In a haze of bright light tomorrow shed a shred of hope for dreams to come. The dreams to come were everything he ever wanted. Of course, maybe he was to young then for them even to come to mind, but he had to dream at least. The image that came to mind was a child being held. His smile jubilant and strong, while his eyes bright and pondering. Jason Ezekiel Jacobs, never thought this dream would keep him alive.
Jason was born a new light to his parents world. Each day seemed as more exciting than the other. As he grew he did all the things any child would do from playing catch with his father at the park, to accidentally hitting a baseball through a window. Each day was new and interesting, but on some days his parents found him alone and to himself.
“What is on that kid’s mind?” His father grunted to his wife. Jason’s thoughts filled with dreams and new beginnings each time he wondered off on his own. His dreams were of becoming a supper hero like Captain America, or a fireman, an astronaut, or maybe a fighter pilot.
Days went on, as days always seem to pass quickly in this world. Jason grew to be only a few years older until he found himself starring at a butterfly in it’s gentle flutter. He had not a friend to spare, but his mind was always wondering. He was a boy of only ten years at this point. The world had gone through it’s wars long before his father’s time and all that was left was a hope for peace. His father now said that he was wise and kind in the ways of how the world grew with him. But some days he found his son to be saddened by something, it grew within him slowly killing him.
The first thought that came to Jason’s mind, in the mid July sun, were how the clouds had looked. He lied in the waves of Illinois tall grass as sounds of insects filled his ears. His heart beat with a love of the world around him. And joy was the only emotion his eyes could give. Shed more light down upon me. he thought to himself as the butterfly he pondered at flew out of view. In loving the world he knew a sense in the beauty of God. In his heart he believed that god had a purpose for him, but he could never put a finger on it. A long ago dream played upon his mind of the child in his older arms, and wondered what it meant.
His eyes began to grow heavy as the warmth of the sun grew. He didn’t want to drift off to sleep, yet the heart was to demanding, as the hum of the insects set his mind to rest and the world before him began to haze and blur.
He awoke to the night sky upon him, while a cool breeze gently hit his face. His breathing was heavy as though he had awoken from a nightmare. The chirps of crickets filled the field as he got to his feet.
“My father is going to kill me.” he said as it dawned on him that he was to help his father with the field work that day. The world before him glowed in textures of blue and aquamarine as the moon’s glow was the brightest it had been in a long time. He looked to the stars and saw the universe in all it’s immaculate beauty. Suddenly the sky raged in a booming voice.
“I seek the small son, a farmers boy. Are you he?” Asked the sky to Jason. The stars upon the sky began to move as one collided into another. The grass had been blown roughly when the voice had spoken, and Jason looked to the sky frightened and dumbstruck. In later days the voice would change to an angel in stories that would pass through the town. Jason stood before the sky feeling as though he could never understand the world that this existence knew. “Are you he?” raged the sky once again.
“I-I-I am Jason.” The chaos of the sky calmed as he echoed his name.
“Young pilgrim son, fear not, harm will not become you tonight.” the voice was humble and soft.
“Who are you?” he asked as the voice that had spoken had calmed him immensely.
“I? I am the love, the heart, the beating soul. I am the dream for tomorrow, yet you know me already. You’ve studied me in the sky, and the wind waved trees. I feel I do not have to give you my name.”
Jason’s heart beat with the lover’s soul. A soul that, in time, would lead him to find that he was more important to the world than the world gave him credit for. As the beauty of the milky way’s cascading light shed down upon him. He found himself understanding God more this night than any other.
“What do you want?” he asked, hoping not to sound irritated.
“Love the world.”
“What?” He stated bewildered
“Love the world, so that the heart that will plague you can set itself to ease. Love the world.” The wind whispered the final sentence, as the boy stood amongst the sky in his boyhood field. That would in later days be barren.
In the days to come he pondered the words told to him by the night sky, and wondered why. Why love the world when already in his heart it was adored so strongly. When time would pass it would pass as though the sun never set. Summers came and brought on their falls then chilled to winter.
Then on a day he would never forget he stood once more amongst the field of his childhood. He stood there only pondering, gazing out to the endless blue sky. He was twenty two by this time in his life and he smiled a final smile.
On a day that he would never forget, and a day that would never forget him. He stood there.
“Love the world.” he laughed as tears began to form around his eyes. He rubbed his bald head and wondered if he was going to vomit soon.
“You told me to love the world lord. You told me to love the world and my only question is… Did I do it?”
A faint wind flew against his body as though a light angel’s caress.
“I know it was just a kids wild dream that you spoke to me from the heavens, but I still think you can hear me. That’s all I need.” the sun grew bright orange as it neared it’s setting.
A Field Of Heaven
A young boy who loved his world
rests amid his field of heaven.
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