Five W's and How?...Chapter 3
There could sometimes be anger instead of sorrow...
Amber rolled over and fell off the bus bench, immediately waking up, startled. Then, out of nowhere , she heard someone say
"Hey, buddy, you alright?"
She looked up and saw a figure looking down at her, but she couldn't tell what he looked like at all because the sun was causing her to squint.
"Are you alright?" He asked again, sounding more curious than conserned.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks."
"You need some help getting up?"
"Oh yeah, that would help, haha, thanks." She held up her hand and he grabbed it firmly and pulled her to her feet.
"Thanks." Once she was up, she saw it was a teenager, about 16 or 17. Her age. And he looked a bit like a skater, the kind of guys that liked to throw food at her during lunch...the kinds that always crushed her crushes.
"Don't metion it. Hey, uh, no offense, but, are you, like, a hobo or something?"
"Well, I guess you could say that. I have no home at the moment, but i'm not broke. Then again I don't have a job."
"You need a job? I'll give you one."
"Really!? You could get one for me!?"
"Sure. At 2:00 come to the resteraunt on Bucking St."
"Resteraunt? You want me to be a waitress!?", Amber was getting excited just thinking about it. She'd always wanted to work as a waitress as her part time job.
"Haha right, a waitress, you're funny. Well, see yah in an hour! I'll be there waiting."
Amber wondered what he meant when he said she was funny when she asked if he was gonna give her a job as a waitress. Oh, well, she thought, at least she was gonna get a job. Now all she had to do was do a good job at work, then save up until she had enough to buy a plane ticket. She still had an hour before going so she packed up her blanket then unpacked some of the food she brought. After eating, she went into the local McDonalds then went in the restrooms to change into some fresh clothes and to use the restroom. At 1:28 she decided to go and find the resteraunt, just incase it was far, she didn't want to be late.
It turned out that Bucking St. was right around the block so she made it right on time. She spend about 20 minuted trying to get away from a crazed weiner dog.
When she went in she saw the guy who had offered her the job, chatting with a group of guys, probobly his friend. He glanced up and saw her then called out, "Hey, Miguel! Our new bustgirl is here!"
When Amber heard him say "bustgirl" she winced then stammered out "B--bu-bustgirl?"
he guy (he hadn't even told her his name) walked over to her; he was holding a white aprron. Hey, uh, girl. Ah haha, man, I don't even know your name yet! My names Dylan, by the way. And you are?"
"Ah, my name's Amber...I guess..."
"Wow, that's a pretty name.", Amber blushed at that. "Anyways, here's your aprron. C'mon and follow me so I can introduce you and show you your new job."
She follwed him through a push door, holding her new uniform with disgust, and into a room that smelled like onions, garlic and spoiled beef.
"Ugh! What is that SMELL!?"
"Haha, that rank smell is the remains of yesterdays breakfast, lunch and dinner, babygirl! Welcome to your new work station!"
Amber looked around at the stinky room. It had a row of sinks. Next to the sinks was a converorbelt that Dylan said the dishes were going to come through and in the back of the room against the wall, there were lots of cabinets probobly filled with sponges and soap. In the far corner, theres was some sort of shoot.
Dylan then began to show her where everything was. She was right about the cabinets but, as they came closer to the shoot, Amber smelled the stench getting stronger within each step.
By the time they reached it, the smell had become unbearable.
"And this, as you can see, or in this case SMELL, haha, is where you will throw away all the left overs."
Amber thought she was gonna puke or faint or both!
"I..have never...in all my life....smelled ANYTHING more.....repulsive.....than this. It's enough to make yu never want to eat....again."
"Ahahahahaha! Then you might wanna wear a gas mask.", Dylan joked.
"You wouldn't happen to have one would you?"
"Haha sorry, no. ut, don't worry, You get used to the smell.....eventually. Well anyways, my shift is about to start and so is yours. If you need any help, I'll be out in front at the register. Good luck!"
"Thanks!" I'm gonna need it, she thought.
Amber put on the aprron, then went over to the converor belt to wait for the dishes to start passing by. At first, it was easy to get the dishes then put them in the sink and wash them. But, then more and more dishes started coming and they were going faster and faster until finaly Amber just started swepting armloads into the sink. Unfortunately, most of them landed on the floor instead of the sink. That's when Dylan came in to check on her.
