• Another word, another time
    In the century of the time corridor lies the face of death
    Ever present for all to see but you have hands for a reason
    Cover those eyes with those pretty little hands of yours

    There is nothing to see now
    It will be okay
    There is nothing to fear

    Look to the future and what do you see?
    Do you see the corridor of your dreams?
    No! You are far too gone to the blind state

    Lower your hands and what do you see?

    I really don’t want to
    Why should I?
    Why would you?

    My hands are made for blocking out the inner light that is just screaming to get out
    Very tough hands that will stop me from kicking and screaming by holding my mouth shut
    Just zipped up inside
    Forever zipped up inside

    I scream and I beg and cry to be let out and yet it does not listen
    Listen to me and let me out
    I will scream and shout
    I will mess around in your mind and tear you apart from deep inside

    Just longing to get out and be free
    Forever free for all eternity
    Open up the gate and let me out please

    I will not hurt you, like the hands do
    They are not your friend
    Only I am
    You know this to be true
    Because I am you
    You are me and together we are destiny ...
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