As The light in her room began to Fade so did the one of her life , to live a vampire, a hunter of the night prowling for blood or to die , being nothing more but a faded memory that stuck through her family's heart. In the end she had no choice she would live as a vampire. All this started in June 3 1598 when her mother passed away and her father leaving them for the new wife he had. They sat there on the street corner. Being ignored like dust in the wind. A teacher of an academe stopped seeing two orphans. One was 7 years old the other 16. He would let the little girl in the academe but the sister would pay by working around the school yard.
When they got there every one ignored the older sister, Emma but they loved her little sister Julie. Emma had long black hair, emo glasses, ice blue eyes, and not really pale skin. They lived there for 2 years. Emma had been. Married off the same year they came but the man gave her back to them with burses all over. Her sister Julie was ever more liked then she could be. She was ignored as people walked by her. Her sister long black hair blue eyes and a sweet smile charmed the school.
One day it started to rain more like pour but you get it. Emma ran out side to get the plant cover so they would be safe. As she went back she had to swim but it was too hard for her body. She was found about dead the next day, so that’s how every thing began. She watched the time tick by slowly knowing ten-minute she would die. A voice spoke from the dark "oh how a pity. One dying is a horrid sight" a man spoke comely but she just spoke in a voice that sounded pitifully “no one cares for the girl who hides in darkness” her last word she spitted out in agonizing pain. He looked at her thoughtfully "I guess I’ll help you” she stared at him confused but listened “give me you’re hand" she obeyed and watched him bite her hand. Then he cut his own he held her bleeding hand with his and watched her transform.
Her eyes turned yellow, her hair smoothed out, white fangs grew in her mouth, her skin became pail and she begins to grow strength. He stared at her as she took her glasses to see the world in complete darkness. She stood up gracefully and went to a full mirror. She grabbed a shirt and pants from her closet and slipped off the night gown he looked shocked to see scars all over her bare back as she slipped on the shirt and pants. She turned around looking like a poor peasant. "We will have to leave this place" he spoke looking down.
He looked a bit ashamed for staring but she just nodded He picked her up off the ground and he jumped out the window that was in her room. He held on to her close as he dashed into the darkness they finally landed on the ground to a huge mansion. At the time only candelas light the house as she walked in and wandered with curiously she noticed he was very grave when they were in the house. "I wonder whets wrong” she thought quietly to her self she broke the silent
"You have a beautiful house ummm...." " its Damon" he interrupted " This house was my great grand-mother's " everything went silent again and then a man jumped Through the window above the door Emma jumped back " begonia you beastly craters" the man was a vampire hunter shouted holding a cross in one hand and a sword in the other. "Damn it you're the one that barged into Damon's house so back off “Emma growled at him but he just smirked and Try to hit her but surprisingly he missed as she flipped in the air he looked at her with shock as she smirked and jumped in the air and kicked him in the head. She watched as he went Flying they stood there Emma was angry so she ran off the man watched her run.
She ran remembering her first love, remembering how ice cold they both were. He yelled at her like the others, he had expecting her to curl up and wail about it. She looked at him as he went to hit her she ducked and kicked him. They fought for hours but the one that was hurt was the man. she stopped running and hid in a house that was so dark she stood there as she went into to a deep slumber as dawn was gone all was left was darkness. Emma stood there getting ready for the hunter to come. He walked in with Damon past out. He dragged him to a corner by his long black hair.
She looked down with her eyes closed and then looked up with her eyes blood red he ran towards her to hit Emma but she jumped and hit the floor she glared at him then she grabbed a sword that was near by and stabbed him in the stomach he stood there in shock. "You never attack me or deny of my family and stay alive b***h. You will die after they find out" his last his words were in anger. Emma stood up and helped Damon and took him back to the mansion to take care of his wounds. She felt liked that she owed him something for running away from that fight. She felt her tears running down her face, she whipped them with the dirty shirt and continued to walk and herd him awake. They stopped walking as he spoke “damn a*****e I will kill him." he scolded as he took out two needles” what’s wrong? " he looked at her worried.
