Did You Hear ? She Made The Playboy Cry !
Chapter Eleven: Assignment
Angelina P.O.V
I walked into homeroom this morning, early two days in a row. Just as I sat down my phone went off, I pulled it out quickly trying to ssh it until I saw it was a call from my dad, the first I’d got since he left 2 weeks ago.
“Sorry miss I have to take this it’s important” I said before hurrying out the room. I heard the class chuckle behind me; it isn't that funny is it?
“Hello” I answered.
“Hey Lina, how’s it going?” He asked. I sobbed at the sound of his voice I missed him.
“I miss you daddy, its going fine I’m getting better, I’ve stopped cutting” I lied, I glanced down at my healing scars.
“That’s good, have you thrown away the blade ? Remember the steps the psychiatrist told you to take, you’re never fully healed until you can live without the blade for a while”
“Okay, I don’t think I can yet, I still feel like I need it there, maybe in a couple days, when everything’s all sorted with my friends”
“Why what’s happened?” he asked immediately alert.
“Nothing yet, he’s just keeping secrets and I’m coming between him and his friends, when I’m through all that, I’ll throw it away, he’s actually helping me get better”
“Really what’s his name?”
At that point I saw him walking down the corridor hand in hand with the brunette girl and on his other side was Josh. I watched them; I just realized she was quiet pretty, way prettier than me. I turned green with jealousy. Not literally but inside I did.
Wait . Why was I jealous? Was it because his friends preferred her over me? Was it because...no it couldn’t be, forget that. She smirked at me before sticking her tongue down Zaine’s throat. I watched disgusted.
“Angelina, Lina are you there?” My dad called from the phone but I wasn’t listening.
Zaine pulled back and bumped fists with Josh, “Later man” he said, before groping her bum and letting her pull him into homeroom, the whole time he ignored me. When he was gone I turned to see Josh grinning at me.
He stepped closer to me putting his mouth next to my ear “Bro’s before hoe’s remember that .” he hissed walking away. I stared after him; I placed the phone back to my ear.
“His names Zaine, and were no longer friends” I whispered.
3 weeks later and I hadn’t spoken a word to Zaine, not even the odd smile here and there. When we walked past each other in the corridor we completely ignored one another. Josh thought it was funny to smirk at me every time it happened. Stephanie was bummed, and after a while I started to get bored of the same talk every lunch time. It was either;
“Look Lina, Zaine is playing football with the guys on the field” Or it was....
“Look Lina Zaine's got a new girl” Or...
“Look Lina, Zaine’s staring at you, I think he still likes you” Her favorite one of the moment.
I sighed annoyed “Look can we change the subject, I’m sick and tired of everything revolving around him, everywhere you go everyone you talk to only has something to say about him .”
“And the only reason you notice that is because you can’t admit you have feelings for him .”
“Stephanie, you know how I feel about guys .”
“But that doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings for him does it, if you don’t, prove it .”
“I’m not going to go round kissing people, that didn’t work out the last time I did .”
Steph sighed “And that right there is further proof that you two like each other, even Jordan could tell .”
“Well I don’t care, I’ve sworn off of guys, I’m going to join the church and become a nun”
“Well that would be a waste .” A voice from behind me said. I looked up to see Zaine.
Stephanie and I were sitting out by the back field, Zaine stood over us, casting a shadow, blocking out the lovely sunlight we had. I suddenly got angry at the sight of his face. I stood up.
“Zaine you can’t keep chopping and changing, I’m not your b*tch . You can’t keep talking to me one minute and then treating me like a disease the next, if you’re not gonna have a backbone and stand up to your friends it’s fine, but don’t pull me along for the ride, it’s not nice and people’s feelings get hurt .”
I threw my bag over my shoulder and stalked off; it felt like I’d been doing a lot of that lately. I sat down by an oak tree far away from Zaine and Stephanie, I could see them. They were having an animated conversation. Someone plopped down next to me. For f*ck sake can’t people leave me alone? I turned to see Josh grinning at me.
“What do you want b*stard?” I growled.
“Look, meet me back here during free lesson, I have something to tell you, don’t be late .” He hissed before getting up and walking away. I sighed and wrapped my arms around my knees; it was never going to end was it?
