Saraneth was seating on top of Kibeth, sword in hand pointed at the direction of his heart. She locked her gaze with his and she saw his bloodshot eyes. But behind those eyes she saw warmth, comfort and home. she gripped the hilt of the sword too much that her hand began to change color into white. As she sat there, not determined to kill him, she remembered the day when they first met....
It was a fine day and Saraneth was seating by the river playing her harp of brass. As she plucked it's strings, she produced a fine, pure and rare song which caught the heart of her nearby admirer. Each day, Kibeth would wait for her, hiding at the bush by the river and he would listen to her play the harp with grace. But this day, he gathered courage to speak to her. So he approached her and said "You produce such pure and rare song which is hard to find these days. May i know the one who plays such beauty?" Saraneth was startled and replied "I am Saraneth, daughter of King Lirael. And how about you fine admirer?" She heard him chuckle. "I am Kibeth, son of King Morael." He replied and he sat beside her. They got to know each other until they bade goodbye and promise to meet again tomorrow. As days passed they started to meet at the exact place and soon they became lovers. But an unexpected event happened...
A traveler who visited both kingdoms and told their rulers that if they wage war among them, the winning kingdom will be granted it's ruler immortality. Both kings, whose hearts were filled with greed to become immortal, started to wage war every full moon at the place by the river, which is according to the traveler, has great power. Both lovers knew that they can't see each other again. But a very sad incident happened. Their fathers grew old and died. Before the kings died, they told both lovers to continue the war and win. The kings made them vow. A vow that broke their heart. A vow that would soon cost one of them their lives...
Saraneth shook this memory off but her father's voice rang in her ears..." Win for me. Promise me that you will become immortal. But to win, you must... Kill him." the last words hurt. But she must make a descision. If she didn't end this now, this will continue forever. So, She raised her hand, whispered "I love you... I'm sorry..." As she said this, she saw him smile and replied "I love you too.." With this, she plunged the sword to his heart...
The rain started to pour and the warriors stopped to look at what happened. then a dust, so bright and was glittering, came down from the moon and started towards Saraneth. She knew what this was. Immortality. The very thing that caused them their love and lives. Before it could reach her, she took Kibeth's sword and plunged it in her own heart. The light faded and the warriors gathered around their fallen rulers. They knew that the war has come to an end. So they buried their rulers as to how they ended...
Both lying dead, holding each others hand and smiling...
Harp of Brass
x-p A t h E t i C-x
Saraneth and Kibeth... Lovers who made vows to thier fathers to win and become immortal. But their vows would cost one of them their life. As the ruler of the winning kingdom saw that he/she was going to be immortal, an unexpected thing happened...
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