She went to speak but fainted. When they got there he noticed somebody was knocking on the door he was worried cause the sight of a man holding a girl with blood all over both of them was not a good sight so he ran into the house. He put Emma down and dumped water on his head to get rid of anything suspicious. He answered the door. To see a lintel girl who looked allot like Emma before but younger. Excuse me sir but I am looking for my sister. She went missing. I know they haven’t barred her because the coffin stays empty. I know that’s weird to say but see she was dying and we knew this so she couldn’t have got up and walked off, she was too weak. .............. Speaking of weak you look as if you are going to pass-out. Are you okay? He shook his head " I am fine and I have not seen you're sister I am sorry I have to go bye" he closed the door as Emma walked by "who was that?' she asked she was worried cause he stood there for along time.
"you're sister " he spoke comely as she widen my eyes and she ran to see her but he held her back. " let me go I have to see her!" she screamed " let go! " he was strong even when weak. He found poison earlyer that’s why he was cursing. "she won't notice you!' he took her to a mirror and all she saw in the reflection a young teen ,18 years old with pink hair , yellow eyes , thin figure , a face with pure beauty and a man behind her holding back as if the reflection would jump out and kill her any moment. He let go as she stood there surprised with what happened. She backed away from the mirror and tears formed in her eyes as she collapsed and wiped. He walked up to her and held on to her humming a song that reminded her of mother cause it was one her mom sang. It soothed her pain.
Then a noise came from out side then a scream. They both ran out with coats covering there bloody cloths and saw a girl with a knife in her stomach. Emma noticed her to be her sister Julie. "No!" she screamed as she ran towards her little sister dead body. “who did this?!" she screamed at the crowed as she lifted her hand off the wound. They all looked at her half soaked and half afraid of what she would do. no one came out and spoke so Emma gave in and picked her sisters dead body up then spoke with a hateful voice " if I fid out who did this , I will kill them." as she took the body in the back and put in a coffin that she had for a reason she did not know. She buried the body. They both went inside. Emma watched as they left with fear in there souls and closed the curtain. She knew daylight would soon come. Damon left as Emma sat there by the piano and played the ton he hummed and her mother sang. He came back with two glasses and a wine bottle well it looked like wine. She stooped placing and looked at him with curiosity “this is an alterative to blood, it is called red wine. Humans drink it like normal wine but us vampires drink it like blood. Here".
He handed her a full glass. She sipped it quietly. She stopped then spoke “you know if you fix this place up we could have a better chance of not being freighted of. But that means it would be a good idea to go out during day light cause we might meet people" she excited about meeting new people and starting a new clean life. He looked at her and smiled. " come here I want to show you something" he guided her through the house and showed Emma a necklaces with a big jewel that looked like a ruby in the middle one half had a cresset moon then that had a sun on it making it more of a medallion. On the moon there was onyx a black jewel and on the sun diamonds. He put it on Emma only thing that changed was her fangs. He put a ring on and his fang hid. He finally spoke " we are now more human then vampire. We can go out, we hunger human food and our fangs will stay hidden. we will have darker skin once we get used to the sun but once you take the necklaces off you will be back to normal but don't worry you won't have to try to darken you're skin if you switch taking off and on the necklaces."
He smiled as Emma smiled. She hugged him he stood shocked for a minute then hugged back. The days went by as Damon worked out side cutting down trees. By the first day Emma finished the inside. She went down to town by herself to get plants. She was in a white sun dress that went up to her knees, a white hat that covered the sun out of her eyes, no shoes, and her bag that was not very fancy for holding fruits. She walked around looking for plants and fruit. She was just finishing buying some apples as she thanked the vender. She looked over to see some kids skipping school. Emma walked over to them and spoke sweetly "why hello aren't you supposed to be in school?" They looked at her with caution and yelled at her "yeah but what’s it to you? rich b***h!" she ignored the last comment " hmm well I was going to give this bag of apples if you went to school but I guess I’ll give them to the animals" Emma spoke still sweetly as she pretended to walk off.