“Votre, Miss Sheerwood, pourquoi? Avez-vous une raison suffisante?” (You’re late Miss Sheerwood, why? Do you have a good enough reason?) Mrs. Kingsley barked as I glided through the door ten minutes late.
“Nope I just am, sorry” I said taking my usual seat next to Zaine, I saw him snickering but I ignored him.
“Angelina, assez avec le chat retour, vous faire des devoirs supplémentaires pour la joue” (Angelina, enough with the back chat, you will do extra homework for your check)
“Whatever” I grumbled under my breath.
She carried on teaching the class but I just zoned out, I wonder what Josh will tell me next lesson, and it had better be interesting. I was suddenly jolted out of my daze by Zaine’s shooting hand going up in the air.
“Zaine, who do you want to be partnered with?” Mrs. Kingsley asked him. I looked around stunned partnered with for what?
“Angelina please .” He said flashing me a grin. I just looked around dazed; I nodded not sure what I was agreeing to. Most of the girls were giving me evils but hey, it was nothing new.
“Come to mine tonight at 8 .” Zaine whispered into my ear.
I smiled I had a good excuse “Can’t . I’m going to Bianca’s party .”
He grinned “Guess I’ll see you there .” he turned to face the front a smile playing on his lips the whole time.
Damn, now I had to go he’d be on the lookout it was only an excuse, I didn’t think he’d be invited because I never see him and Bianca speak, but then again ‘King’ Zaine would be invited to everyone’s party. I didn’t go to the last one so I suppose this one is a make up one.
I walked over to the tree to see Josh waiting for me. Neither of us grinned when we saw the other. He sat down so I sat down; this had better not take too long, I wanted to get lunch and go hide from Stephanie somewhere.
“Well, I don’t want to be seen with you so ima tell it straight .” He said.
“Fair enough . Go for it .” I agreed.
“I don’t like you, I don’t like you because you changed Zaine, he used to be game for anything, and now he’s not, and the only thing he can think of is you. The guy gave up on the hoes for you, the drugs, totally arse falseness. He’s like the old Zaine the pre-Mason Zaine”
“Zaine didn’t give up any hoe’s for me I still see him with a new one every week, and who is this Mason chick, why are you all obsessed with her?”
“Yes he has, all that is for show, as soon as you’re out of sight he pushes them away and as for Mason, Zaine will tell you in good time...now I hate to say this, but your good for him, I wish I had someone to slow me down make me think before I do things, but I don’t so I just think f*ck it and do it anyway. What I’m trying to say is, talk to Zaine okay the only reason you guys don’t talk is because I lied to him, told him he’d become the whipped Mason-Zaine .”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I was losing him to you, but now I can see how depressed it’s making him, so you can have him, he’s my best friend so don’t f*ck about it, I’m sorry, but he’s all yours I won’t make any comments or stand in the way .”
He got up and walked off, I stared after him. Light rainfall began to fall and my light grey top started to go see-through, showing my purple bra underneath, I ran inside looking for shelter. I saw Josh talking to Zaine probably telling him the same thing he told me. I bowed my head and ran towards the canteen I was flipping hungry, and I didn’t want Zaine to see me.
Bianca’s house was full with over sweaty repulsive moving bodies, I’d dragged Stephanie with me. She looked grossed out. We were crashing at mine after because her mum would never let her come to the party. And I had a free card so we were having a sleepover.
I couldn’t see Bianca anywhere. Or Zaine. Or Josh. For that matter I was in a room full of strangers dancing my arse off with a bottle of...something in my hand. I took a swig and started grinding my hips against the person behind me. I looked round, I didn’t know him and I didn’t care.
I spotted Stephanie in a corner looking very sober and very scared, I staggered over to her. She caught me and held me up until I was sure I could stand on my own two feet without swaying and falling over.
“Hey drink this .” I said shoving my bottle at her.
“What is it?” She yelled over the loud music.
I shrugged “Dunno .”
She took a swig, and pulled a face “That’s disgusting .”
“I can’t really taste anything .” I said pulling her onto the dance floor. She wasn’t that bad a dancer, and after taking a couple more swigs of my disgusting tasting drink she was the one dragging me onto the dance floor.
“Stephanie calm down .” I yelled once she’d started drinking the liquid like it was tap water.
“I wanna get hammered .” She moaned, pulling some guy into a kiss. He looked surprised but I didn’t see him pulling away.