"Hey, Amber, how are you doing in he-."
Dylan stopped short when he saw Amber standing there covered in soapy foam and water. She smiled sheepishly afraid that he was gonna yell at her or fire her. But, instead of yelling, she was caught off gaurd when Dylan started craking up!
"AHAHAHAHAH! Oh my God!!!!! AHAHAHAH! What HAPPENED to you!?"
"Uh...the dishes were going too fast..."
"Ahahaha! Thats why you turn down the speed with this knob!" Then, he cranked down a knob which was set on high then turned it down to low.
"I told you to ask me if you needed help. You didn't you come look for me?"
"Uhh I guess it slipped my mind." Truthfully, she didn't want any help and she wanted to prove to her boss that she could do a good job without any help.
He sighed and then said,"Well, anyways, your shift is over. You might wanna wash off in the restroom."
"Heheh uh, right." Embarrased, Amber walked toward the restroom.
Once she was washed off, she walked out of the restroom, and was suprised to see Dylan standing there waiting for her.
"Hey! Are you hungry?"
"Yeah, a little." She was really starving.
"C'mon let's get something to eat! We get to eat for free."
"Okay, sure!"
"Cool!" He took her by the hand and led her to the table that he was at earlier where he was talking to those guys. And they were still there.
"Hey, guys! This is Amber. Amber, this is Jake, Eli, Chris, and Rio."
"Umm hi.", Amber said shyly.
"Hey, what's up cutie?", said Rio.
"Rio, shut up your gonna scare her away!" joked Chris.
"You're the one to talk! You scare everyone else away with your ugly butt-face!"
"Both of you! Shuddup!", said Jake right before her slapped them both over the head.
Then, Eli piped up with, "Why're you starting with the violence Jake?" Then he smacked him upside the head.
"Why you little!" Then Jake started to STRANGLE Eli while Chris and Rio just kept insulting each other with lame comebacks.
"Uh, Dylan, are they always lie this?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, they're like this 24/7 but, every once in a while they can be pretty cool. So would you rather sit with these goofballs or would you rather go to another table and eat with me?"
"Huh. I think I'd rather sit elsewhere."
"Nice choice," Dylan said while watching Rio pour soda all over Chris's head while Eli squirted ketchup all over Jake's face.
With Dylan still holding Amber's hand, he led her to an empty table over by the window. They scooted into the booth and 2 minutes later the waitress came to get their drinks orders. A minute after the waitress left, Dylan was the first to speak.
"So, just out of curiosity, why were you sleeping on a bus bench?"
"It's a long story..."
"Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to hear it."
"...Okay...well here it goes..."
Amber told him all about how she found out that she was abducted when she was a baby, that her supposed "parents" didn't want her and they were going to kill her andhoe she snuck out of the house, and that now she had to find out who her real family was by going to Mexico.
"So that's why it seems that at the moment, it seems I'm kind of homeless."
"Wow. That really sucks. Do you atleast have any clues?"
"Only a few. But, I think the biggest hint I've got is this newpaper that I found in a closet at the house. I found it when I was about 7 but, the parents never wanted me to find it. I snagged it right before I left the house though."
"How does a newspaper help you?"
"Well I'm not entirely sure but, I remember when I was 7 and I found it, the front page headline said that 2 little girls went missing in a hotel in Mexico. And why would the parents keep that anyway? And, why would they not want me to see it?"
"Good point. Wait. The front page? Havn't you looked through the whold paper yet?"
"No. I was too tired to do anything at 2:30 a.m. and I havn't gotten too read it read it yet."
"Well what are you waiting for? Read it now!"
"Okay, okay!"
Amber opened up her bag then pulled out the newspaper. Dylan anxiously awaited to find out what it said.
"C'mon, what does it say, what does it say!?"
"Shh," she held up her finger while she read. Then she gasped.
"What? WHAT!?"
No answer.
Dylan was by her side in a second and began reading what she had just read. That's when he saw what had shocked Amber.
"Woah. Dude....Amber....ar-are you...okay?"
He finally looked at her. He expected to see her in tears. Instead, he was surprised when he saw what was flowing in her eyes.
To be continued...
Five W's and How?...Chapter 3
Chapter 3! X3 I hav wored so hard on this story!! Please people comment and rate my story!!!!!!!! PLEASE! anyways enjoy!!
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