The kids looked at each other and ran in front of her and all spoke at once “no, no, no, no, we'll go to school, ma'am." They guided her to the school and let her in as the teacher looked up. She looked stressed. She had that look on her face that spoke “what should I do " but it faded as she saw Emma with the kids.”Good morning ma'am I brought you’re students and they promise to behave now" Emma spoke sweetly as she gave the kids apples they all nodded as they ate there apples. Emma smiled at the teacher as she left. She had helped 10 people other then tat teacher before lunch. She went back to the house at 1:30 pm. Damon was siting on the porch with some water as he sipped he noticed Emma come back. She was in a good mood so it put him in one too, to see her smile made all his worries go away. She walked up to him."
I found some plants, fruit and we got a wagon with horse. “She spoke as she patted the horse's head demon helped her put the fruit inside and he sat down as he watched her make something she finally turned around with a pitcher full of lemonade. The sat there and ate some turkey, kern and mashed potatoes. The days went on as the house and the village began to look better. When they were done with the house both Emma and demon went down to town and helped. The people began to know the couple everyday a little more.
The days passed on as the town became to be more beautiful then ever. Emma had many ideas and each on they loved defiantly the orphanage. Rich people began to come but they still looked down at the villagers like dirt. One cool fall night Emma was closing up a shop she built. Then a man came up to her. She turned around to see who it was and was shocked to see a vampire. He had short blond hair, a crazed look in his eyes and his fangs showed very clearly “my you are pretty for a human shall make you my queen and we'll both make this town our realm of darkness.” Emma was lifted up by her neck unable t fight back she was frightened. Then he was in shock to see a sword in his gut and to watch the blood drip out of him as he began to lose all color and finally crumble into ash.
Emma fell on her knees and with fear she sobbed and felt Damon hold her in a warm embrace. The days passed on as Emma and demon were always together or Emma was with someone. School was out and kids ran around playing but a kid named mike was looking for a job to keep food on his plate. Emma found him and hired him to be there to help, “Damon I am going fishing this evening. I am going to give some of the fish to the orphanage and some to mike whatever is left we’ll have. So will you get a fishing pole at the store and I will meet you at the town center. Okay?" he nodded. Emma went to town center where her store was. She saw a woman pick on a child. she was a rich woman with brown eyes, brown curly hair in a bun and a white silk strapless dress that went up to her lower thighs.
Emma looked at her with disgust as she helped the little girl up. “Hmp why help that child up she deserves what she got. I mean they all deserve what they get so why help them? This town is a dump, it's dammed “she started to laugh but Emma was not amused. She went up to the lady and pushed her down like the lady pushed the kid "Alli, when did this lady started to tease you?" Emma spoke comely as she watched the lady look at her with shock. “Yesterday, when you're back was turned she pushed me in the water, and put dirt in my hair.” Alli whispered to Emma. She looked at the lady and kicked dirt at her. Her dress which was whit was a light brown “that looks like that dirt won't come out. Oh did I hurt you’re feelings like you did to this kid? Pfft that’s nothing compared to what this kid feels ".
Emma smiled at every one as they started to laugh at her. She whimpered as Emma begins to walk to her shop and every one else there own beusness. Alli followed Emma. As Emma herd a man yell “Margaret, what’s the matter?” Emma stared at the ground and Alli stared at the couple as Emma herd Margaret whimpers “Michel some b***h pushed me down...” Emma began to ignore once she herd the word “b***h " cause she knew Margaret would tell a lie to her husband Michel. Then Michel stood up and screamed at Emma “hey! How dare you hit my wife and kick dirt at her she did nothing to you, b***h!" Emma smiled and Alli looked at her confused. Emma stood there and spoke with out turning around “yeah I did that, the reason is she bullied my friend, and no one bullies a friend of mine"
Alli smiled when Emma said this and watched as she continued “she called my town names and I won’t accept that." Emma a turned around. And his face came from angry to ridicule as if he was a kid who saw a meal that was made just for him. he wiped the drool of the corner of his lips and straighten up as if to be a gentleman " who may I say is you're name?" he spoke comely as his wife sat shocked on what she saw and Emma stood there with on emotion and her hands crossed “I am Emma and you are Michel, she is Margaret and I will not accept the fact you are flirting with me. I find that despicable."