I needed some fresh air; I went into the garden and sat on one of the swings. I didn’t swing I just sat there. I took deep breathes, I liked the light breeze on my skin, I took my cardigan off, letting the breeze tingle across the skin on my arms. Suddenly the swing was pushed from behind, I gripped onto the side. I turned back to see a slightly out of it Matt.
“Hey Lina” He called “Zaine wants you, he needs to...to...”
He bent over and threw up on his shoes; I quickly jumped out the way disgusted. I didn’t even try to help him, it was that disgusting. I gathered up my cardigan and went back into the house; the smell of alcohol off of people’s breath hit me hard. I’d pretty much sobered up outside, and now I was feeling repulsed.
I pulled Stephanie away from the stranger’s lips and out into the front garden, I handed her my cardigan because she’d seemed to have lost hers. And it was my duty to get her home in one piece or her mum was going to kill me, I put her arm around her shoulder and started to tow her towards my house.
By the time we got to my house it was late, and Stephanie was sort of able to walk by herself, I had to hold her hand to lead her in the right direction. As we walked down my path, I felt something; something inside me told me something wasn’t right. All my senses were alert, looking, hearing sensing anything that shouldn’t be there.
I took a step closer to the door and intuition told me not to go any further. I felt Stephanie slump down to the floor. I turned to look at her; she was breathing heavily and closing her eyes while leaning against the wall. I turned back to the door to see a figure in front of me.
I didn’t scream I was too scared, in shock, whatever you wanna call it I just couldn’t scream. He smiled at me and took a step closer. Running his hands down my cheek.
“Jordan what are you doing here? Aren’t you meant to be in jail?” I whispered.
He smirked “Nope. I got let out due to lack of evidence, all they had was Zaine’s word. Nothing else”
“B-B-but” I stammered.
“But what, my mum didn’t know I’d left the house, she didn’t notice me sneak out and then back in, and she gave me an alibi”
I stood there horrified. “So why are you here?”
“I just wanted to give you a message to pass on. Tell your friend I’m back, and if he so much as lays I finger on you, I’ll do much worse damage. Can you do that?”
I nodded, I didn’t need to ask him what friend he meant, I knew exactly who he was talking about. Zaine. But it’s weird me and Zaine I don’t understand it, what we are, what we have is confusing. I just need to know what I mean to him. Am I a friend or not.
Jordan shoved past me and walked down the path. He stepped over Stephanie and just kept going. I quickly helped her up and we scrambled into the house. I turned all the lights on and checked every room. I went back to my room to see Stephanie passed out on my bed. I went into my dad’s room. I hadn’t been in here since he left.
There was a white box on the end of his bed. I picked it up and flicked through it, it was all the memories of me and Ayden I tried to throw out. I picked out Lola Rose, the stuffed elephant he got me from the zoo. I smiled at her, the memory of that day flooding back to me.
The taste of the ice-creams, the stench of the animals, the smile on his face as he watched my expression, when I was feeding the Zebra. I looked through the rest of the box and found the ring he’d given me, and all sorts of other little trinkets.
I put the ring on my wedding finger, and climbed into bed with Lola Rose. I looked at the ring; it showed my devotion to him, my vow to never love another, or make love with anyone else. I wanted to be Ayden’s and only Ayden’s forever. I smiled and rolled over.
“Goodnight Ayden”
It was at that point I should have noticed the person in the window watching me. But silly me, I didn’t.
- by NeverShoutAriana- |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/20/2010 |
- Skip

Comments (6 Comments)
- NeverShoutAriana- - 12/17/2010
- Im sorry. But I have sooo much things to doo. But im gonna post tomorrow. I PROMISE. (:
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- DecafKitten - 12/15/2010
- POST MORE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE?!!!
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- ThetaNine - 11/22/2010
- Jordan is a little f*cked up
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- PoisonousMoonlight - 11/21/2010
Gun! :'( Cliffhanger, oh cliffhanger, let your horrid patterns goooo! - Report As Spam
- NeverShoutAriana- - 11/20/2010
- Haha, yaaaa(: Jordan's what you call 'obsessive' xD
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- Serena1257 - 11/20/2010
- Yay first comment.... U r the queen of cliff hanging endings. and Jordan is really starting to freak me out.... cant wait for the next chapter
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