Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • A little fantasy....
  • Title: A little fantasy....
  • Artist: Bilious
  • Description: My friend and my characters from a book we're writing (which has nothing to do with this picture, other than I used the characters) since I wanted to do soemthing of this nature without going through all that icky character design stuff... so yeah. Newt as a Drowish-looking bird-guy-thing.... and Astra as a cheaky elf. She already is a cheaky elf, but we won't hold that against her. I'm a dye-hard hobbit fan, so I feel bad. XD lol. anyhoo.. yeah. Did a really quick half assed coloring job,
  • Date: 12/16/2003
  • Tags: othersoriginal
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • fatal_rob0t - 07/15/2007
  • XD cheeky elf, huh? aaaah.. the good ol' days... I
    discovered that when I rp with you, I get more
    Mary Sueish than I do with anyone else, which
    disturbs me, but oh well. ^^ I still love this
    picture, by the by. Astra's way too narrow but
    eh.. that was the way I originally drew her, which
    is stupid.
  • H e n d o p e - 07/06/2007
  • try and talk about exactly what you like about the
    picture; is it the hair? the eyes? the

    if you are critiquing, start with
    something you like about the picture, then mention
    specifically what you don't like. (eg. the hair is
    too long, eyes are too big).
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