He stopped and grew angry. "No wonder no one loves yo......" he stopped as he saw Damon. Damon spoke with anger “Emma is loved. I am surprised some one loves you but if I ever see you near Emma I will hurt you." Margaret stood up “see I knew it her and her boyfriend are both animals! And you both should be worked like animals." she smirked but Emma looked down with anger as Damon stepped out her way pushing Michel away. Damon stared as she spoke "I worked hard enough, but the only reason I am working now is cause of people like you! Horney old goats who spy on younger woman, who would dump his wife at drop of a hat just for envy pretty girl. You are not much better treating the poor like s**t! But in the end you will know how it is to be poor and no one would help you. The one who had kicked them around like dirt. Then you will be the one kicked like the dirt you are. “Emma and Damon walked off as Margaret stood up and began to sputter “is that a threat” Emma shook her head and spoke "not from me" Michel began to scream "you will pay for it! All of you will pay!"
Emma ignored as they opened the shop. She gave Alli a new dress she made. "Here I was planning on giving it to you and now seemed the best time." Emma spoke kindly as the girl thanked her. The young girl looked pretty in the white dress. She left as Emma switched the sign to open. Mike came in with a bag for fish. They worked as night came. the two of them, Emma and mike began to fish " look Emma I caught a big one!" mike yelled in a happy voice Emma smiled as they put more fish in the bag. Emma twitched as she herds some noise behind her and someone grabs her but it was just Damon joking around. She smiled as they both stood up. Mike ignored as Damon kissed Emma on the lips she grabbed hers and Damon’s fishing pole she handed Damon his as they began to fish. "Damon! look how much fish we caught" mike spoke in a cheerful voice they both smiled but then Emma and Damon both stopped and looked up "something’s coming" Emma spoke comely " and its angry right?" Damon spoke after her taking the fishing polls and handing them to mike. He grabbed the fishing bag and helped Emma up. She looked over and saw Michel and what looked like a younger version of the vampire hunter.
The man spoke to Michel he shook his head and then they agreed on some thing. “I am john the hunter of the night. “He took a sword out and smiled “for both my pain and this man's pain I will kill him" he spoke as he pointed the sword at Damon. They fought for awhile then the sword went into demons heart. John took it out and watched him fall. "No" Emma whispered and ran towards Damon she petted hi hair as tears fell down her eyes "no not again no please you're all I got!" Emma screamed mike knew what she mint and how she felt but hers was worse. The two men laughed at her ten mike screamed at them “you don't know how she feels! She lost everything! Her mother, father, sister brother, friends and now she is losing the one she loves how dare you laugh you haven’t felt as much pain as she has! What has she done to you Mr. John the hunter if the night?" He stared at Emma as she cried over Damon’s dying body. “She killed my dad! The only one I had!" he stopped as Damon spoke his last words “I am sorry Emma I couldn’t be with you longer “then his body turned to ash as his cloths layer there. Emma grabbed his ring and put it on the chain that held her maudlin and the charm her sister gave her. She picked up the black shirt and pants. The ash came out and blew trough the wind like Damon would have wanted. “You killed a vampire" Emma spoke "so I guess I will be seeing you. I mean it is true like vampires, vampire hunters are also cursed" Emma walked away with Damon’s cloths and was never seen again.
- by Emily Twlight |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/15/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Ice cold
- Artist: Emily Twlight
- Description: death love and hate all mixed in one story
- Date: 07/15/2008
- Tags: vampires love hate
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Comments (2 Comments)
- LAPERLADELSUR - 07/15/2008
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- A Cotton Picker - 07/15/2008
- you're supposed to make a new paragraph in the case of character speech except in special cases. you have none. boo.
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