she turned to Jake "no offense or nothing but ya cant help the truth" she smiled at him
Sarah decided to get the assignment over and done with so she walked over to Jake and his friends who also like Jake were rich geeks "Jake is it alright if we get this over with tonight after school?" she said with a frown on her beautiful face "sure meet me outside the frount gate and my dads schofure will take us to mine and he will also take you home" he said with out looking up for the risk of blushing.
"great" Sarah said as she started to walk away
the school day seemed longer for Jake but that may be because of the fact that the most butiful girl in year twelve and the school was going to his house, but as the final bell rang through the school the bustle of the school kids running and screaming and talking rung through the school grounds, Jake waited for Sarah at the front gate while leaning on the frount of his dads Ferrari as he saw her he opened the door and waited, "here you are" he said as she hopped into the back of the red sedan he got in after her and closed the door "home thanks Mark".
as the car pulled up into the drive of the three story mansion jake took a quick glance over at the girls looking out the car window "here we are, did you want something to eat or drink?" he asked but she just shook her head.
Jake thought to him self while he wlked up the stairs to the door of his one floor bedroom which overlooked the beautiful waterfall his dad got built when Jake was about four, i dont know how to treat her she has made my life a living hell for the past five years but well she is popular and i am well just a geek so i might as give her the benefit of the doubt she looked out his bedroom windows "its beautiful you have a lovely house" she said while scanning the room "thank you here's a seat" he rolled over a chair and he grabbed him self one and put them up to the computer desk he had. "well, lets get started hey" she said while still looking at the man made water fall out side "lets" Jake said.
wene Sarah got home she went strait to her room "you want dinner dear?" her mum asked
"no thanks i ate at Jake's oh and I'm going there tomorrow as well to finish this project" Sarah yelled back down the stairs as she turned on her computer and logged onto the net were her new friend was waiting.
Jake sat and waited for Sarah to hopefully come online and wene she did he instantly messaged her
hay Sarah so do anything today
he typed her
yeah but i have a delema i sorta ummm how to put this
have this project with a geek from school but he is
really nice but well im popular and he is a geek and
hay he has the same name as you do, your not him are
you, lol
Jake thought about it for a second but decided to lie than to tell her that he was
not that i know of so do you like this guy?
he asked with interest
well i don't really know him and well i have teased him
since year 8.
Jake thought to him self this is useless if she knew that this is me then she will stop talking to me
well its up to you well i G2G bye bye
jake was about to log off when she sent him a message
well can i tell you something else, you cant tell anyone but
well i think I'm pregnant well i just had to tell somebody and
you are here and you don't actually know me so you wont tell
anyone well thanks for listening goodnight
Jake decided to stay on for just a little bit longer
have you had a test yet?
he looked at the clock on his wall 11:40
no but I'm going to have one of those chemist pregnacy
test tomorrow morning before school well im going to
go to sleep I'm really tired
Jake logged off before she said anything else.
the next day after school Sarah and jake walked through Jake's front door and then they walked up the stairs to his room as jake closed the door he asked "so what did the test say this morning" she looked at him in wounder did i tell him yesterday by accedent or wait no i told jake on the net oh s**t they are the same person s**t s**t s**t "nahh it said i wasnt but sorry but ive got to go i forgot I had something i had to do today" she said as she ran out of his room and out to the front
that night Jake sat in forunt of his computer and waited for Sarah to come online but as he was about to email her and ask were she was it hit him "s**t she dint tell me in person she told me on the net"
Jake walked into school, he looked like s**t and felt like it to, he spent all night sitting in front of his desk top just waiting for her to come on. he then desided to go into his first class early, as he walked into class he noticed Sarah sitting alone at her desk writing down something in red pen. he sat behind her and she got up and moved across the room to were the boys usualy sat. he got up and sat next to her "whats up?" he said while looking at her, "whats up, whats up you ask, ******** you that's whats up, get away from me you ******** looser thats whats up" she shouted at him as her friends and the boys walked in to the room "you want to know whats up well ******** you i don't like you so ******** off get away from me, i hate you and you are a looser so ******** off go be with your ******** dorky friends, well what are you waiting for a ******** invitation or don't they like you because you mouthed off to them about getting with me huh or did you tell them that i thought i was pregnant huh? well ******** you i never liked you i was acting like i did to get you to do this project, well?" she looked at him then at the teacher sitting now on his desk "******** off looser" Jake stood up and started to walk off "go cry baby" she shouted after him
Jake stopped and walked back to her as he threw his bag over to the wall.
