- Title: Happy Valentine's from ACT
- Artist: Kastral
These are my two original characters, Yoccuri and Ishiba, being all cutesy for Valentine's Day. I DO notice that Yoccu's feet are hovering off of the ground....that kinda sucks....but other than that, I like this pic.
P.S. In the title, ACT stands for "Angels Cry Too" which was a comic I was working on for a while that included these two~ - Date: 02/13/2004
- Tags: othersoriginal
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Comments (7 Comments)
- chicaofdoom - 02/14/2004
- thats really good, althouhg the necks are a bit too long for my taste, lols but i know how you feel when one person is taller than the other =^^;=
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- Original Korea - 02/14/2004
- AWW~ i espcizlly love the foxy thing in the corner. it's so~...^.^! Pink!
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- DREW_WAS_HERE - 02/14/2004
- I absolutly LOVE IT can u make me one?!?!?!
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- XDark_NightmareX - 02/14/2004
- Very cute! I like how they look, very cuteness to it. I love the fox though..o.O; want to hug it to death.
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- Koma-chan - 02/14/2004
- hehe the big feet are cute. and i like the girls green paint on the face, looks cool somehow !
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- Jortaro - 02/14/2004
- This is why I don't start writing my own stories [even thou I DO have four or five mangas going] I can never think of good charters and draw them to what I think is right. Good job thou
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- Lowenzahn - 02/14/2004
- ah! their so ceeooot!!! expecially the wittle foxy!!! i want one!
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