the unmasked atkuski chapter 1
Shisui's P.O.V.
It's another great day. The sun was shining and not a single cloud in the sky. Who knew the Naruto universe was so peaceful? Remembering that this was the shinobi world I felt wary. Enemies could be hiding in the bushes or in their secret hideout. As I keep walking, I reached a ravine with a river below it. Ah! The Akatsuki hideout! Not much of a hideout now that every Naruto fanatic knows about it. What? I watch the anime so you didn't expect me to not know where their secret lair is do ya? Now on with the story. I noticed that the entrance was open. But I just watch from afar to see what happens.
Normal P.O.V.
Few minutes passed still nothing happened. Shisui was bored out of her mind so she took out her sketchpad and pencil. She started to draw, draw, draw........ Oh to hell with it! Nothing happened it was like that for a few hours until Tobi came out screaming," Tobi is a good boy!" Followed by Deiara who looked like hell bent on skinning him alive. " Tobi you idiot! I told you my explosive clay isn't Playdoh!" he screamed.
The two went on a wild goose chase for a while until Deidara caught him and did this:
<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tobi%20and%20deidara/oto_sannin_lover/1515.jpg?o=227" target="_blank"><img src="http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t87/oto_sannin_lover/1515.jpg"></a>
Out of the blue XD (Kisame: Knock it off! Shisui: Hey I didn't do anything wrong,sharky! Kisame:*grumbles*) Sasori appeared before the two and looked pissed about something. He stopped Deidara from strangling Tobi before he really does kill him and whispered something barely audible to the human ear. The other two nodded and teleported.
Shisui dropped her sketchpad after they disappeared. She looked dumbfounded until she saw an orange blur running toward her direction and disappeared in a flash. "Oi, you there. What are you doing here?," she heard the voice behind her. She looked at voices direction only to see Deidara.
the unmasked atkuski chapter 1
Naikorasu shiddin
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