"******** me, what did you say ******** me" as he said this a large crowed gathered out side and in the class "******** me, i cant believe you i did nothing to you, you made my life hell, so ******** you b***h, i still have friends and i didn't tell anyone, you did" he stopped took a big breath in then out "so you can go and ******** your self i tried to put all of the past behind and swallow, i was nothing but kind to you i helped you and i was nice and i ******** forgave you i did s**t to you, and this, b***h, is how you say thank you well you, yes you not me, are the looser, i act like myself, you act like a ******** b***h i know you aren't like that"
"you don't know who the ******** i am,"she yelled back "you are a geek a nerd a ******** looser"
"shut up b***h," he yelled back
"no b***h i said shut up, get over your self, go ******** your self, go and get a better life, you want everything to be the way you want it you want everyone to bow down and kiss your feet, you can get any guy you want, you use guys to get what you want, sex sells but well, not with me, not anymore i would have given everything to put my arm around you just to hear you breath, to say what i have wanted to all my life well all of it that I have known you, I," he stopped and thought "I, I, I,"
"well spit it out looser" some guy yelled from the back, Jake then realized that they had an audience
"I ******** love you" he said before he went over and grabbed his bag "yeah i love you but that is over now you lost out not me, and I don't care how much of a looser i am, at least im honest with my self" he pushed through the people in the door way
"why do you think i care" she yelled after him "********" she yelled to her self so loud the principal walked in and disbanded the room full of students and teachers "********" she yelled again as she stormed out of the classroom
as Jake walked along the school ground a black beaten up car pulled up alongside of him "hey kid do you know were Right road is" the guy getting out said as he walked to him with a map
"no sorry" Jake said not even looking up
"well sorry you couldn't help but if you would like to get in the car Jake Tyler we wont have to shoot you"
Jake looked up then started to run "oh no you don't you little s**t" as the guy tackled him jake just laid there not putting up a fight, as the guys pulled him up and threw him into the car
"Jake Tyler, the son of multy millionaire Simon Tyler was kidnapped today out side his school" Sarah threw a book at the tv then tuned it off, she stood up and walked down the stairs through her open door "Whats wrong hunny?" her mum said as she walked out of the frount door. Sarah just ignored her and sat on the wet grass out side, she put her head into her arms and cried. "i heard that you had a fight with a guy at your school today, was he your boyfriend? do you want to talk about it? did he break up with you? you will find another, a better boy" her mum said quietly and in a comforting tone
"no mum he wasn't my boyfriend, he was a ******** looser" Sarah said through her hands "he was a ******** looser"
"no need to swear" her mum said "I'm sure it wasn't that bad"
"no mum i ******** up, he was a geek but, but" she stopped and cried
"but what, you liked him?"
"Yes, mum i told him to ******** off and that he was a looser, but he wasn't, isn't, i am" she said between sobs "I'm a ******** looser"
"was he a good looking geek"
"No he isn't, but he was the kindest guy i have ever met, I, I, I cant go to school tomorrow"
"why?" her dad said as he walked up and sat next to her "What did he do"
"nothing dad i did, i told him to ******** off,"
"now listen here young lady don't swear in fount of your mother" he said in a stern voice which just set her off with another fit of tears
"Babe, just stay out of it, I let you stay home tomorrow, will he be there, well get him suspended so you don't need to see him"
"i wont ******** see him, he was kidnapped as he left the school, it was my ******** falt, if it wasn't for me he would be at home not with some group holding him for ransom" she yelled as she got up and ran to her room slamming the door behind her
"News update, Jake Tyler was found alive by a crack team of investigators last night" Sarah got up and ran to the door "Mum i need a lift" she yelled as she grabbed the keys and ran to the car, her mum ran out behind her "whats the rush?"
"They found him safe" she said as her mum started the car.
she ran up the front stairs and threw the open door and right into his arms "I'm sorry, I love you, please forgive me" she blurted out just before he kissed her
"I forgive you, and i love you too"
they walked into school together, hand in hand Sarah s friends met up with them and as they went past Jake's they started to walk with them to the spot were Sarah and her friends usually sit, Sarah sat in front of Jake with his arms around her. they kissed and everyone made comments
"get a room you two" some one yelled
Sarah sat up in bed "Oh please god" she said as she slowly grabbed her remote and tuned on the tv a picture of a body bag being pulled out of a house was all she saw before she saw Jake's mother and father standing near the police car, they were crying, sarah stood up and walked to the window, then her door swung open as her mum walked in looked at the tv and put her arms around her and whispered "I'm so sorry"
she said something else but Sarah didn't hear it
- by Kitten the Evil Overlord |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/21/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Boy Meets Girl.
- Artist: Kitten the Evil Overlord
- Description: Not as good as 'Unreturned' and as I was reading I noticed a lot of spelling mistakes and Grammatical errors and I tried to go through with the spell check on here but I don't think I got it all. So sorry, I wrote this story down on paper but couldn't be bothered to type it up so I got a friend to do it, and it turns out that it was a bad idea, sorry again. But please enjoy. Oh and if you want to know about the title, PM me.
- Date: 08/21/2008
- Tags: chat girlfriend
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- mentalmaddie - 08/25/2009
- omg that was so good! i got a little confused sometimes but i got it in the end lol. im confused tho, did she dream that they found him safe or after they found him safe he died im confused!
- Report As Spam
- Jilly-the-Bean - 12/14/2008
- omg!! that is sooooo sad!!!
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- Gender Bender Man - 08/22/2008
It's cool =) - Report As Spam