"What do you mean 'I was waiting for that chance'."asked Lank."Well my father always told me stories about how a montour killed my great grandfather when he was on a hunting trip with him,but I always thought he was lying because afterall,minatours are suposed to be a myth.But now that I saw that one,I beleive him.""Look!Light!Were almost out of the swamp!""Finally."
So now as the team makes it out of the swamp,all of them fine except for a hurt knee,they head to the village of Frange."Hopefully they have a doctor in Frange."said Shan.
Now as they arive in Frange the villagers direct them to the doctor."Oh,I see.It will only take a few stiches."said the docter."Great."said Ether.
About fifteen minutes later the doctor came back and said,"Ok,hes as good as new,now that'll be 1,000 lavenders.""But we only have 79."said Lung."I have three in my pocket."said Ether."Well then,you,ll have to spend a month cleaning for me.""Come on guys,I guess we have to."said Ether as he turned around."Is that the Legion?"
"Yeah,why?"asked Ether."Your father helped me rid this hospital of ice raptors.I'll let you go for free.""Really!""Yes,of course,anyone related to Maxius I can help for free.""Thanks.And were trying to get to the Blue Dragon,do you know where to go next?""Right through Fire Canyon,but be careful,there are fire golems."
So now the team heads torwards Fire Canyon to continue there adventure.Join us next for the fourth chapter of Blue Dragon.

Comments (3 Comments)
- The Milkster - 09/19/2011
- hella short >.<
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- Nod Fanatic - 07/31/2008
- montour? do you mean minotar? or monster?
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- Angry emo_panda - 07/31/2008
- [1st] and who's the legion and i want to know more about maxius and the ice raptors but good story
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