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  • Arenas
  • Murias Grey
  • Title: Murias Grey
  • Artist: Johnathan Fierce
  • Description: Murias Grey is my origional character.

    criticism is not needed as i have created him this way for a reason. if you knew the whole story you would understand.
    what he is wearing is not a dress but a long white leather trench coat. he's wearing clothes and boots underneath of that.
    he takes on a very feminine posture because he was raised like a princess. (again, something you have to know the story to understand)
    For my DeviantART -

  • Date: 06/03/2010
  • Tags: murias grey
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Cinnamonie - 06/03/2010
  • very beautiful indeed! 5/5 But I would have mistaken him for a girl, so some pointers:
    1. Must have broader shoulders, even if he is a very thin boy.
    2. Sometimes long garments work for males, but perhaps not in that particular shade of lavender.
    3. The facial expression and posture are very feminine, he may be kind and gentle, but still needs to appear somewhat assertive...
    4. The hair is beautiful, I ♥ it, but guys hair is not as soft and silky as a girls, so there should maybe be
  • I Be Athena - 06/03/2010
  • Over all it is beautiful, although it does look like a girl, especially with the dress (or it could be an old nightgown, who knows? [it'd be nice if you could post an explanation). Some ways to man-up your man is mainly to add a straighter body, but brodder shoulders, as the hips make him look feminine. Also, a smaller head is a good thing, and the long hair adds a girly touch, its best not to try that until they are much older, and more macho. Don't take this too harshly, as this is constructiv
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